How to set up a data profile for APEX 21.1 REST Data Source with no row selector available - oracle

I'm using APEX 21.1 and have created a REST Data Source for a web service that returns a response in the following format:
1499040000000, // A time stamp
"0.01634790", // A value
.... etc.
1499040000100, // A time stamp
"0.01634799", // A value
.... etc.
The auto-discover function complains about not finding a row selector.
How do I manually set up a data profile for such a type of response?

Since this JSON structure is just a nested array, APEX cannot auto-discover that Data Profile. You can get it working as follows:
In the Create REST Source Wizard, use the "Create Module Manually" button
Edit the new REST Data Source
Click the Edit Data Profile button. You should see 3 pre-created columns.
Change the Row Selector to . (a dot)
Edit the first column
Change the column name to TIME_STAMP
Change the selector to [0]
Change the data type to NUMBER
Save the changes
Edit the second column
Change the column name to VALUE
Change the selector to [1]
Change the data type to VARCHAR2
Save the changes
Delete the third column
Save everything.
You should now be able to test the REST Data Source.
Does that help?


How to read an excel sheet and put the cell value within different text fields through UiPath?

How to read an excel sheet and put the cell value within different text fields through UiPath?
I have a excel sheet as follows:
I have read the excel contents and to iterate over the contents later I have stored the contents in a Output Data Table as follows:
Read Range - Output:
DataTable: CVdatatable
Output Data Table
DataTable: CVdatatable
Text: opCVdatatable
Finally, I want to read the text opCVdatatable in a iteration and write them into text fields. So in the desired Input fileds I mentioned opCVdatatable or opCVdatatable+ "[k(enter)]" as required.
But UiPath seems to start from the begining of the Output Data Table whenever I called for opCVdatatable.
Inshort, each desired Input fileds are iteratively getting filled up by all the data with the data stored in the Output Data Table.
Can someone help me out please?
My first recommendation is to use Workbook: Read range activity to read data from Excel because it is quicker, works in the background, and does not require excel to be installed on the system.
Start your sequence like this (note the add headers property is not checked):
You do not need to use Output Data Table because this activity outputs a string containing all row items. What you want to do instead is to access the items in the data table and output each one as a string in your type into, e.g., CVDatatable.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString, like so:
You mention you want to read the text opCVdatatable in an iteration and write them into text fields. This is a little bit more complex, but i'll give you an example. You can use a For Each Row activity and loop through each row in CVDatatable, setting the index property if required. See below:
The challenge is to get the selector correct here and make it dynamic, so that it targets a different text field per iteration. The selector for the type into activity will depend on the system you are targeting, but here is an example:
And the selector for this:
Also, here is a working XAML file for you to test.
Hope this helps.
Here's a different, more general approach. Instead of including the target in the process itself, the Excel would be modified to include parts of a selector:
Note that column B now contains an identifier, and this ID depends on the application you will be working with. For example, here's my sample app looks like. As you can see, the first text box has an id of 585, the second one is 586, and so on (note that you can work with any kind of identifier including the control's name if exposed to UiPath):
Now, instead of adding multiple Type Into elements to your workflow, you would add just a single one, loop over each of the datatable's row, and then create a dynamic selector:
In my case the selector for the Type Into activity looks as follows:
"<wnd cls='#32770' title='General' /><wnd ctrlid='" + row(1).ToString() + "' />"
This will allow you to maintain the process from the Excel sheet alone - if there's a new field that needs to be mapped, just add it to your sheet. No changes to the Workflow are required.

Infomatica Reading From Metadata

I have a metadata Name as CONTACTS(SOURCE.CSV|TAGET.CSV). Now I read this file using reader and populate the value in table that I created as CONTACT_TABLE(PK NUMBER, Source_name varchar2(500),target_name varchar2(500)) after that I want to read these source.csv and target.csv file stored in my table CONTACT_TABLE AND populate the value in other table called SOURCE_COLUMN_TARGET_COLUMN_TABLE(PK,FK as pk of contact_table,source_column,target_column) this table should contain all the column of source and target and should have one to one relationship with that, for example, source.csv(fn)-----target.csv(firstName)
My objective is whenever we add some other attribute in source or target I should not change the entire mapping for eg if we add source.csv(email) and target.csv(email) it should directly map
please help!
I have this task completed before Friday and I searched every source I found dynamic mapping thing and parameter thing but it was not very helpful I want to do this way itself
Not clear what you are asking actually. The source analyser uses source files(.csv) on import itself and thereby contains the same format in source qualifier.
So, if any of the values gets added into your existing files (source.csv, target.csv) then it becomes a new file for your existing mapping. hence, you dont need to change the whole mapping just that you need to import it again.

SSRS reports dynamics crm have current record id used as parameter

Hi for my ssrs report In dynamics crm I require that when the report is ran against a certain record, the records passes the record id so that only the relevant results are displayed.
How is this possible ? Steps provided will be great also
Reports are created using SQL.
Run against campaign entity
SSRS reports for CRM have special parameters that enable this for you. To filter by selected records (or the current record you have open) you can utilise a hidden parameter called "CRM_Filtered[Entity]" where entity is the relevant entity you are linking the report to.
In your case, i.e. for the campaign entity, this hidden parameter will be called CRM_FilteredCampaign. For a SQL report this will be a text parameter and will be set to something like this (set by CRM when you run the report)
select campaign0.* from FilteredCampaign as "campaign0"
I do not have a report to hand to check exactly what the SQL will contain, so it might not be exact. But you get the idea. There are several ways to embed this in your report, but you could do so in a rudimentary fashion like this in a dataset:
declare #sql as nVarchar(max)
set #sql = 'SELECT c.campaignid FROM (' + #CRM_FilteredCampaign + ') as c'
Expanding on this, i.e. rather than executing text SQL in your main dataset, you can instead simplify the usage by creating a dataset/parameter combo based off the text. In effect, convert the SQL text to a list of values instead.
So add the above SQL to its own DataSet (for this example called DS_FilteredCampaign).
Once you have created DS_FilteredCampaign make sure you click on the Refresh Fields button. Type in the following instead of <null> for the parameter value:
select c.* from FilteredCampaign as c
Once that comes back click on Ok to save the DataSet.
Next, create another hidden text parameter (e.g. Int_FilteredCampaign) and tell it to get its default value from a DataSet (not its available values, its default value). Point the values at DS_FilteredCampaign, and you should be able to select campaignid as its value field. This in effect makes the parameter an array of Ids you can reference in your main DataSet
Now it's much more usable as you can reference it in your SQL something like this in your main DataSet:
select c.*
from FilteredCampaign c
inner join ActivityPointer ap on ...
inner join FilteredAccount a on ...
where c.campaignid in (#Int_FilteredCampaign)
The important piece being where c.campaignid in (#Int_FilteredCampaign)
Summary Steps:
You have a main DataSet called something like dsMain
Create a new parameter called CRM_FiltetedCampaign
Create a DataSet (DS_FilteredCampaign) that executes the SQL passed into CRM_FilteredCampaign
Refresh Fields on the data set to get the campaignid field
Create a text parameter (Int_FilteredCampaign) that retrieves its default value using the new dataset (DS_FilteredCampaign) using campaignid for the value
Reference this new parameter in you dsMain dataset

GWT (smartgwt) grid sort selected records top

I have a grid where the user can select records via checkbox in front of every record. Now I have a requirement to sort the records based on their selection, so that all selected records should be placed top, followed by the not selected ones.
Is there any standard function to achieve this? As an alternative I thought of saving the selection state as an attribute on every record and sort based on the attribute.
The code for the column is:
I try to describe the code I use as the affected code is deeply nested in our own framework classes.
gridRealmDt is a subclass of smartgwt ListGrid. In my Dialog a create an instance of the grid which creates an instance of a database bound datasource. When the dialog is loaded the records are fetched from the database and after that a registered an dataArrivedHandler where I select the records which match records from another table.
I tried to place the selection attribute in an extra field and use that for sortig before my other sort criteria, but this does not work. Here is the code for the field I am using.
ListGridField txtSelected = new ListGridField(SELECTED, "");
When I do not set the canSortClientOnly property the order by is sent to my database resulting in an error, as the table does not contain that field, so I set the property. Now I get following error
Removing field from the sort Specifier array because it specifies canSort Client Only: true and all data is not yet client-side.
I also tried to use a sortNormilizer on the Name field which is my main sort criteria, but the normalizer is called before the selection value is set to the record.
record.setAttribute(CARealmDS.SELECTED,selected ? "a" : "b");
I also cannnot find a way to call the normalizer when selection changes.
Currently we are using Smart GWT Version 6.0p.
I don't think there is any standard function. Just use grid store update. Place checked items first.

Ignore error in SSIS

I am getting an "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'AK_User'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tblUsers when trying to copy data from an excel file to sql db using SSIS.
Is there any way of ingnoring this error, and let the package continue to the next record without stopping?
What I need is if it inserts three records but the first record is a duplicate, instead of failing, it should continue with the other records and insert them.
There is a System variable called propagate which can be used to continue or stop the execution of package .
1.Create an ON-Error event handler for the task which is failing .Generally it is created for the entire Data Flow Task.
2.Press F4 to get the list of all variables and click on the Icon at the top
to show System Variable.By default Propagate variable will be True ,you need to change it to false ,which basically means that SSIS wont propagate the Error to other component and let the execution continue
Update 1:
To skip the bad rows there are basically 2 ways to do so :-
1.Use Lookup
Try to match the primary key column values in source and destination and then use Lookup No Match Output to your destination.If the value doesn't match with the destination then insert the rows else just skip the rows or redirect to some table or flat file using Lookup Match Output
For more details on Lookup refer this article
2.Or you can redirect the error rows to a flat file or a table .Every SSIS Data Flow components has a Error Output .
For example for Derived component ,the error output dialogue box is
But this condition may not helpful to u in your case as redirect error rows in destination doesn't work properly .If an error occurs it redirects the entire data without inserting any row in the destination .I think this happens because OLEDB destination does a bulk insert or inserts data using transactions.So try to use lookup to achieve your functionality .
