Laravel forge server disconnected - laravel

We received the following error when connecting to the server:
with Digitalocean droplet
Error Output
Server Disconnected
We had trouble connecting to your server. Typically, this means there is a problem with the SSH keys on the server. Or, your server may be prompting for a password when Forge attempts to SSH in as the root user.
Recently reset the root password? If you have recently reset your root password via the DigitalOcean control card, this will break Forge's access to your server. You must SSH into your server and set a new password for the root user.
We received the following error when connecting to the server:
Please make sure that the following SSH key is placed in both the /home/forge/.ssh/authorized_keys file and the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your server.


Ansible Failed to connect to the host via ssh

good day.
I generated ssh-keygen via user not in root and I copied it to my remote server. I can ssh the remote server without asking for a password in the user. As far as I read from the documentations it needs to have generated ssh-key in root in order to run commands like this:
ansible all -m ping
Is there a way that I can get to this successfully without using root?
For now, I get this error:
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: <username>#192.x.y.z: Permission denied (publickey,password).",

DBeaver connection via SSH tunnel

Using DBeaver, I'm trying to connect to my AWS ec2 instance where I've installed a MariaDB database.
I've created a new connection as:
Connection: AWS / Maria DB
Server Host: localhost (because I'm using ssh to connect)
Database, Username and Password: the right ones
Port: 3306
SSH tunnel on the connection:
Use SSH Tunnel: checked
Host/IP, Port and User: as suggested by the AWS documentation
Auth: Public Key
Private key: file .pem (the one I'm also using to connect via ssh from command line)
The connection works great at the beginning.
After some minutes of inactivity if I open a table the connection stucks and I need to invalidate/reconnect to fetch the data. This process sometimes is done by DBeaver, after 15 seconds of not fetching anything, but sometimes even if I wait 2 minutes it keeps running but fetching nothing.
Is there something I'm missing in my configuration? Or some configuration on the server maybe.. I don't know..
Have you ever had this problem?
Here I had the same situation. Previous versions of DBeaver used to keep the connection longer (I don't remember precisely which version), in the order of hours.
I solved this issue by using a VPN or a SSH port forwarding from my machine. So, it is the same configuration as yours with localhost, but the tunnel is done outside DBeaver.
config using pem key in shh tunel

psql SQL STATE[08006] Password Authentication Failed for User. Laravel

This is my first time working with Laravel, and I have a project set up, but I cannot connect to the database I created in Postgres. Whenever I try to connect to the database for a query (or anything), I get this error:
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: password authentication failed for user "marlie" FATAL: password authentication failed for user "marlie"
I'm using Windows 10, PostgreSQL 11, Laravel 6.0.4. I can connect to the database through pgAdmin4, command line, and psycopg2 without any password authentication issues. Only Laravel is giving me a hard time.
I've tried creating a new Laravel project, creating a new superuser (which I've tested, can successfully access the database from the other programs I mentioned above). I've also tried putting the username and password in both single and double quotes. I tried changing the database name to the OID number value in my postgreSQL file for the database. I've also tried adding the absolute file directory. I've tried changing port from 5432 to 54320. I've also tried other passwords.
Some search results suggested I play with the pg_hba.conf file and adding some lines such as (the indentation here is a little funny, but in the actual file it's all lined up):
local all marlie md5
local all marlie trust
host all all ::1/0 trust
host all all all trust
I've also tried changing everything to trust, in which case I can log in from command line without a password, but Laravel still won't let me! Also, my Windows laptop doesn't seem to support local connections since they're Unix-socket domains, so any local entries in pg_hba.conf end with the file not being able to load at all. Currently, my pg_hba.conf file is back to the default settings.
I've tried logging in by ssh into my Laravel project through Homestead.
$ vagrant ssh
$ psql -d natureFun -U marlie -W
psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "marlie"
I thought this was interesting because nowhere in my conf file do I say to use peer authentication. I've only ever tried trust and md5.
This is my .env file from Laravel
This is pg_hba.conf
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
host replication all md5
host replication all ::1/128 md5
It seems that your first pg_hba.conf has a typo:
host all all all trust
Should be:
host all all <ip_address>/<netmask> trust
If it's a dev machine and you don't care about security (for now), just try:
host all all trust
Also, unless you're acutally using IPv6, I'd recommend getting rid of the entire line containing ::1/0
Your second pg_hba.conf that you pasted should work, given that you restarted/reloaded the postmaster process -- you can usually do that through pg_ctl reload from the terminal or SELECT pg_reload_conf() from psql
Disclosure: I am an EnterpriseDB (EDB) employee
SOLVED! I misunderstood how Homestead worked (and also failed to mention that I am using it, sorry!)
when I put localhost or in my .env file in my Laravel project, it references the Homestead Virtual as the localhost, NOT my actual computer.
Changing DB_HOST to my computer's IP address solved the problem and I am now happily connected.

Getting errors trying to connect to my sites FTP account from Filezilla

I'm getting the following error when I try to connect to my FTP account in Filezilla using the given cPanel FTP configuration. I've gone ahead and double checked it and tried entering it manually but I continue to get the same error.
Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Everything I find tells me that something may be wrong in how I'm entering something but I'm sure that I am not. I'm unable to figure out this and I've worked with Filezilla and connecting to many other FTP accounts using the FTP configs in cPanel successfully.
Example FTP settings:
Protocol: FTP
Encryption: Use explicit FTP over TLS if available
Logon Type: Normal
Password: ************
I've triple-checked the password and tried resetting it a few times in the cPanel.
I've tried removing the ftp. part in front of the host name to someone elses suggestions but I then get the following error:
Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
I'm at a lost and I can't figure out how to connect to my site. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Please check if your FTP server is actually working or listening. Connection refused by the server means that FTP server is not up and running. You can try to do a telnet ftp-server-ip-address 21 and see if you are able to connect or not.
Issue via ssh:
systemctl restart pure-ftpd and then systemctl status pure-ftpd to see if your ftp server is actually started. Additionally you can issue:
nestat -tunlp and check the list to see if you see the ftp service listening to the port 21. You should see an entry like this one:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 8788/pure-ftpd (SER
You can restart the ftp server from WHM as well
for connecting to Cpanel through filezilla ftp client, i think this is how you should set the required things:
(no need to add ftp in the beginning)
Password: ************
Note that this user should be active in FTP Account.

PostgreSQL: Windows creating new instance but can't login using pgAdmin3

I created new instance for postgesql, but cant login using pgAdmin3
I am using Windows 7 and PostgreSQL 9.5
Here's what i did:
Extract postgresql-9.5.0-1-windows-x64-binaries in D drive
Open cmd (admin account)
create data folder
Use initdb command
use pg_ctl command to logfile start and stop
use pg_ctl register command to register service
edit postgresql.conf
change port from 5432 to 5433
listen_addresses = localhost
listen_addresses = *
edit pg_hba.conf
Add IPv4 local connections
host all all samenet md5
Start the service
Lastly, add Network and local service with full control in Data folder where the new instance created.
------ I did not encounter any problems during this process.
But when I login using pgAdmin3 with postgres account or even admin account, same error occurs.
I don't know what I've missed.
Try changing the authentication method to trust. So you will be able to login without the password.
Add IPv4 local connections
host all all trust
In my case I'm allowing all the localhost users to login without password.
If you use md5 client will need a password for authentication, if you use trust client can login without password.
