On Google Play Console, User Acquisition minus User loss does not match installed audience - google-play-console

On Google Play Console, when I count all user acquisitions minus all user losses, the result does not match what is available in the Installed Audience table. Does anyone have any idea why this might happen?
Note: I'm already using 'all time results' on every table :/


What happens to tasks/cases in MS Dynamics CRM that were assigned to employees that have been terminated or left the company?

I just started at a company that uses MS Dynamics CRM 2016 extensively and I've been trying to run down a comprehensive answer for how the system handles tasks/cases that have been assigned to employees within my company after those employees have left the company.
It's apparently quite a large problem because the tasks/cases have been explained to me as "falling into the void" and being unfindable once the owner (ex-employee) no longer has access. Is this true?
Is there a way to confidently query all tasks/cases for employees that no longer have access if I 1) don't have a good idea of who those employees might be and 2) don't have a full list of what might have been assigned to them?
I'm still very new to MS Dynamics CRM and am not even sure where to start. I know it's possible to run queries, advanced finds, and searches. Those in my company that have explained to me the situation seem to have tried some form of these methods so far.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You should prepare the list of CRM users who left the company (if not query the disabled users and identify them), then do a house keeping by reassigning their records by going to their user profile. Read more

Google Play Invoicing: Which entity should be the recipient of an Invoice for selling IAPs?

I'm from EU (not Ireland) and need to invoice one of the Google entities for all IAP transactions that were in my app in the last month but I just can't, for the love of me, find any info on any of my accounts as to whom should I invoice. I realize that I don't need to actually send the invoice anywhere if I'm from outside of Ireland but I still need to create the invoice for the sake of taxes in my country.
I found two Google entities that might be suitable but am still not sure which one will it be (as I didn't actually receive the payment yet):
GOOGLE IRELAND LIMITED vat number: IE 6388047 V
GOOGLE COMMERCE LIMITED vat number: IE 9825613 N
Does any one have any experience with that and could point me in the right direction?
Another question is about the Google commission. As far as I know, I can count this commission as income cost but I'm still not sure on how to do that properly yet. Will I get an Invoice for this amount from Google after the actual payment is done? Or do I have to calculate this value from the monthly reports available in Google Play Console?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Square payments: How to protect 'cards on file' from a data breach

I'm in the early stages of integrating Square payments. It makes sense in my application to allow users to save their card details, as we expect multiple small transactions. Square calls this feature 'cards on file'.
As part of this process you create a customer and a related card in Square's system; IDs for these will be held in my system and associated with my users; that way when they come to pay again they can select the option of using a card on file. The API to actually charge the card simply takes these two IDs and an amount.
What worries me is that my database is holding all the data necessary to charge a customer's card; I could write a script which just charges all of my customers an amount of money - naturally a hacker with access to my data could do the same thing.
I wasn't expecting to have this level of risk in my system - my assumption was that Square would have isolated me from this (via some sort of user challenge for missing data - e.g. the CCV number). It seems the safe option is to not use the 'card on file' feature and have the user re-enter every time.
Is this right, or have I completely misunderstood something here?
In order to charge a card, your Square access token is required along with the card ID. It's best practice to store that access token as an environment variable in order to limit the security risk. If someone gains access to the card IDs in your database, they won't be able to charge any of the cards without that access token that's associated with your developer account.
I did miss something - as any charge made on a customer's saved card is credited to my account (as configured in the Square portal), the only beneficiary of any fraudulent charge would be be me. A hacker could not get access to funds and therefore the risk is limited in scope.
Obviously if I was a fraudulent company there would be a risk to users - it seems the EU isn't happy with this and changes coming this year will require additional information to be captured from the user at the point of sale.
Strong Customer Authentication

Create subscription groups in Google Play?

In the iOS App Store, you can create subscription groups, which I believe allows the app to (if coded as such) display different subscription options to different groups of users. For example, grouping magazine subscriptions by genre.
Is there anything like this for the Google Play store, or would I need to do the groupings myself within the app?
Although I am not sure at this time, but I don't think Google Play provides the equivalent of a Subscription group. At the time of this writing, I am working on the same and new updates will publish edits here.
There is a catch here,
which I believe allows the app to (if coded as such) display different subscription options to different groups of users
Although, subscription groups can be used for the purpose described above, they are not inherently meant for the same. Subscription groups are meant to group different subscription products so that the user can purchase only one of them at the same time.
You can view a subscription group as a product/ service your app offers and the subscription products under them as the Plans under the same. For example, for a news app, you may offer a subscription product to your users with different plans like Single Category Monthly, All Monthly, Single Category Annual, All Annual. The single category app may provide news only in one single chosen category like sports, entertainment, politics etc. The user can choose to change between plans any time but can subscribe to only ONE plan at a time.
Also, as you would comprehend, some of these plans are higher levels of services than others. Based on your business definition, you can put these plans at different levels. That will determine if the user is upgrading/downgrading/cross grading while changing a plan. For example, in this case you may have two levels:
Level 1 may have All Monthly and All annual.
Level 2 may have both the single plans.
1 -> 2 will be downgrade, 2 -> 1 will be upgrade, 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2 will be cross grade.
In Google Play Billing, an upgrade or downgrade will be performed by setting the oldSku while making a purchase. If the oldSku is set, Google Play Store will consider it as an upgrade/downgrade.
However, I am not sure at this point how the App Store determines if it's a upgrade/ downgrade / crossgrade. May be based on the price (unlike Apple).
Grouping may not be required for Playstore. In Appstore, since all the subscription options are listed, we need to group a set of items together. For example, if user subscribes within a 10 days of registration, 10% reduction in monthly, annual cost can be provided. In such cases, if they cancel the subscription, they can re-subscribe from store. They will be listed with only those group to which they subscribed before (monthly, annually for within 10 day plan). So they continue to get 10% reduction if they re-subscribe to any plan (monthly, annually).
In Playstore, user can re-subscribe to the same subscription that user opted before. So such case won't arise.
Set update subscription param as specified here

Syncing online and offline stock levels

We have an e-commerce site, and several bricks & mortar stores.
I have managed to extract stock data from the "bricks & mortar" database and send this up to the website, but putting the online sales back into the database is proving almost impossible. No docs + uncooperative vendor.
What happens at the moment is the website sells something, the order is processed manually into the store database and then the stock levels are updated back to the website. The issue being that the stock levels are not updated instantly so there is a possibility 2 people can purchase the same item, especially with sale items where there is only a single item left.
I am wondering if there are any good solutions to this?
One thought I had was to store the number of purchases on the website, and subtract that from the number of items in-stock leaving the correct stock level. But then once the order is processed in the "bricks & mortar" store, the stock level being exported to the website would be inclusive of that difference, and my online stock levels would be incorrect.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
You should use a 'lock' and 'confirm' approach. If a customer at one POS is requesting an item, you should contact the server and lock up the item if it is available. Then customer will have a few seconds to 'confirm' the sale (otherwise the POS requests the server to unlock the item).
