Extract dependency details from Gradle dependency tree - gradle

I am trying to extract module name of dependencies with specific group name from my project. For example, I wanted to know which springframework dependencies with group: org.springframework.boot is being injected into my project. Below is build.gradle file,
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web
implementation 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-core'
So for the group org.springframework.boot, my project is dependent only spring-boot-starter-security and spring-boot-starter-web.
I kinda of achieved this by looking from group name in runtimeClasspath. Basically checking jar path contains group name and refatoring a little bit to extarct the name of the module.
project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.each { element ->
if(element.getName().endsWith(".jar") && element.getAbsolutePath().contains("org.springframework.boot")) {
println element.substring(0, element.getName().lastIndexOf('-'))
But I am thinking is there a better way to do it? something like below where it is directly looking for group name from dependency tree. instead of searching in a string. Below code snippet, I found somewhere but able to understand what it does.
.findAll{item -> item.canBeResolved}
.each { item ->
item.incoming.afterResolve {
resolutionResult.allComponents {
if(moduleVersion.group == 'org.springframework.boot') {
println moduleVersion.name


Module replacement when there is no conflict

Module replacement works well in Gradle, however it only applies when there is a conflict.
Although I understand the reason, it breaks my use-case where there is extension of configurations and the conflict happens in some but not others that I need to consume.
I have two special configurations and some module replacement:
configurations {
lib // what should be bundled
provided // what should not be bundled
dependencies {
modules {
module('javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api') {
replacedBy('jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api', 'Javax to Jakarta')
task collectLibs(type: Copy) {
// bundle everything from lib which is not provided (not even transitively)
from configurations.lib - configurations.provided
into "$buildDir/lib"
I also use company BOM, here for example: api platform('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:2.5.4') and so I don't want to specify versions anywhere in my project.
Let's assume these dependencies:
dependencies {
lib 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api'
provided 'jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api'
the task dependencies then correctly resolves compileClasspath and runtimeClasspath to jakarta.annotation-api, however the collected files in build/lib contain javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar even though it "should have been replaced and subtracted"
If I use module substitution instead, it works:
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution {
substitute module('javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api') using module('jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5')
However there I must specify version. Is there any possibility to force module replacement to always act?
My problem is caused by the subtraction, maybe there is a better way to find all dependencies that come from provided but not lib by looking at runtimeClasspath?
I tried something but it gets too complicated very quickly.
I found a solution. Instead of subtracting provided configuration, I can exclude everything from resolved provided configuration. The tricky part is to exclude not too much and not too little:
platform must remain otherwise resolution of versions will fail
both requested and selected must be excluded
This is not a general solution; it still requires some fiddling with configurations (provided must declare both javax and jakarta) but it works for me.
private static excludeFromConfiguration(Configuration configuration, Configuration toExclude) {
toExclude.incoming.resolutionResult.allDependencies.each { dep ->
if (dep instanceof ResolvedDependencyResult && dep.requested instanceof ModuleComponentSelector) {
def isPlatform = dep.requested.attributes.keySet().any {
// asking for org.gradle.api.attributes.Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE does not work
def attribute = dep.requested.attributes.getAttribute(it)
return attribute == org.gradle.api.attributes.Category.ENFORCED_PLATFORM ||
attribute == org.gradle.api.attributes.Category.REGULAR_PLATFORM
if (!isPlatform) {
// we exclude both - the requested and selected because there could have been some:
// module replacement, dependency substitution, capability matching
configuration.exclude(group: dep.requested.group, module: dep.requested.module)
configuration.exclude(group: dep.selected.moduleVersion.group, module: dep.selected.moduleVersion.name)

What is the recommended way to group dependencies of the same type?

I'd like to separate the dependencies in my project by type, and am considering doing so in the following way:
// Implementation dependencies
dependencies {
implementation("foo:bar:1") {
because("reason 1")
implementation("foo:bar:2") {
because("reason 2")
implementation("foo:bar:3") {
because("reason 3")
// Test implementation dependencies
dependencies {
testImplementation("foo:bar:4") {
because("reason 4")
testImplementation("foo:bar:5") {
because("reason 5")
I am able to build the project after structuring the build file in this way, but I don't see any authoritative material stating that specifying multiple dependencies blocks is formally supported. Does such material exist?
Is there a more preferable way of separating dependencies by type than this? Preferably, I'd like to have a dependency-configuration (implementation, testImplementation, etc.) per module in order to document the reason for including each module, like the configuration above does.
I don't see any authoritative material stating that specifying multiple dependencies blocks is formally supported. Does such material exist?
There doesn't need to be any material because the Gradle DSL (Groovy or Kotlin) isn't anything special or magical. It's simply sugar over the Gradle API.
Specifying multiple dependencies block is perfectly legal. If you were to de-sugar the Gradle DSL, invoking multiple dependencies blocks is actually just doing:
project.getDependencies().add("implementation", "foo:bar:1")
project.getDependencies().add("testImplementation", "foo:bar:4")
It's no different than simply calling the add(...) method on a List multiple times.
Is there a more preferable way of separating dependencies by type than this?
Create a library (project or subproject) that bundles dependencies together. This is easily accomplished with the Java Library Plugin. For example, for your test library:
dependencies {
api("foo:bar:4") {
because("reason 4")
api("foo:bar:5") {
because("reason 5")
Then simply consume the library in your main project:
dependencies {
testImplementation(project(":my-test-library")) {
because("bundles test libs")
There is no such support and I don't think is there is need also, but to achieve your requirements we can create an extension function just to differentiate the different dependencies. Anyway many Kotlin DSL is extension functions only so add something like below. just declare this in your buildSrc Dependencies.kts file or anywhere you like but should be accessible global.
// test
fun Project.dependenciesTest(configuration: DependencyHandlerScope.() -> Unit) =
fun Project.dependenciesApp(configuration: DependencyHandlerScope.() -> Unit) =
now call something like this in the calling site.
dependenciesApp {
implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar"))))
dependenciesTest {

How can I call code from one subproject in a gradle tasks of another subproject?

I have a project with two subprojects.
One of these subprojects, "A", contains code that is being published to an artifact.
The other subproject, "B", has a task that needs to do exactly what one of the methods in A's code does. I can replicate the logic in groovy, but is there any way I can actually have my task in subproject B call the code that was compiled as part of subproject A?
I'd tried adding a buildscript block in B that added the artifact from A to the classpath:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath project(':subproject-a')
...but this gave me an error:
Cannot use project dependencies in a script classpath definition.
I don't believe I can move subproject-a to buildSrc, as I'm also publishing its artifact to a maven repository for other projects to use.
You have a chicken or egg problem where all of the Gradle project classloaders are resolved before any classes are compiled. This can be resolved using a custom configuration and a Classloader
configurations {
dependencies {
custom project(':subproject-a')
task customTask {
doLast {
def urls = configurations.custom.files.collect { it.toURI().toURL() }
ClassLoader cl = new java.net.URLClassLoader(urls as URL[])
Class myClass = cl.loadClass('com.foo.MyClass')
// assuming zero args constructor
Object myObject = myClass.newInstance()
// assuming method which accepts single String argument
java.lang.reflect.Method myMethod = myClass.getMethod('myMethodName', String.class)
myMethod.invoke(myObject, 'methodArg')

How to extract Android Gradle dependencies (implement, testImplementation...) into method in the root of project?

In app-level build.gradle, I often include the following dependencies
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appCompatVersion"
implementation "androidx.cardview:cardview:$cardVersion"
implementation "com.google.android.material:material:$materialVersion"
implementation "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:$recyclerViewVersion"
implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:$androidXAnnotations"
It makes that file becomes longer and longer, thus I think about moving all such dependencies into project-level build.gradle, such as (just example):
ext {
includeUnitTestDeps() {
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appCompatVersion"
implementation "androidx.cardview:cardview:$cardVersion"
implementation "com.google.android.material:material:$materialVersion"
implementation "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:$recyclerViewVersion"
implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:$androidXAnnotations"
(The reason why to project-level but not app-level because we might have multiple modules in project, thus project-level is the best places)
Then in app-level build.gradle we call
dependencies {
Note: I'm not so familiar with Groovy/Gradle syntax, therefore not sure it works (In fact I tried but it doesn't allow to define such method in ext). But if you know any solution, please help me. Thanks so much.
There are couple of ways that I can think of
1 - Add dependencies to all sub projects (in the parent)
subprojects {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:23.0'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
2 - Add dependencies to specific sub projects (in the parent)
// this will add dependencies to project a, b, and c
// when You add a new subproject, You have to add it to here also
// If You these need dependencies available in it
configure([project(':a'), project(':b'), project(':c')]) {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:23.0'
3 - Using a method to add dependencies
//in parent
// define a method to add dependencies
// sub projects who need these dependencies will call this method
def addDependencies(subProject) {
subProject.dependencies.add("implementation", "com.google.guava:guava:23.0")
subProject.dependencies.add("implementation", "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.8.1")
// add others
// in child
dependencies {
// You can add other dependencies here If this child has any
4 - Define dependencies as a list in the parent
// parent
ext.appDependencies = [
[configuration: "implementation", dependency: "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.8.1"],
[configuration: "implementation", dependency: "com.google.guava:guava:23.0"]
// child
dependencies {
rootProject.appDependencies.each {
add(it.configuration, it.dependency)
There is a detailed explanation of this method in the following link, which uses external file to define these dependencies.
You can also combine 3. and 4. methods like define a list that has dependencies, call a function which iterate and add dependencies in that list.
I would use the first or second method If I can. (Also there might be other ways to achieve this.)

Gradle plugin for XML Beans

I am trying to write a Gradle plugin for XML Beans. I have started with one of the 'Hello from Gradle' plugin examples, and also a plugin published by R. Artavia here. That plugin went straight to jar - I am trying to only generate source. The generated source must then be compiled with other project source and included in a single jar. Other goals include
- full plugin - all I should need is "apply plugin: 'xmlbean'"
- I can configure source/code gen location and some features if I want to
- It detects whether it needs to be rebuilt. (well, eventually!!!)
I am off to a pretty good start, but am blocked defining a new sourceSet. I am getting an error "No such property 'srcDirs'" (or 'srcDir'). It seems there is something I have to define someplace to make a new sourceSet work but I cannot find it. I have tried several different syntaxes (with/without equal sign, brackets, srcDir/srcDirs, etc. - nothing is working...
What do I need to do inside a plugin to make a new sourceSet entry be properly recognized?
Thank you!
File: xmlbean.gradle (includes greeting plugin for the moment for debugging)
apply plugin: xmlbean
apply plugin: 'java'
xmlbean {
message = 'Hi'
greeter = 'Gradle'
class xmlbean implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create("xmlbean", xmlbeanExtension)
Task xmlbeanTask = project.task('xmlbean')
xmlbeanTask << {
project.configurations {
project.dependencies {
xmlbeans 'org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:2.5.0'
project.sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs += '$project.buildDir/generated-source/xmlbeans'
xmlbeans {
srcDirs = ['src/main/xsd']
ant.taskdef(name: 'xmlbean',
classname: 'org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.XMLBean',
classpath: project.configurations.xmlbeans.asPath)
ant.xmlbean(schema: project.sourceSets.xmlbean.srcDir,
srconly: true,
srcgendir: "$project.buildDir/generated-sources/xmlbeans",
classpath: project.configurations.xmlbeans.asPath)
println "${project.xmlbean.message} from ${project.xmlbean.greeter}"
class xmlbeanExtension {
String message
String greeter
File: build.gradle
apply from: '../gradle/xmlbeans.gradle'
dependencies {
compile "xalan:xalan:$ver_xalan",
Console: Error message:
:idk:xmlbean FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script 'C:\jdev\cpc-maven\try.g2\comotion\gradle\xmlbeans.gradle' line: 32
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':idk:xmlbean'.
> No such property: srcDirs for class: org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultSourceSet_Decorated
Gradle info: version 2.5 / groovy 2.3.10 / JVM 7u55 on Windows 7 AMD64
You should try to become familiar with the Gradle DSL reference guide, because it's a huge help in situations like this. For example, if you click on the sourceSets { } link in the left navigation bar, you're taken to this section on source sets.
From there, you'll discover that the sourceSets {} block is backed by a class, SourceSetContainer. The next level of configuration nested inside is backed by a SourceSet object, and then within that you have one or more SourceDirectorySet configurations. When you follow the link to SourceDirectorySet, you'll see that there are getSrcDirs() and setSrcDirs() methods.
So how does this help? If you look closely at the exception, you'll see that Gradle is saying it can't find a srcDirs property on DefaultSourceSet_Decorated, which you can hopefully infer is an instance of SourceSet. That interface does not have an srcDirs property. That's because your xmlbeans {} block is configuring a SourceSet, not a SourceDirectorySet. You need to add another nested configuration to gain access to srcDirs.
At this point, I'm wondering whether a new source set is the appropriate solution. Unfortunately it's not clear to me exactly what the plugin should be doing, so I can't offer any alternatives at this point.
