How to cleanly batch queries together in Gremlin - graphql

I am writing a GraphQL resolver that retrieves all vertices by a particular edge using the following query (created returns label person):
software {
created {
Which would resolve to the following Gremlin Query for each software node found:
g.V().hasLabel('software').has('name', 'ripple').in('created')
This returns a result that includes all properties of the object:
"result": [
"#type": "d",
"#rid": "#24:0",
"#version": 6,
"#class": "person",
"in_knows": [
"name": "josh",
"out_created": [
"age": 32,
"#fieldTypes": "in_knows=g,out_created=g"
"dbStats": {
I realize that this will fall foul on GraphQL's N+1 query so i'm trying to batch queries together using a Dataloader pattern. (i'm also hoping to do property selections, so i'm not asking the database to return too much info)
So i'm trying to craft a query like so:
__.hasLabel('software').has('name', 'ripple').
project('parent', 'child').by('id').
__.hasLabel('software').has('name', 'lop').
project('parent', 'child').by('id').
But this results in the following where the props are missing and it just includes the id of the vertices I want:
"result": [
"parent": "ripple",
"child": [
"parent": "lop",
"child": [
"dbStats": {
My Question is, how can I have the Gremlin query return all of the props for the found vertices and none of the other props? Should I even been doing batching this way?

For anyone else reading, the query I was trying to write wouldn't work because the TraversalSet created in the .by('created') can't be cast from a List to an ElementMap as the stream cardinality wouldn't be enforced. (You can only have one record per row, I think?)
My working query would be to duplicate the keys for each row and specify the props needed (the query below is ok for gremlin 3.3 as used in ODB, otherwise if you've got < gremlin 3.4 replace the last by step with be(elementMap('name', 'age')):
__.hasLabel('software').has('name', 'ripple').
select('parent', 'child').
by(properties('id', 'name', 'age').
__.hasLabel('software').has('name', 'lop').
select('parent', 'child').
by(properties('id', 'name', 'age').
So that you get a result like this:
{"data": [
"parent": "ripple",
"child": {
"id": 5717,
"name": "josh",
"age": 32
"parent": "lop",
"child": {
"id": 5709,
"name": "peter",
"age": 35
"parent": "lop",
"child": {
"id": 5713,
"name": "marko",
"age": 29
"parent": "lop",
"child": {
"id": 5717,
"name": "josh",
"age": 32
Which would allow you to create a lookup where you concat all results for "lop" and "ripple" into arrays.


Turn a JSON array of key/value pairs into object properties

I'm trying to use JSONata to convert arrays of "key/value" objects into properties of the parent object. My input looks like this:
"city": "Ottawa",
"properties": [
"name": "population",
"value": 37
"name": "postalCode",
"value": 10001
"name": "founded",
"value": 1826
"city": "Toronto",
"properties": [
"name": "population",
"value": 54
"name": "postalCode",
"value": 10002
I'm struggling to generate the output I need, I've seen examples that reference explicit elements, like in this answer, but I need the properties to be converted "dynamically" since I don't know them in advance. I think I need something like this, but I'm missing some particular function:
"city": city, properties.value
This is the output I need to generate:
"city": "Ottawa",
"population": 37,
"postalCode": 10001,
"founded": 1826
"city": "Toronto",
"population": 54,
"postalCode": 10002
The properties arrays don't always contain the same keys, but the city attributes are always present.
You can use the reduce operator, as described in the Grouping docs here:
$city := city;
properties{ "city": $city, name: value }
You can play with it live:
Please try this expression.
"city": $.city,
$.properties[0].name: $.properties[0].value,
$.properties[1].name: $.properties[1].value,
$.properties[2].name: $.properties[2].value,
$.properties[3].name: $.properties[3].value

Delete existing Records if they are not in sent array Rails 5 API

I need help on how to delete records that exist in the DB but not in array sent in a request;
My Array:
{ "id": "509",
"name": "Motions move great",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Tywan",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportations Gracious",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportation part",
"url_path": ""
"name": "Motions kkk",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Transportations",
"url_path": ""
Below is my implementation: where am going wrong?
#topics ={|m|}
#delete= #topics
puts #delete
if Topic.where.not('id IN(?)', #topics).any?
#topics.each do |topic|
it's not clear to me where, in your code, you pick the ids sent in the array you showed before... so I'm assuming like this:
objects_sent = [
{ "id": "509",
"name": "Motions move great",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Tywan",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportations Gracious",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportation part",
"url_path": ""
"name": "Motions kkk",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Transportations",
"url_path": ""
since you have your array like this, the only information you need to query on database is the ids (also, assuming the id's in the array are the id's on database, otherwise it wouldn't make sense). You can get them like this:
sent_ids ={|o| o['id'].to_i}
Also, it seems to me that, for the code you showed, you want to destroy them based on a specific course. There would be 2 ways to do that. First, using the relationship (I prefer like this one):
#course.topics.where.not(id: sent_ids).destroy_all
Or you can do the query directly on the Topic model, but passing the course_id param:
Topic.where(course_id: sent_ids).destroy_all
ActiveRecord is smart enough to mount that query correctly in both ways. Give it a test and see which works better for you

How to use JSONpath to extract specific values

I'm using JSONpath to try and find data with an array of JSON objects but I'm struggling to get to the information I want. The array contains many objects similar to below where there are values for RecID throughout. If I use $..RecID I get them all when I only want the first Key.RecID of each object (with a value 1338438 in this example). Is there a way to only extract the top level Key.RecID value?
BTW I'm trying to do this in jMeter and I'm assuming JSONpath is the best way to do what I want but if there is a better way I'd be happy to hear about it.
Thanks in advance
"Key": {
"RecID": 1338438
"Users": [{
"FullName": "Miss Burns",
"Users": {
"Key": {
"Name": "Burns",
"RecID": 1317474
"FullName": "Mrs Fisher",
"Users": {
"Key": {
"Name": "Fisher",
"RecID": 1317904
"User": {
"FullName": "Mrs Fisher",
"Key": {
"Name": "Fisher",
"RecID": 1317904
"Organisation": {
"Key": {
"RecID": 1313881

Filter where attribute is in supplied array

Suppose I have these documents in a Things table:
"name": "Cali",
"state": "CA"
"name": "Vega",
"state": "NV",
"name": "Wash",
"state": "WA"
My UI is a state-picker where the user can select multiple states. I want to display the appropriate results. The SQL equivalent would be:
SELECT * FROM Things WHERE state IN ('CA', 'WA')
I have tried:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(r('state')))
but that doesn't return anything and I don't understand why that wouldn't have worked.
This works for getting a single state:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(r.row('state')))
seems to be working in some versions and returns
"id": "b20cdcab-35ab-464b-b10b-b2f644df73e6" ,
"name": "Cali" ,
"state": "CA"
} ,
"id": "506a4d1f-3752-409a-8a93-83385eb0a81b" ,
"name": "Wash" ,
"state": "WA"
Anyway, you can use a function instead of r.row:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(function(row) {
return r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(row('state'))

ElasticSearch - Querying only for particular array elements that are not empty

I'm relatively new to ES and am having difficulty finding really good references or tutorials on the query dsl.
We have a document type of the example below. The query I wish to conduct is thus: "Return all the email_package records that have at least one entities record (one record in the 'entities' array)." And yes I want the complete 'email' record.
Could anyone assist? Also if you could point to a reference or tutorial or cookbook somewhere that addresses question like this, that would be also greatly appreciated.
"email_package": {
"email": {
"date": "2007-02-13T18:24:22-04:00",
"subject": "this is the subject",
"body": "this is the body"
"entities": [
"Louisville": {
"City": "South"
"Memphis": {
"City": "South"
// more 'email_package records follow...
Your document is a bit problematic, since you seems to be nesting objects and giving them different names. If you are not bound to the current structure, I would have changed the mapping into something that is more manageable, and queries will be straight forward, e.g:
"email_package": {
"email": {
"body": "this is the body1",
"date": "2007-02-13T18:24:22-04:00",
"subject": "this is the subject"
"entities": [
"name": "Louisville"
"City": "South",
"name": "Memphis"
"City": "South",
{ "filter": {
"exists": {
"field": ""
