WDIO is not entering value in password text wrap field[React native web] - mocha.js

We are automating a react native web application on mobile web browser using WebdriverIO,Appium,mocha framework
while we navigate the URL, signIN page will open to login for the user
script able to enter user text on userName field but password value not entering the value in password field , we can able click on this but text not entering
$('#login-password').addValue("passme"); // here its the entering blank instead of "passme"
Can someone share some solution ,how can i enter password value in password field?
Thanks In Advance,

from looking at your screenshot and code snippet, I believe the issue is that you are targeting the wrong element.
You want to target the id on the password input field which is #LogInModel_Password.
So your code would be:
This should fix your issue since it looks like you are already targeting the username field correctly and it works.


Automating password entry for enhanced password protection

I want to enter my password which must not be known by me. Therefore I am trying to create a code which would automatically type whatever content is in the clipboard on the first left mouse click and into the place (password-field) where the mouse clicked.
What are the steps I need to follow?
The password field I need to enter my password into does not allow copy pasting directly.
I already have the password generator which copies a password into the clipboard without me knowing it:- https://github.com/SanTanBan/WhitePassword

How does collabedit work?

When you enter the Collabedit online editor it gives you a url with a random session name so you can send to friends to join. How does that work?
How does the session name get created and added to the URL .i.e the y3y2c part
in http://collabedit.com/y3y2c
If there is any tutorials you can link, please do.

How to remove SSRS credentials in Visual Studio 2008

I have a question similar to this one, but I am using VS 2008 and an Oracle database (with Oracle SQL Developer). How do I get rid of the report credentials in VS? Thank you.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of this is to supply a username and password for the database in question on the reporting server. The URL is usually something like http://localhost/reports. Usually, users created for this type of connection have minimal read-only rights needed for the specific report. The disadvantages to this type of connection is that it's a one-user-fits-all situation. But because of the error message you are getting, it appears that your wish is to supply a specific user name and password rather than use Windows security--which is just fine.
To get here, click Security from the report drop-down list on the main page. Then, click the Credentials stored securely on the report server. Then, here's an issue that get's lots of folks--click the Apply button at the bottom to save the changes. Sometimes the Apply button is not visible and you need to scroll down to click it.
Now, if you're accessing your report through ReportViewer in VS then the following link may provide some help:
Alternately, you can create or add to a web.config file:
p.s. based on our chat, try adding the following to your web.config connection string--if you have one(with the respective user name and password)--if, indeed you're using Oracle's ODP.net:
providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=oracle_user;Password=oracle_user_password
I have not figure out how to solve this from the database. What I did was, comment out this line of code from the XML of the report:
<Prompt>Specify a user name and password for data source XXX</Prompt>
If you have the correct credential info in the <value> tag, your report should be loaded with username and password parameters without problems.

Forcing a revalidate on mvc3 unobtrusive remote validation

It's a classic login flow. The user can choose between 'new user' or 'existing user'. If the user is new, the name in the login box should validate against the server to see if the username is unique, if it's an existing user this check will be skipped since we expect the username to be taken already (ofcourse).
I added a [Remote] attribute on the viewmodel and added the radiobutton for new/exiting user as 'additional fields'. This way the remote validation will just return true if it's an existing user, and check the database if it's not, to see if the username is taken.
This works great, except when the user decides to change the radiobutton (new/existing) after entered a username (and the remote validation has run). Since remote validation is only automatically run when the username changes (that's the property with [Remote] attribute), changing the radiobutton alone, will not have it run again.
So my problem is, how can i force the remote validation to run again? I tried the usual hacks by triggering a change/focus/blur event on the username input field, but the call is not triggered. I considered adding a similar [Remote] on the radiobutton, but that would really complicate things with two equal looking error messages, placed at the same absolute position.
Is there any way to trigger a revalidation?
I believe that jquery validation can be triggered using $("#formID").validate()
Some more options can be found in the docs: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/validation, and at Brad Wilson's blog (you can also find some info in the comments)
Have you looked into the Data attributes that the input has, maybe it's cached? something like this.
EDIT: Just for clarification, this is how i got it to work

Key handling routines

Is there anyway to modify the key handling routine that the Windows Login Screen uses to allow a barcode with the username, 2key tab character ($I), and a password to log in a user. I cannot get the login screen to recognize the TAB character to tab to the password text field. Any help would be great. Thanks!
You can write your own gina.dll, and create your own login dialog. By replacing the login dialog you can take care of the input in whatever way you want. I've never done this and it doesn't seem to be a straightforward chore, but you might be able to find some example code on the Web.
