Can I deploy same Laravel project in main domain and subdomain? - laravel

I have developed a news website project using laravel 8x for one domain(main domain) Can I use the same project in subdomain? Main domain project frontend will Bangla language and the subdomain project frontend will English. Is it possible? or do I have to install new Laravel apps for the subdomain project?
Also, database will be different.

Hi There of course you cant use different databases for same Laravel Project unless you make separate installation for each domain and its subdomain.
Indeed You can use localization in Laravel so you will not have to install 2 copies for the same app
More details about localization here :


How deploy and upload laravel app on a shared hosting(aruba domain)

I have this project in laravel and I want to put in on a aruba domain (I have not c-panel so the tutorial that I found aren't helpful) So I don't know how can I do it , any suggestion?

Deploy Laravel project inside another laravel projet

I am a developer and developed a laravel project (laravel version 7.30.6) and deployed it on inside another laravel project (laravel version 5.7.29) and want to access as a subdirectory of main domain like but we can't be accessible so what's the required changes will do for resolving this.

How do I deploy Vuejs App backed by Laravel, In similar fashion we usually deploy laravel app or I need seperate frontend and backend instances?

Hello guys I have been deploying Laravel applications on the server for a while, I have just created a SPA(Single Page App) Laravel + Vuejs how do I deploy it ? Just like normal laravel app or I need separate Frontend(Vuejs) and Backend (Laravel) instances ?
It is same as regular laravel app deployment.
run npm run production and after that make whole project as zip and put it on serve and just follow the steps as regular laravel project.

how integrate an existing vuejs app created with vue-cli into a laravel project

I've a vuejs app builded with the latest vue-cli, the vuejs app runs ok with the development server and communicates with the laravel app, but now I'd prefer that laravel handle this static files...if I build the js files with yarn run build this generates me several files, I could add thems to my laravel homepage but I'm afraid that if in the future I make some change and build these files again, I could get different file names...
what is the best approach for this???...I've found several articles integrating vuejs and laravel but all these are using the vuejs tool incorporated with laravel
thanks so much guys

Laravel + Angular 4

I want to create some project and use there Laravel as API and Angular 4 to represent my site.
Since I have no money for experiments, I found where I can set up php framework and do that I need.
I started configuring Laravel and get confused - where to place my site on angular? I'll have the only one site address. So I'd like to make it combined, because I need Laravel the only for working with DB.
Best practice would be to keep api & frontend seperate.
If you insist on using single domain, such as you can use subdomain for API, and main domain for presenting your site.
On a shared hosting you can place folders something like these:
/api -- laravel installation(with subdomain
<angular build files>
For development you can keep your angular files anywhere on your local system, and upload only build distribution to the main domain.
