Spring Boot Security registration and logging for website with roles, how to do it? - spring

I have a difficulty in understanding Spring Security and any tutorial I found was not tailored to my needs. So maybe I'll explain what I think and what I want to accomplish.
I want to create a website with Kotlin/Java backend and frontend in React. This website would need to have users with different roles (user, admin).
And (I think) the thing I need is some kind of backend that has 2 endpoints:
register (to create users in database)
login (to, based on username and password, fetch user info and role) - as some kind of token? This returned token would be then used by frontend to display specific options (i.e. do not display "ban user" for regular users) and it also would be sent to backend for checking if the person who requests for specific endpoint really should be able to call this endpoint (i.e. it should be forbidden for regular users to use "ban user" endpoint)
What should I read about, what keywords should I look into to achieve this?

For purely the Spring Boot part of the implementation, the following should do
(/register) Signup/Register endpoint taking all required parameters for your business logic. e.g Username , Password , Full Name as well the roles
(/login) For logging in , you need a token forwarded to the front end, which will then use this token in the header for the session. JWT tokens seems like what you need(sample below). For the other part of your requirement, you can keep the user object (with roles) in the session as well as check user role on the backend in the "ban user" endpoint and process accordingly.
JWT Authentication with Spring Boot
I found a good starting point in the following sample
For a more complete example
Credits to

I have come a cross Youtube Video that covers all the scenarios that your looking for and extra, with Email verification links as well. i hope this will definitely help you
Java Tutorial - Complete User Login and Registration Backend + Email Verification


Make Keycloak authentication work with own JWT tokens generation

There's a Keycloak (KC) server in my company, and I'm working on some app.
The Backend is Spring Boot 2.6.6, Front-end is AngularJs.
When user presses 'Log In' button, user gets redirected to KeyCloak login page and enters
credentials. This part is implemented already and working fine.
But then comes a tricky part: I need to return to front-end JWT token with some granted authorities, and those authorities will depend of what application gets from it's DB for every particular user. All other endpoints will have #PreAuthorize with needed authority.
So, I can't get JWT from KC, because KC doesn't know anything about app's vision to user's granted authorities.
Can you please help with some ideas how to achieve this? Because I'm trying to implement this and getting doubts about possibility to achieve this.
One of the errors I'm getting is:
Found WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter as well as SecurityFilterChain. Please select just one.
Thank you
Keycloak is OAuth2 and OpenID Connect(OIDC) protocol complaint. Which means you can use already defined patterns of authorization flows in OAuth2.
Auth2 has implementation of a step by step authorization logic called Authorization Code Flow -which is one of many but I believe is the most suitable one for your use case-. RFC docs of this flow explain it pretty well and you can find them here. You should also look at how Keycloak implementations are done.
Learning and implementing this flow on your project will provide an industry standard solution.

What's the difference between these Google Login methods?

My requirement:
Using google login as the only login method for my website, creating users by google user id, creating authentication sessions after a valid google login.
I saw there was 2 ways to do this:
The standard google docs
(step 1) get id token at frontend https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in
(step 2) verify token id at backend https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth
Using spring security OAuth functions
So the problem is,
I just finished implementing measure 1 and found that after the login popup closes the state at frontend is changed. No typical OAuth2 elements like redirect_uri, code and access_token invovled in the process. So is this OAuth at all or is google just packed everything for me so I'm not seeing them?
Is measure 2 better? Because you don't have to deal with, let's say, the leak of id_token and client_id ?
The personas involved are different:
Front end: web OAuth2 flow with user involved. You request an authorization code with a redirect_uri for redirecting the user after the authentication. And then you validate this authorization code against the IDP server (you need a client ID and a client secret).
Back end: implicit OAuth2 flow with secret key file for the authentication, for app authentication. This flow is only to deploy on backend server, you absolutely don't have to share your secret key file in your website front end
With your update, I'm not sure to understand. The 3 are equivalent
Pure OAuth flow
Google packaging (the function onSuccess() is called when the authentication is successful in the popup, as you can see in this example
Spring boot packaging.
At the end, the same information are provided and required, the "leak" are the same in all cases. It's simply a packaging preference and habit.
For getting the access_token or the refresh token, you can simply do this as described here
accessToken = googleUser.reloadAuthResponse().access_token
Then, you can pass it to your backend if you want to perform operations on behalf of the user.

Onedrive OAuth 2.0 code flow for getting access token 'redirect uri' is not specified in the list of urls specified

Before adding, yes it works when I give the entire url like http://localhost:8080/onedrive/oauth2/success/1 in the list of uri in azure uris. I am using code flow to authroize these tokens.
But as per the docs, it should work with me just mentioning the domain name there, like http://localhost:8080. Which it doesn't.
I want to do something like send the user id along with every request for me to keep track of which user I should link this accees token to, and have no idea to do so, if this issue is there. My current application logic is, when my application sends the user details and calls my spring API, I want to handle all these transfer of tokens in the server side, so I want to transfer this userId as my path variable. How do I go about doing this? Has anyone done this, can they explain to me any other different solution?
You can't add custom details to OAuth redirects and it is best practice to always register the full redirect uri.
In terms of tracking the user, after login the token has a user id and you can also get fields such as user name and email - so both the UI and API will know which user each token is for. I can provide further details on mechanics if needed.
The user id in a token is often a generated value, whereas the user id you want to use in API path segments is maybe a user id from your app's back end database - if so you will need to map between token details and database details.
If you provide redirect uri as http://localhost:8080/ then it means you are handling the api response in
endpoint and not
To get to know the user to whom you are linking, few ideas which you can use are
1) Use security to obtain the logged in user credentials (Ex: Principal if you're using Spring security in java)
2) After successful authentication, use the user id you have and send one more request to backend and store it database with userid as a key

Implementing JWT with Spring security without users

I would like to set up an IT solution based on the Front / Back principle.
Front side I would use a technology like React, Angular and Back side I would use a technology like java spring boot to implement controller Rest.
The front will make Rest requests on the back to retrieve data.
I would like to add a security concept to the solution by implementing the JWT standard on the back. Thus the client, knowing the secret, could request a token back and could make requests by specifying the token via the header of the request.
I found several tutorials explaining how to set up this type of solutions. In particular: https://medium.com/#nydiarra/secure-...n-e57a25806c50
In this tutorial, we assume that we define somewhere (here in a H2 database) the different users of the app and their role (admin or standard).
So the front could ask a token but it would have to indicate the user and his password and the secret defined. The back looks in the database and gives a token relative to the role defined for this user.
My question is simple. Do we have to define users and roles if we want to use JWT?
What I would have liked to do is not to inform and not to store potential users and their roles.
Simply the front requests a token with the secret without giving user and the back gives a token. Which will be used later in the header of the requests.

Authentication in Play! and RestEasy

I have a small application written in Play! which allows user registration and adding some content for registered users which other registered users can view. I'd like to add some REST API to my application with [resteasy] module, and my question is: are there any best practices or known solutions for performing authentication with rest to allow users managing their own content using resteasy in Play! ?
What I'm thinking about now, are two solutions:
Client sends data and also sends his password and user name in some hashed or encoded form and this data is checked with credentials in database. If there is a match, request action occurs.
Client authenticates in the first place and is returned sessionId or something which he has to add to all requests (cookie?).
Any help is appreciated.
You have some related answers on how to approach security here and here.
Personally I would try to create some OAuth 2 authentication if the API is to be used by 3rd parties. If it is private usage (only your apps will call it) other methods plus SSL should suffice.
