Trying to execute sql script using sqlplus from powershell commandline - oracle

I'm trying to execute a sql script from powershell using the following command:
sqlplus username/password#tnsnamesalias 'path to my sql file.sql'
If I run the command without the script path, I can connect to the database and execute commands. If I include the script path (which includes spaces) then I just get the sqlplus help text and no changes are made to the database. My sql script is finished with END; and /
What am I doing wrong?

I believe you need to add the # sign before the path:
sqlplus username/password#tnsnamesalias #'path to my sql file.sql'

You have forgotten "#" symbol and the apostrophes are wrong here.
This works for me for executing a "test script.sql" file
sqlplus .... "#test script.sql"


How to startup automatically Oracle 19C using bash scripting and SQL PLUS?

I've tried to create a bash script for connecting to my Oracle 19C database using sqlplus, I added the following code (which works also) :
#! /bin/sh.
sqlplus "'"sys/mypassword as sysdba"'"
The main problem is that I want to use this bash script to start the database, what I've created seems to only let me open the sqlplus terminal, I just want to add the SQL> startup so that the database starts but I'm not really sure how to add this command in the SQL terminal by using bash scripting.
Any help would be much appreciated ! Thank you .
source oraenv
sqlplus << EOF
connect / as sysdba

sqlplus does not execute the query if it is called by a ssh external connection

I have a script lying into a Unix server which looks like this:
#some stuff here $PARAM_1 $PARAM_2
#some other stuff here
As you can see, is calling another script called
The is supposed to perform a query via sqlplus, then parse the results and return them via email if any.
The interesting part of the code in is this:
RAW_LIST=$(echo "select distinct M_OS_USER from MX_USER_CONNECTION_DBF where M_EVENT_DATE >= to_date('$EVENT_DATE','DD-MM-YYYY') and M_OS_USER is not null and M_OS_USER not in $LIST_AUTHORIZED_USERS;" | sqlplus -s $USERNAME/$PASSWORD#$DB_SERVER)
As you can see, all I do is just creating the variable RAW_LIST executing a query with sqlplus.
The problem is the following:
If I call the script via command line (PuTTy / KiTTy), the sqlplus command works fine and returns something.
If I call the script via an external job (a ssh connection opened on the server via a Jenkins job), the sqlplus returns nothing and takes 0 seconds, meaning it doesn't even try to execute itself.
In order to debug, I've printed all the variables, the query itself in order to check if something wasn't properly set: everything is correctly set.
It really seems that the command sqlplus is not recognized, or something like this.
Would you please have any idea on how I can debug this? Where should I look the issue?
You need to consider few things here. While you are running the script, from which directory location you are executing the script? And while you are executing the script from your external application from which directory location it is executing the script. Better use full path to the script like /path/to/the/script/ or use cd /path/to/the/script/ command to go to the script directory first and execute the script. Also check execute permission for your application. You as an user might have permission to execute the script or sql command but your application does not have that permission. Check the user id for your application and add that into the proper group.

Executing an sql script vi an OCI8 connection object

I have a locally running oracle thin client and have successfully created a ruby script to connect to a remote oracle database. I successfully make a call (select * from table_name) to the database to get the content of a table:
con ='<user>', <password>, '<host>:<port>/XE')
con.exec('select name from actor') do |records|
puts records
rescue OCIError
puts "Database Connection Error"
I also want to run an sql script that resides in the oracle directory on the remote host.
Usually I perform the following:
su - oracle
sqlplus <user>/<password>
<SQL> #<script_name>
and this will run the script
In the ruby script I try the following:
Yet, I get the following error:
stmt.c:230:in oci8lib_200.bundle: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement (OCIError)
#<script_name> is an sqlplus command.
When sqlplus find #<script_name>, it opens <script_name>, divides its contents to SQL statements and executes them.
If you want to run SQL statements in a script by ruby, you need to write code which opens the script, divides its contents and pass SQL statements to con.exec one by one.
I also want to run an sql script that resides in the oracle directory on the remote host. Usually I perform the following:
No, it can't. sqlplus reads the sql script that resides on the local host.
You can put this script in a function (function_name) and execute
con.exec("select function_name from dual")

Exit from the oracle user session when running a script

I have a problem with a bash script on an Ubuntu system. I need to program a script which connects to oracle an spool some queries to text files.
Almost all of this tasks are acomplished but the script doesn't run as it should be.
To generate the connection to oracle I use the following lines inside my script:
su oracle
sqlplus -s usr/pass << EOF
In the subsequent lines I make all the spooling of the data and finally for exiting from sqlplus I use the following lines:
To diconnect from sqlplus
To exit from the su oracle session
And after the EOF tag I put some other commands to be executed.
Problem is when I run my script:
user# sh
Instead of doing all the tasks, the script only executes the lines to the point of the << EOF and returns to me the control of the terminal still logged as the oracle user.
If I type 'exit' and press enter then the rest of the script is executed.
I need the script to execute from start to finish without this middle step but I don't know how.
Thanks in advance.
In the end it's not neccesary to use the [su oracle] to make the export of the environment variables so I simply deleted the line:
su oracle
And the process worked like a charm.
Thanks for all who helped.

Execute SQL query on Oracle working in Unix prompt but not in shell script

I am trying to connect to an Oracle db using a ksh script. When I run this directly from the prompt, it works. But when I put it inside a script ( it fails. Below is what I've put in the script (edited to make it shorter):
Here abc is the username, while abc$123 is the password of the user which has access on database DBNAME.
sqlplus -s /nolog << EOF > output
connect abc/abc$123#DBNAME;
set echo off
set heading off
select table_name from dba_tables;
This works if typed directly, but run as ./, gives error -
ERROR ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but can't figure this out. Thanks for your help.
You cannot just write code like this and expect it to be passed to the relevant program. Your SQL lines are being executed by KSH instead of your SQL server. Instead you need to do something more along the lines of:
echo "SQL CODE HERE" | sqlplus ....
