What are the ways to listen to the success or failure of transactions when working with Spring (spring boot, spring data) - spring-boot

When working with transactions, sometimes there is a need to do an audit of working with a business object (crud operations when working with tables). At the same time, you need to do this in real time and enter this record in the database :
the name of the user,
the business object with which the work is performed,
the success or rollback of the transaction with the fixing of the reason,
the time of the event occurrence.
Share ways to solve this problem, as you do when working with Spring data.
Do you create your own custom aspects ?
Give examples, if you don't mind .


Spring data JPARepository findById() on an Entity with #Version persists the record when no data is present for the primary key

Am using Spring Data JPA and hibernate in as springboot project for persistence, Whenever the method findyById() method on the Repository(JPA CRUD Repository) returns no data for the Primary key for an entity which uses #Version annotation for optimistic locking, it tries to insert an entity to the database.
I could see the insert query generated in the log file.
Has anyone come across such an issue? Please help.
The things I noticed from your explanation seem very strange to the program because this should not happen, you are just doing a simple query, it should not depend on the output of the query. Consider how much you have to look at different situations in very large application to avoid unexpected behaviors that cause problems.
One of the goals of ORM (Hibernate, etc.) is to ensure that the application meets your needs without worries.
There may be configuration on the side of your existing application that cause this problem.
In my opinion, to understand the problem, create another simple project with the minimum requirements, try again.

Two approaches to implementing REST API on Spring

I do REST API on Spring. Took a course in Spring Data Hibernate and found that it made the REST API the most time-consuming way.
When I added a new entity to the domain, I went through the following chain of objects:
Entity - domain object
DTO - for transmitting/receiving an object to/from a client
Mapper - to convert between Entity and DTO
Repository - for interacting with the database
RestController - for processing API requests
Service - service class for the object
The approximate chain of my actions was as follows:
RestController processes requests - receives DTO from the client (in case of creation of a new object)
Mapper in controller converts DTO to Entity
Service is called
Service accesses the Repository
Repository returns the result of execution (created by Entity)
Service returns Entity is created in RestController
RestController returns to the client an object of type ResponseEntity, where I put the body and response code.
As you can see a large chain of actions and a large number of objects.
But then I found out that if you use Spring Data REST, all this doesn't need all the API supplied by Spring from the box. In general, you only need to create an Entity and Repository.
It turns out that for typical CRUD-type operations, I wrote a lot of controllers and their methods in vain.
When should I use RestConroller, and when is Spring Data REST?
Is it possible to combine two approaches for one Entity? It turns out that I was wasting my time writing for simple operations like creating, getting, saving, deleting controllers, it can be moved to Spring Data REST.
Will I be able to implement some of the actions that I did in Spring Data Rest in RestConroller? Such as:
Return an entity property value as id instead of object? I mean I have properties for entities that are entities themselves, for these fields I sometimes need to return their ID instead of the whole entity.
Is there any way to control error handling? In RestController I have implemented the ResponseEntityExceptionHandler extension class and all errors wherever they occur in my RestController are handled in the same way in one place and I always know that all errors will return approximately the same response structure.
Data validation will have to be hinged on the fact that it used to be validated on DTOs received from the client. Are there any nuances waiting for me in this regard?
I'm a little stumped on how to move forward. Give me your recommendations and thoughts on this. Push forward on what to use and how.
What Spring Data REST can do for you is scaffolding of the plain repository to rest service. It is much faster, and in theory it should be flexible, but in practice it is hard to achieve something more than REST access to your repositories.
In production I've used Spring Data REST as a wrapper of the database - in a service/microservice architecture model you just wrap-up sometimes the core DB into such layer in order to achieve DB-agnostic Application. Then the services will apply the business logic on top of this wrapper and will provide API for the front-end.
On the other hand Spring Data Rest(SDR) is not suitable if you plan to use only these generated endpoints, because you need to customize the logic for fetching data and data manipulation into Repoitories/Services. You can combine both and use SDR for the "simple" entities, where you need only the basic CRUD over them, and for the complex entities to go with the standard approach, where you decouple the entity from the endopint and apply your custom business logic into the services. The downside of mixing up both strategies is that your app will be not consistent, and some "things" will happen out-of-the-box, which is very confusing for a new developer on this project.
It loooks wasted time and efforts to write these classes yourself, but it only because your app doesn' have a complex database and/or business logic yet.
In short - the "standard" way provides much bigger flexibility at the price of writing repetetive code in the beginning.
You have much more control building the full stack on your own, you are using DTO's instead of returning the entity objects, you can combine repositories in your services and you can put your business logic on the service layer. If you are not doing anything of the above (and you don't expect to in the near future) there is no need for writing all that boilerplate yet over again, and that's when Spring Data REST comes into play.
This is an interesting question.
Spring Data Rest provides abstraction and takes a most of the implementation in its hand. This is helpful for small applications where the business logic resides at the repository layer. I would choose this for applications with simple straight forward business logic.
However if I need fine grained control (eg: transaction, AOP, unit testing, complex business decisions etc. ) at each of the layers as you mentioned which is most often needed for large scale applications I will prefer writing each of these layers.
There is no thumb rule.

Transaction management in database when two spring boot application trying to access the same record

Two spring boot applications are connected to the common database.
I just wanted to know, how to handle the transaction if both the application try to update the record at the same time?
Since you seem to use JPA (via Spring Data JPA) there isn't much to handle.
The database itself will prevent two transactions to update the record at the same time. So one will always be first.
If you use optimistic locking (which is the default with JPA) the second transaction will notice the modified row and rollback.
Without that the second transaction will simply overwrite the changes with it's own changes.

Spring-Cloud, Hystrix and JPA - LazyInitializationException

I have the following problem trying to integrate Hystrix into an existent Spring Boot application. I am using boot with spring data (jpa repositories). The structure of the app is pretty simple,
we have Resources -> Services -> Repositories.
I enabled Hystrix support and annotated one of the service methods that returns an entity as follow:
public Page<Deal> getDeals(...) {
// Get the deals from the Index Server.
return indexServerRepository.findDealsBy(...);
public Page<Deal> getDealsFallback(...) {
// If IndexServer is down, query the DB.
return dealsRepository.findDealsBy(...);
So this works as expected, the real problem resides actually when I return the Entity to the client. I am using OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter so I can serialize my model with its relations.
When I use #HystrixCommand in my service method, I get a LazyInitializatioException when It tries to serialize.
I know the cause (or at least I suspect what is the problem), and is because Hystrix is executing in another thread
so is not part of the transaction. Changing the Hystrix isolation strategy from THREAD to SEMAPHORE, works correctly since its the same thread, but I understand that is not the correct way to approach the problem.
So my question is, How can I make the Hystrix executing thread be part of the transaction. Is there any workaround that I can apply?
It is a little old thread, but maybe someone meets this problems too. There is an issue in github about this.
The reason is, hystrix will run in separate thread, which is different from where the previous transaction is. So the transaction and serialization for lazy will not work.
And the 'THREAD' is the recommended execution strategy too. So if you want to use both hystrix and transaction, you should use them in 2 level calls. Like, in first level service function, use transaction, and in second level service function, use hystrix and call first level transactional function.

Is using Transaction management mandatory while performing operations with db in Spring Hibernate?

I went through Spring transaction management. I have a very simple question assume in a banking application with Spring Hibernate Integration is it mandatory to use #Transactional on credit & debit methods. If I don't want a rollback still do I have to put the methods in a transaction scope??
If you are asking technically whether Hibernate calls have to be in a transaction, the answer is no. Each call (update, insert, or delete) will be done as an atomic action. After the function returns the request to the database will be complete. When the database actually commits the change is up to Hibernate, the driver, and the database itself.
If you are asking whether or not you should put credits or debits into a transaction state, the answer depends on the requirements of the application.
It depends on you haw you handle your debit and credit. Perhaps there is some level configuration you can provide to #Transactional. If you need to have more flexible transaction, you may opt for programmatic transaction management instead of declarative transaction management. As far as Spring is concerned, it do not restrict you in any way, its totally up to you how you want to handle your transactions.
