sublime text 4113: go to definition not working properly - sublimetext

I have updated the sublime text.
Now i have
class PetViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Pet.objects.all()
serializer_class = PetSerializer
Now i can ctrl + click on Pet it takes me to the Pet model
but if i click on viewsets or ModelViewSet it does not take there.
I my project i have included the virtual env folder also.
Previously its working but after upgrade its not working
I want to sometimes see the source code also. Now go to definition is not working for all.
How to solve this


Typing : def + TAB to insert a definition in a Ruby file., I get <def> </def> (in VSCode)

When I type def + TAB to insert a definition in a ruby file in VSCode, I get:
I am sure a week ago, before installing a bunch of new extensions, I could type def + TAB and get :
I wonder if that might come from an extension that I installed this last days. The thing is that I Installed a bunch of new extensions. I uninstalled all the new ones and kept to ones I've already got, but cannot get back to a nice def + tab as before. It keeps transforming def as an html tag :
I don't know how to get back things how they were. I still don't know what else I might have jumbled. Can someone tell me if somewhere we can configure the action of ** def + TAB** ?
I am working on VSCode with Ruby and I have the following extensions still working on it :
Ruby, SQLite, SQLite Viewer, Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer, VSCode Great Icons, VSCode Ruby.
I just uninstalled the other extensions I have since a few days :
Code Runner, Code Spell Checker, endwise, ESLint, GitHub Theme, HTML to CSS autocompletion, Jupyter, Jupyter Cell Tags, Jupyter Keymap, Jupyter Notebook Renderers, Jupyter Slide Show, Live Share, Lorem ipsum, Markdown All in One, Paste and Indent, Path Intellisense, Pylance, Python, Python Type Hint, Tailwind CSS IntelliSense, Todo MD.
I add here a picture I mentioned in my first comment to #anothermh.
What you're describing are Snippets. Managing snippets can be tough because there are built-in snippets, snippets you get from extensions and user-defined snippets. User-defined snippets can be profile-level or workspace-level which can make them hard to track down.
It's possible to disable snippets by clicking Hide from IntelliSense but you have to know which snippet you want to disable first.
I suggest an extension called Snippets Viewer that allows you to view all of your snippets which will make it a little easier to track down which one is causing the issue, then you can disable it.

Swift changing my xcdatamodeld and XXX.swift is not created only XXX+CoreDataProperties.swift?

I was wondering if this is know issue in XCode 7 beta. In my case I had to add an attribute to an entity. After addding the attribute I
- deleted XXXX.swift
- deleted XXXX+CoreDataProperties.swift
- selected Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass
- realised only XXXX+CoreDataProperties.swift was created (did not see XXXX.swift)
- created a new class file XXXX.swift, but on save a message displayed overwrite existing one (so apparently XXXX.swift is still there) so i did.
- after creating the XXXX file I just put this code
import Foundation
import CoreData
class XXXX: NSManagedObject {
but to my suprise the newly created XXXX.swift isn't displayed + the top UI bar of XCode disappeared
after restarting XCode i the top UI bar appeared + newly created XXXX.swift displays
When using Swift, the CoreData model will only auto-create the +CoreDataProperties.swift file when updating a model entity. This is by design, as we should now put our custom class extensions in the MyEntity.swift file so that they don't get overwritten. When you edit your model, don't delete your MyEntity.swift file. That one is not managed automatically by Xcode, only the MyEntity+CoreDataProperties.swift file is, and it's the only one that will be re-generated for you.

Unknown class in Interface Builder file. Xcode 6 and Swift

I started a vanilla master detail project with swift. If I add a new view controller and set the custom class, then the modules list is empty and it is not possible to choose a module. The error message "Unknown class in Interface Builder file." appears in the console if I run the code.
How can I setup the storyboard to know the custom class and module?
How it should be. The two classes from the template are just fine.
and how it is
I have to add customModule="Target_Name" customModuleProvider="target" to the interface builder source code. That is really annoying!
If I move the whole project directory to another, e.g. to the desktop it works. Looks like my directory with the name "Repository" is broken. Don't know why :(
I used to encounter the same issue, I finally found that the StoryBoard's Target Membership has been set incorrectly
I was getting the same problem but I discovered that I had inadvertently assigned a non-existing custom class to the view object managed by my view controller. So in the storyboard document view, I selected the badly configured view object, then in the identity inspector, deleted the bad custom class displayed for it (by backspacing and hitting return). That took care of the problem.
In my case, the custom class should be assigned to to the view controller, and not the view object managed by the controller.
I hit a similar issue when I changed the default Xcode project's UIViewController subclass to instead be a subclass of UITableViewController. (I made this change in the class source file, nothing to do with Storyboard).
I then went and typed my new class name into the IB "Class" field of the default "view" in the Storyboard. It would not autocomplete my class name, and then gave the Unknown class in Interface Builder file error when run.
The solution was to delete the default UIViewController object from the Storyboard, then add a new UITableViewController. Then, set that object's Class in IB to be your custom class.
It seems like the original question may be hitting this issue, as the first screenshot's class is ...ViewController and the second is ...TableViewController.
I've encountered the same issue and got it fixed. Reading this question gave me an idea to check the Identity Inspector further more and I found that the class Module should be inherit from target instead from a None module as I had.
Try checking the Inherit Module From Target checkbox and rebuild.
Hope it can help someone, obviously your problem has been solved since it was published in 2014.

Joomla! 3.0: core module edition not working

I'm trying to edit the default core module named mod_weblinks to change how the list of weblinks within a category is shown.
The problem comes when I change the default.php file in modules/mod_weblinks/tmpl/ and I get no results when hit f5.
I also tried to copy and odify this file in template/my_template/html/mod_weblinks/ but same result.
I uninstalled and installed this module from joomla! control admin panel.
Any suggestion?
Ok, I found it, the problem is that I was modifying a module but using a component so I have change the code of the component (which is a bit more complex)

Why can't I see a Managed Object Class file template in Xcode?

I created a .xcdatamodel Managed Object Model file in Xcode. I selected that file in Groups & Files. Then I go to File > New... > and nowhere in the iPhone Templates / Cocoa Touch Class templates I see the "Managed Object Class" file template.
Does anyone know what can be wrong?
I usually need to also select the entities for which I want to generate the class files.
In Xcode 4, select the entity in the xcdatamodeld, then choose Editor Menu > Create NSManagedObject Subclass
If you are wanting to subclass NSManagedObject then I would highly recommend talking a look at mogenerator (github). It will autogenerate the subclasses for you AND keep them in sync as you update your model. It also has the concept of machine classes vs. human classes so that you can add convenience methods, etc. without your code being stepped on each time you update your model.
I've seen this problem before as well. Solution for me was to click on a non-data model file (in Groups & Files) and then click back on the versioned data model file (and entity within it) and then try File -> New File. Alternatively, restarting xcode, selecting the data model file (and entity within it) and then trying File -> New File also worked for me.
Click On the top left where it says "Simulator 3.1.2 | debug". Change it to "IPHONE Device 3.1.2 (BASE SDK)... voila. (SAMS iphone in 24hrs?? lots of typos and incomplete procedures!)
Managed Object Class file template can be seen under "Core Data" section of new file creation option of XCode 4.
The following screenshot depicts it.
