I have:
14/12 Text 1
23/12 Text 2
08/11 Text 3
08/10 Text 4
(European dates DD/MM)
I'd like to arrange this by date, but is in text format.
Desired output:
08/10 Text 4
08/11 Text 3
14/12 Text 1
23/12 Text 2
Does this do it? I assume you're talking about sorting a range like A2:A?
This formula sorts first by the month, then by the day.
I am trying to build a string of values to be inserted into an SQL IN list. For example -
The list that I want needs to be constructed from values within a single column of my dataset but I'm struggling to find a way to concatenate those values.
My first thought was to use CASESTOVARS to put each of the values into columns prior to concat. This is simple but the number of cases is variable.
Is there a way to concat all fields without specifying?
Or is there a better way to go about this?
Unfortunately Python is not an option for me in this instance.
A simple sample dataset would be -
You can use the lag function for this.
First creating a bit of sample data to demonstrate on:
data list free/grp (F1) txt (a5).
begin data
1 "aaa" 1 "bb" 1 "cccc" 2 "d" 2 "ee" 2 "fff" 2 "ggggg" 3 "hh" 3 "iii"
end data.
Now the following code makes sure that rows that belong together are consecutive. You can also sort by any other relevant variable to keep the combined text in a specific order.
sort cases by grp.
string merged (A1000).
compute merged=txt.
if $casenum>1 and grp=lag(grp) merged=concat(rtrim(merged), " ", rtrim(lag(merged))).
At this point if you want to just keep the line that has all the concatenated texts, you can use this:
add files /file=* /by grp /last=lst.
select if lst=1.
I have file with two columns. First column is string, second is positive number. in If first field (string) doesn't have double in file (so, first field is unique for the file), I want to copy that unique line to (let's say) result.txt. If first field does have duplicate in file, then I want to subtract second field (number) in those duplicated lines. By the way, file will have one duplicate max, no more than that. I want to save that also in result.txt. So, output file will have all lines with unique values of first field and lines in which first field is duplicated name and second is subtracted value from those duplicates. Files are not sorted. Here is example:
hello 7
something 8
hey 9
hello 8
something 12
nathanforyou 23
OUTPUT FILE that I need (result.txt):
hello 1
something 4
hey 9
nathanforyou 23
I can't have negative numbers in ending file, so I have to subtract smaller number from bigger. What have I tried so far? All kinds of sort (I figure out how to find non-duplicate lines and put them in separate file, but choked on duplicate substraction), arrays in awk (I saved all lines in array, and do "for" clause... problem is that I don't know how to get second field from array element that is line) etc. By the way, problem is more complicated than I described (I have four fields, first two are the same and so on), but at the end - it comes to this.
$ cat tst.awk
{ val[$1,++cnt[$1]] = $2 }
for (name in cnt) {
if ( cnt[name] == 1 ) {
print name, val[name,1]
else {
val1 = val[name,1]
val2 = val[name,2]
print name, (val1 > val2 ? val1 - val2 : val2 - val1)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
hey 9
hello 1
nathanforyou 23
something 4
Suppose I have two files
a b
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
a b
1 5
2 6
5 6
My question is, in Shell or Terminal, How to calculate the total number of values of B's first column (1,2,5) in the A's first column(1,2,3,4)? (here the answer is 2 (1,2).
The following awk solution counts column1 entries of file2 in file1:
awk 'FNR==1{next}NR==FNR{a[$1]=$b;next}$1 in a{count++}END{print count}' file1 file2
Skip the first line from both files using FNR==1{next}. You can remove this if you don't have header fields (a b) in your actual data files.
Read the entire first file into an array using NR==FNR{a[$1]=$b;next}. I am assigning column2 here if you wish to scale the solution to match both columns. You can also do a[$1]++ if you are not interested in column2 at all. Wont hurt either ways.
If the value of column1 from second file is in our array, increment a count variable
In the END block print the count variable.
I have searched for over an hour looking for what I think is a simple task.
I have an Excel 2010 workbook with 2 sheets. In the first sheet, I have 1 column (A) with a couple thousand rows. They are arranged like this:
1 Title: aaaaa
2 Author: xxxxx
4 Title: bbbbb
5 Author: yyyyy
7 Title: ccccc
8 Author: zzzzz
10 etc.....
I want to copy the cells into the 2nd sheet so it looks like this in 2 columns:
1 Title: aaaaa Author: xxxxx
2 Title: bbbbb Author: yyyyy
3 Title: ccccc Author: zzzzz
It seems really simple, but I don't know VBS well at all. I need to search for cells that start with "Title" and copy that cell into column A of the other sheet. Then I need to search for cells that start with "Author" and copy that cell into column B of the other sheet.
To create a custom Text filter, select the filter of your column A, and then select Text Filter > Begins with
Then type "Title: ", but without the quotes. Hit enter and that should filter all your Titles. Copy and paste than, and the do the same for "Author: "
Say I have a text file items.txt
Another Purple Item:1:3:01APR13
Another Green Item:1:8:02APR13
Another Yellow Item:1:3:01APR13
Another Orange Item:5:3:04APR13
Where the 2nd column is price and the 3rd is quantity. How could I loop through this in bash such that each unique date had a total of price * quantity?
try this awk one-liner:
awk -F: '{v[$NF]+=$2*$3}END{for(x in v)print x, v[x]}' fileĀ
01APR13 6
04APR13 15
02APR13 8
EDIT sorting
as I commented, there are two approaches to sort the output by date, I just take the simpler one: ^_^:
kent$ awk -F: '{ v[$NF]+=$2*$3}END{for(x in v){"date -d\""x"\" +%F"|getline d;print d,x,v[x]}}' file|sort|awk '$0=$2" "$3'
01APR13 6
02APR13 8
04APR13 15
Take a look at bash's associative arrays.
You can create a map of dates to values, then go over the lines, calculate price*quantity and add it to the value currently in the map or insert it if non-existent.