Webdatarocks - TypeError: Cannot read property 'preventDefault' of undefined - webdatarocks

When I press the arrow keyboard keys with the cursor in a cell focused in the pivot, I got this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'preventDefault' of undefined
enter image description here

Yes, it seems like an issue in WebDataRocks. Hopefully, the WebDataRocks team will fix it in their next release.


Animation Error: _animation_update_transforms: Failed setting key

I'm getting an error as such:
E 0:00:00.744 _animation_update_transforms: Failed setting key at
time 0 in Animation 'Running' at Node '/path/to/AnimationPlayer',
Track 'path/to/custom node:rotation_degrees'.
Check if property exists or the type of key is right for the property
<C++ Source> scene/animation/animation_player.cpp:871 #
I'm trying to rotate a custom node (made by extending position2D) in animation but for some reason this error shows up.
According to the error:
Check if property exists
since I've extended position2D the rotation property exists
and the other part:
type of key is right for the property
I believe the values for the key are accurate, as when I hover over the keys
all the values seem to be accurate:
How do I fix this error?
or anyway to further isolate the error to pinpoint exactly where it's occurring within my custom node script?
if you are editing animation with godot script. You should update points that are set by auto.
Try something like this:
$AnimationPlayer.get_animation("rotate").value_track_set_update_mode(0, Animation.UPDATE_CAPTURE)
Try to uncheck "Reset on Save" option on the AnimationPlayer Node and delete "RESET" animation.

Getting some weird bar which is not part of my data

This is the follow up question of Date labels and partition line are getting overlaid
Now It is solved. My date and vertical tick line is getting updated but the problem is I get this weird bar and number see that "2" in the left side:
I am getting this green bar named state unassigned. I don't why I am getting this. Below kashmir you can see there is a number "2" (another bar it seems with value 2).
So you can see I am getting this for month April So when I use the slider to reproduce it. It's gone.
I don't get these things when I use slider but when I do autoplay then this issue occurs.
I don't know how to solve for this one issue.
It is from the data API side. They have added some elements after some dates. That's why this occurred.

How to debug when get error from D3

I wonder if anyone could give me some clue that how to track the bug in D3.
For example, I draw a linechart, and I got some error from D3:
Error: Invalid value for <line> attribute y2="NaN" d3.js:7571
And this error is most possibly caused by some illegal(no value or NaN or etc) data binding in my code, but how can I trace back to locate where this error happen in my code rather in D3?
I find that using the console in the Google Chrome browser is useful.
This can be enabled by pressing F12 when on the offending page and a separate window will open at the bottom.
The console tab on this window will present with information on errors found in the page.
As an example I inserted a 'random' semicolon in my d3.js code here;
(this is in the 'Geany' editor)
And in the console tab the error is identified as follows;
This shows you a description of the error and an indication of the area. In this case the console errored on the following line because it regards the semi-colon as valid, but that makes the following code invalid, but you get the idea.
In Firefox there is a plug-in called firebug I believe that will allow the same thing.
From my experience, there's isn't a really good way to debug this kind of error, but there's a workaround.
The error is thrown when an attribute value is set to NaN. Actually, that by itself would be easy to debug, because you could expand the error in the console and look through the stack trace to find in which file and on which line within call the stack the NaN value is set.
But that becomes impossible when you also have a transition. That's because the attr() call that's ultimately responsible for setting a NaN value runs asynchronously (i.e. via setTimeout at a later time). So you no longer get a stack trace that lets you see where in your code the NaN came from.
So, as a workaround, you can temporarily comment out all the transitions in your code, reload the page and you'll get an error that'll point you towards the line with the bug.
If you don't want to do that, then the only other option you have is to look at your code. You can narrow things down to the places in the code where you set attributes on a <line> node (since the error is about a <line>). Then you can insert a debugger statement in that general area and step through your code to find what causes your it to output NaN.

Making a sheet from a panel in AppleScriptObjC

Alright, I'm trying to make a sheet appear in my AppleScriptObjC app, based on a panel I've already designed in the 'Interface Builder' .xib file.
I've found a fantastic answer here, but it's for Objective-C, and I'm struggling to translate it into AppleScriptObjC.
Here's the code I've tried at the moment:
beginSheet_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(loadingWindow, mainWindow, me, missing value, missing value)
This just gives me the following error:
[AppDelegate titleRefresh:]: *** -[AppDelegate beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:]: unrecognized selector sent to object <AppDelegate #0x10323d4c0: OSAID(4)> (error -10000)
The original window is called "mainWindow", the panel to be used as a sheet is called "loadingWindow".
If anybody could help me out, that would be really appreciated!
OK, looks like I've managed to figure it out. For anybody else having this issue:
You need to use the code as below:
current application's NSApp's beginSheet_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(loadingWindow, mainWindow, me, missing value, missing value)
…where the Panel you want to use as a sheet is loadingWindow, and the main window (which the sheet will appear over) is mainWindow.
Similarly, you can close the sheet by using this code:
current application's NSApp's endSheet_(loadingWindow)
loadingWindow's orderOut_(loadingWindow)
I hope this helps somebody out there! :)

Cappuccino cryptic [undefined] errors

i get this kind of error in cappuccino
TypeError: Result of expression '_2b' [undefined] is not an object.
TypeError: Result of expression '_40' [undefined] is not an object.
I can't think of what they could be for as they don't specify a line number.
any ideas?
Like you mentioned, you should load your application using index-debug.html while testing. Furthermore you can use Safari's developer tools to break on errors by clicking on the stop sign shaped "pause" button at the bottom of the Javascript debugger. This is helpful if the error message shows up inside of an Objective-J main file and you need to look at the full stack trace to figure it out.
i didn't realise the index-debug.html which will give me better errors.
