ask about writing krakend config.json - api-gateway

we are starting with krakend as API Gateway. My question is: We have backend app that have 100 more endpoints. We need write a json with all 100+ endpoints? It's possible use something like wildcard?

Yes, there is a wildcard feature, it is available on the Enterprise Edition.
If you want to stick with the Community Edition, then you can declare a list of 100+ endpoints in a json file and loop them in the template (so you actually write one configuration) using Flexible Configuration


Is it possible to have a multi-endpoint REST API on Google Cloud Functions? (Aws Lambda migration to GCF)

My company has been using AWS Lambda for many years to run our Spring Boot REST API. We are migrating to GCP and they want me to deploy our code to GCF the same way we were with AWS Lambda, but I am not sure that GCF works that way.
According to Google Cloud Functions are only good for Single Endpoints and can only work as a web server using the functions framework.
Spring has a document that uses the GcfJarLauncher, but that is still in alpha and I can only get it to work for a single endpoint. Any additional functions I put into the code are ignored and every endpoint triggers the same function.
There were some posts here on SO that talked about using Functional Beans to map to multiple functions, but I couldn't fully get it working and my boss isn't interested in that.
I've also read of people putting the endpoint in the request payload and then mapping to the proper function, but we are not interested in doing that either.
Is it even possible to deploy our app to GCF or do we need to use Cloud Run (as Google suggests in my first link)?

BotFramework v4 Running Multiple Bots

I need to build a single Chatbot instance using BotFramework v4 that can handle multiple endpoints, and thus multiple AppID/Secret. I have seen notes online and in BotFramework samples that it is possible to do but I cannot find any specific examples for BotFramework v4.
Can anyone provide a sample on who to handle such scenario. For example, I would need to have endpoints /messages/hr and /messages/payroll, and depending on which endpoint is used the right AppID/Secret is used and specific MainMenuHrDialog or MainMenuPayrollDialog is launched.
In general, is it recommended to handle bots for different domains in the same bot project, or is it better to have separate projects for different domains with a NuGet package shared for common tasks.
So if I understand correctly, your desire to use different appIDs and secrets is gonna require multiple web app instances of similar botframework template code which executes different functions using an extension to their already existing api/messages endpoint(the default chatbot messaging endpoint). I'd recommend setting up a couple of azure web app instances along with a couple of bot channels registrations for connecting channels to your bot logic. Here's a decent resource for that:
Though this doesn't apply directly to your scenario, you might want to check out this sample repo here: It shows you how you could open up those extra endpoints of /api/messages/hr or /api/messages/payroll. Additionally, I'm not sure how necessary the extra appIDs and secrets are for you but if your requirement is to ensure authorization when accessing these endpoints, I'd recommend looking into this prebuilt sample as well: It possesses some info about authentication and how you might differentiate between users using a combination of and tokenResponses from AzureAD.

How to wire one/two or more microservice in the TwirpQL Server?

I'm using the GraphQL server which is most-often a gateway that bundles all my different microservices created using gqlgen.
I want to make a switch to the TwirpQL server as I was following the official documentation of TwirpQL. I believe it wants me to wrap every microservice inside it so there will be multiple GraphQL layers one for every microservice.
I don't want to expose the other microservices as Graphql, but rather "just" create one entry point for all the requests and later send them to the respected microservice accordingly.
Can anyone please enlighten me on the correct usage?

What are Istio alternative for Authentication Policy and what is Istio flow for development?

At this url you can have a look at my project jut to have some context:
Long story short I am building an open source framework for building Escrows that can take advantage of the latest PSD2
It support Cryptocurrency payments and implements some sort of side chain in order to have a proof that a contract was signed.
Basically of all of the things that Istio does what I really need is the Authentication Policy using JWT.
This in order to avoid writing this part in every microservice that I am creating.
Of course the gateway is also something important.
The main issue is that I have no idea while I am developing using my IDE (Intellij IDEA) what I can do in order to avoid having to stop, rebuild and start containers every single time I need to rebuild since once I use Istio, I will need to use Istio also in development, otherwise I would have to write some dummy services that fake the authorization from istio when I want to check if a certain user has the permissions to access a resource.
What possibilities I have to have a lean workflow with Istio and eventually what alternatives to Istio do I have?
As for the workflow part of my question, I have found a possible solution:
There is a nice workshop available here:

How to create a Firewall rule for Compute Engine via Google Cloud Client?

I am currently using the Java Google Cloud Client for Compute Engine. I was able to successfully create a Network. Is it possible to programatically create a new firewall rule (given source, protocol, port, tags, etc)? It seems this is possible using gcloud command line, but I'd like to know how to do this via API. I've looked through all of the documentation but can't seem to find anything related to this. In addition, how can I tie the firewall rule to a specific Network? Thanks!
Sure, see the API reference, at the bottom it has examples for a variety of languages:
Note that if we can do something with gcloud, we can always do it with REST API (and its language bindings), gcloud is just a command line wrapper for the API. If you add --log-http flag in the command, it will show you the HTTP details.
