make validation on the uploaded file with laravel - laravel

how can i add validation roles to the file, in this example here:
public function store( Product $product, Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'info' => ['required'],
'min' =>['required'],
'max' => ['required'],
'file' => ['nullable', 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,PNG,doc,docx,pdf,xsl,xlsx'],
if($request->hasFile('file')) {
$dest_path = 'public/orders/files';
$order_file = $request->file('file');
$file_name = time().'.'.$order_file->getClientOriginalName();
$order_file->storeAs($dest_path, $file_name);
try {
'info' => $request->info,
'min' => $request->min,
'max' => $request->max,
'file' => $file_name,
'product_id' => $product->id,
'user_id' => auth()->id(),
'owner_id' => $product->user->id
in the method above it doesn't working...
and this is the .blade file:
<form action="{{route('', [$product->id])}}" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" class="">
<div class="px-4 py-5 sm:p-6 items-center justify-center mb-5">
<label for="info" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Details</label>
<textarea rows="5" name="info" id="info"
class="rounded-md shadow-sm mt-1 block w-full p-5"
placeholder="write any information about your order"></textarea>
<p class="text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</p>
<div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-3 mb-6">
<div class="w-full md:w-1/2 px-3 mb-6 md:mb-0">
<label class="block tracking-wide text-gray-700 text-xs font-bold mb-2" for="grid-name">
Minimum Period (in Days)
<input name="min" value="{{old('min')}}" class="#error('min') border-red-500 #enderror appearance-none block w-full bg-white text-gray-700 border border-gray-200 rounded py-3 px-4 mb-3 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:bg-white" id="grid-first-name" type="number" placeholder="30">
<p class="text-red-500 text-xs italic">{{$message}}</p>
<div class="w-full md:w-1/2 px-3">
<label class="block tracking-wide text-gray-700 text-xs font-bold mb-2" for="grid-email">
Maximum Period (in Days)
<input name="max" value="{{old('max')}}" class="#error('max') border-red-500 #enderror appearance-none block w-full bg-white text-gray-700 border border-gray-200 rounded py-3 px-4 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:bg-white focus:border-gray-500" id="grid-email" type="number" placeholder="40">
<p class="text-red-500 text-xs italic">{{$message}}</p>
<div class="bg-gray-100 text-center justify-center text-black
font-bold border border-red-600 p-5 mb-10">
send a word, pdf, text or image file contains all information about your order, like information
about yourself, if your order is CV, or information, digrams and images ..etc.. about the
application if your order is application.
<div class="flex w-full h-20 items-center justify-center bg-grey-lighter">
class="w-64 flex flex-col items-center px-4 py-6 bg-white text-blue rounded-lg shadow-lg tracking-wide uppercase border border-blue cursor-pointer hover:bg-blue hover:text-white">
<svg class="w-8 h-8" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 20 20">
d="M16.88 9.1A4 4 0 0 1 16 17H5a5 5 0 0 1-1-9.9V7a3 3 0 0 1 4.52-2.59A4.98 4.98 0 0 1 17 8c0 .38-.04.74-.12 1.1zM11 11h3l-4-4-4 4h3v3h2v-3z"/>
<span class="mt-2 text-base leading-normal">Select a file</span>
<input type='file' name="file" class="hidden"/>

There are two things you have to check:
Does your form have enctype="multipart/form-data"?
Check your file field name. Is itfile?


Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \[object Promise\]). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."

I am making a project using Next js 13 beta version. I know all the components are server components so when I use useState, I need to write "use client" statement at the top but in this case, I got "Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: [object Promise]). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."
"use client";
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"
import { useState } from "react"
async function addNewStudent(sInfo, refresh){
await fetch('/api/students', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(sInfo)
export default async function Student() {
const router = useRouter()
const [sInfo, setSInfo] = useState({
const handleChange = (event) => {
setSInfo({ ...sInfo, []: });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
await addNewStudent(sInfo, router.refresh)
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="relative bg-white rounded-lg shadow dark:bg-gray-700">
<div className="flex items-start justify-between p-4 border-b rounded-t dark:border-gray-600">
<h3 className="text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">
Edit Student
<button type="button" className="text-gray-400 bg-transparent hover:bg-gray-200 hover:text-gray-900 rounded-lg text-sm p-1.5 ml-auto inline-flex items-center dark:hover:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:text-white" data-modal-hide="editUserModal">
<svg aria-hidden="true" className="w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4.293 4.293a1 1 0 011.414 0L10 8.586l4.293-4.293a1 1 0 111.414 1.414L11.414 10l4.293 4.293a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414L10 11.414l-4.293 4.293a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L8.586 10 4.293 5.707a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>
<div className="p-6 space-y-6">
<div className="grid grid-cols-12 gap-6">
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label htmlFor="first-name" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Name</label>
<input type="text" value={sInfo.sName} onChange={handleChange} name="sName" id="first-name" className="shadow-sm bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-600 focus:border-blue-600 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="student name" />
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label htmlFor="last-name" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Lastname</label>
<input type="text" value={sInfo.sSurname} onChange={handleChange} name="sSurname" id="last-name" className="shadow-sm bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-600 focus:border-blue-600 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="student lastname" />
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label htmlFor="email" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Email</label>
<input type="email" value={sInfo.sEmail} onChange={handleChange} name="sEmail" id="email" className="shadow-sm bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-600 focus:border-blue-600 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="email" />
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label htmlFor="phone-number" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Mobile</label>
<input type="number" value={sInfo.sMobile} onChange={handleChange} name="sMobile" id="phone-number" className="shadow-sm bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-600 focus:border-blue-600 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="mobile" />
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label htmlFor="class" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Class</label>
<select id="class" value={sInfo.sClass} onChange={handleChange} name="sClass" className="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500">
<option selected>Class</option>
<option value="5">5. Sınıf</option>
<option value="6">6. Sınıf</option>
<option value="7">7. Sınıf</option>
<option value="8">8. Sınıf</option>
<option value="9">9. Sınıf</option>
<option value="10">10. Sınıf</option>
<option value="11">11. Sınıf</option>
<option value="12">12. Sınıf</option>
<div className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-4">
<label for="department" className="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Address</label>
<input type="text" value={sInfo.sAddress} onChange={handleChange} name="sAddress" id="department" className="shadow-sm bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg focus:ring-blue-600 focus:border-blue-600 block w-full p-2.5 dark:bg-gray-600 dark:border-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:border-blue-500" placeholder="address" />
<div className="flex items-center p-6 space-x-2 border-t border-gray-200 rounded-b dark:border-gray-600">
<button type="submit" className="text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 dark:focus:ring-blue-800">Save all</button>
When I delete the statement "use client", I got "You're importing a component that needs useState. It only works in a Client Component but none of its parents are marked with "use client", so they're Server Components by default."

validation depends on radio button selection laravel

I have different inputs depends on radio buttons. How to validate them according to selection?
<div class="sm:col-span-2">
<div class="mt-4">
<nav class=" " aria-label="Tabs">
<div class="border-gray-300 border-2 rounded-lg pl-3 py-2 w-40" :class="tab == 'tab1' ? ' bg-green-200 border-green-500 ' : ''">
<input type="radio" #click="tab = 'tab1'" checked="tab == 'tab1' ? true: false" name="person_company"> <span class="text-gray-600 font-medium text-sm pl-2">person</span> </input>
<div class="border-gray-300 border-2 rounded-lg pl-3 py-2 w-40" :class="tab == 'tab2' ? ' bg-green-200 border-green-500 ' : ' '">
<input type="radio" #click="tab = 'tab2'" name="person_company"> <span class="text-gray-600 font-medium text-sm pl-2">company</span> </input>
<div class="sm:col-span-2 " x-show="tab == 'tab1'">
<label for="identity_no" class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">Identity</label>
<div class="mt-1">
<input type="text" name="identity_no" id="identity_no" class="block w-full py-4 border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm focus:ring-green-500 focus:border-green-500 sm:text-sm">
<div class="sm:col-span-2" x-show="tab == 'tab2'">
<label for="company" class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">Company name</label>
<div class="mt-1">
<input type="text" name="company" id="company" class="block w-full py-4 border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm focus:ring-green-500 focus:border-green-500 sm:text-sm">
this code needs both of them that's not what I want
'identity' => 'required',
'company' => 'required',
You should use jquery to manage it. First of all, you will have to take values to radio inputs. And then apply the required property through jquery condition.
<input type="radio" #click="tab = 'tab1'" checked="tab == 'tab1' ? true: false" name="person_company" value = "tab1"> <span class="text-gray-600 font-medium text-sm pl-2">person</span> </input>
<input type="radio" #click="tab = 'tab2'" name="person_company"> <span class="text-gray-600 font-medium text-sm pl-2" value = "tab2">company</span> </input>
$('input[type=radio][name= person_company]').change(function() {
if (this.value == 'tab1') {
else if (this.value == 'tab2') {

Laravel resource controller with AJAX form validation

I want to validate the form with AJAX, because when the normal validation fails, the uploaded files are gone.
I get a JSON response but at the working URL: /properties, instead of the form properties/create.
This is an example of the response:
{"error":{"title":["The title must be at least 10 max:50 characters."],"asking_price":["The asking price must be at least 10000."],"description":["The description must be at least 100 characters."],"feat_image_path":["The feat image path has invalid image dimensions."]}}
I tried a lot of things, but none is working.
Am I doing something wrong logically, or is it the URL of the AJAX script??
Thanks in advance, Sander
This is the blade file with the AJAX script.
<script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>
selector: '#description'
<x-slot name="header">
<h2 class="font-semibold text-xl text-gray-800 leading-tight">
{{ __('Properties') }}
<div class="py-12">
<div class=" mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
<div class="bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-sm sm:rounded-lg">
<div class="p-6 bg-white border-b border-gray-200">
<h1 class="text-2xl px-12 font-bold w-full my-4">Add Property<span class="text-sm ml-2 text-red-500 italic">* is required</span></h1>
<div class="container my-4 xl:text-lg text-center">
<div class="w-full mx-auto">
#if ($errors->any())
<div class="alert alert-danger">
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
<div class="alert alert-danger print-error-msg" style="display:none">
{{-- Add Porperty Form --}}
<form action="../properties" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="create_property_form" class="bg-white shadow-md rounded mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full">
<h2 class="text-center text-xl font-bold w-full my-4">General Information</h2>
{{-- Title --}}
<div class="form-wrapper w-full flex flex-wrap px-8">
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="title">
Property Title*
<input class="block shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="title" type="text" placeholder="Title of the property" name="title" value="{{ old('title') }}" required>
<span class="error title-error"></span>
{{-- Asking Price --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="asking_price">
Asking Price*
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="asking_price" name="asking_price" type="number" placeholder="Price in $ USD" value="{{ old('asking_price') }}" required>
<span class="error asking_price-error"></span>
<h2 class="text-center text-xl font-bold w-full my-4">Adress</h2>
{{-- Street --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-2/3 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="street">
<input class="block shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="street" name="street" type="text" placeholder="Name of the street" value="{{ old('street') }}" required>
<span class="error street-error"></span>
{{-- Number --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/3 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="number">
<input class="block shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="number" name="number" type="text" placeholder="Appt/house number" value="{{ old('number') }}" required>
<span class="error number-error"></span>
{{-- Zip Code --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/3 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="zip_code">
Zip Code
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="zip_code" name="zip_code" type="text" placeholder="Zip / Postal code" value="{{ old('zip_code') }}">
<span class="error zip_code-error"></span>
{{-- City --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/3 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="city">
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="city" name="city" type="text" placeholder="eg. 'New Tork'" value="{{ old('city') }}" required>
<span class="error city-error"></span>
{{-- Location --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/3 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="location">
<select name="location_id" id="location_id" class="w-full">
#foreach ($locations as $location)
<option value="{{ $location->id }}">{{ $location-> name}}</option>
{{-- Coördinates --}}
<h2 class="text-center text-xl font-bold w-full my-4">Position<span class="text-sm ml-2 text-gray-500">Get coördinates with Google Maps or Latlong </span></h2>
{{-- Latitude --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="latitude">
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="latitude" name="latitude" min="11.979144" max="18.145982" step="0.000001" type="number" placeholder="eg. 12.123456" value="{{ old('latitude') }}" required>
<span class="error latitude-error"></span>
{{-- Longitude --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="longitude">
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="longitude" name="longitude" min="-68.440281" max="-62.966999" step="0.000001" type="number" placeholder="eg. -64.123456" value="{{ old('longitude') }}" required>
<span class="error longitude-error"></span>
{{-- Details --}}
<h2 class="text-center text-xl font-bold w-full my-4">Property Details</h2>
{{-- Built Year --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="built_in">
Built in Year*
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="built_in" name="built_in" min="1900" step="1" type="number" placeholder="YYYY" value="{{ old('built_in') }}" required>
<span class="error built_in-error"></span>
{{-- Indoor Area --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="area_size_indoor">
Indoor Area Size*
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="area_size_indoor" name="area_size_indoor" type="number" placeholder="Size in sqm (m2)" step="1" value="{{ old('area_size_indoor') }}" required>
<small>1 sqft = 0.09290304 sqm</small>
<span class="error area_size_indoor-error"></span>
{{-- Outdoor Area --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="area_size_outdoor">
Outdoor Area Size*
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="area_size_outdoor" name="area_size_outdoor" type="number" placeholder="Size in sqm (m2)" step="1" value="{{ old('area_size_outdoor') }}" required>
<small>1 sqft = 0.09290304 sqm</small>
<span class="error area_size_outdoor-error"></span>
{{-- Bedrooms --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="bedrooms">
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="bedrooms" name="bedrooms" type="number" step="1" value="{{ old('bedrooms') }}" required>
<span class="error bedrooms-error"></span>
{{-- Bathrooms --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="bathrooms">
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="bathrooms" name="bathrooms" type="number" step="1" value="{{ old('bathrooms') }}" required>
<span class="error bathrooms-error"></span>
{{-- Property Type --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-4/12 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="property_type">
Property Type*
<select name="property_type" id="property_type" class="w-full">
<option value="Villa">Villa</option>
<option value="Chalet">Chalet</option>
<option value="Appartment">Appartment</option>
<option value="Condo">Condo</option>
<option value="Lot">Lot</option>
<option value="Penthouse">Penthouse</option>
{{-- Desciption --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="description">
<textarea class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="description" name="description">
{{ old('description') }}
<span class="error description-error"></span>
{{-- Featured Image --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="feat_image_path">
Featured Image*
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="feat_image_path" name="feat_image_path" type="file" value="{{ old('feat_image_path') }}" required>
<span class="error feat_image_path-error"></span>
{{-- Gallery Images --}}
<div class="mb-4 xl:mb-8 w-full xl:w-1/2 px-4">
<label class="block text-gray-500 text-base font-bold mb-2" for="bathrooms">
Gallery Images
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-500 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" type="file" name="file[]" id="file" required="" multiple>
<span class="error file-error"></span>
{{-- Submit --}}
<div class=" mb-4 xl:mb-8 mx-auto w-48">
<input class="py-2 bg-green-300 hover:bg-green-200 text-white w-full font-bold rounded shadow" data-resource="" value="Submit Property" type="submit">
The AJAX script:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#create_property_form").click(function(e) {
let _token = $("input[name='_token']").val();
let title = $("input[name='asking_price']").val();
let latitude = $("input[name='latitude']").val();
let longitude = $("input[name='longitude']").val();
let description = $("textarea[name='description']").val();
let feat_image_path = $("textarea[name='feat_image_path']").val();
url: "{{ url('/properties/create') }}"
, type: 'POST'
, data: {
_token: _token
, title: title
, latitude: latitude
, longitude: longitude
, description: description
, feat_image_path: feat_image_path
success: function(data) {
if ($.isEmptyObject(data.error)) {
} else {
function printErrorMsg(msg) {
$.each(msg, function(key, value) {
$('.' + key + '_err').text(value);
I have one route for the resource controller:
Route::resource('properties', 'App\Http\Controllers\User\PropertyController');
My goal is to only show errors, when no error I add everything in the DB.
Here is the store method:
public function store(Request $request)
// Validate input
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
'title' => 'required|unique:properties|min:10 max:50',
'asking_price' => 'required|numeric|min:10000|max:1000000000',
'street' => 'required|min:3',
'number' => 'required',
'city' => 'required|min:3',
'latitude' => 'required|between:9,12',
'longitude' => 'required|between:9,12',
'built_in' => 'required|numeric',
'area_size_indoor' => 'required|numeric',
'area_size_outdoor' => 'required|numeric',
'bedrooms' => 'required|numeric',
'bathrooms' => 'required|numeric',
'description' => 'required|min:100',
'feat_image_path' => 'required|image|dimensions:min_width=1500,min_height=800|max:2500',
if ($validator->passes()) {
return response()->json(['success'=>'Added new records.']);
return response()->json(['error'=>$validator->errors()]);
// Generate random number for filename
$random = rand(1111,9999) * rand(1, 9);
// Validate Featured Image
// Make a full size imaye
ImageIvn::make($request->feat_image_path)->resize(1500,800)->save(public_path('img/' . $random . '_feat.jpg'))
->resize(400,300)->save(public_path('img/' . $random . '_feat_thumb.jpg'));
// Store Property
$property = new Property([
'title' => $request->title,
'slug' => Str::slug($request->title),
'user_id' => Auth::id(),
'street' => $request->street,
'number' => $request->number,
'zip_code' => $request->zip_code,
'city' => $request->city,
'asking_price' => $request->asking_price,
'status' => 'For Sale',
'location_id' => $request->location_id,
'property_type' => $request->property_type,
'latitude' => $request->latitude,
'longitude' => $request->longitude,
'built_in' => $request->built_in,
'area_size_indoor' => $request->area_size_indoor,
'area_size_outdoor' => $request->area_size_outdoor,
'bedrooms' => $request->bedrooms,
'bathrooms' => $request->bathrooms,
'description' => $request->description,
'feat_image_path' => 'img/' . $random . '_feat.jpg',
* Uploaded gallery images are stored with the use of the property ID as FK
// Validate Gallery Images
'file.*' => 'image'
$files = $request->file('file');
// Generate images
foreach($files as $file) {
// Generate random number for filename
$rand = $property->id . '-' . rand(99,999) * rand(99,999);
// Create Full size image
ImageIvn::make($file)->resize(1200,900)->save(public_path('img/' . $rand . '_full.jpg'));
// Save in DB
$image = new Image([
'property_id' => $property->id,
'image_path' => 'img/' . $rand . '_full.jpg',
'size' => 'full',
// Create thumbnail size image
ImageIvn::make($file)->resize(1200,900)->save(public_path('img/' . $rand . '_thumb.jpg'));
// Store in DB
$image = new Image([
'property_id' => $property->id,
'image_path' => 'img/' . $rand . '_thumb.jpg',
'size' => 'thumb',
return $this->index()->with(["message" => "Property " . $property->name . " is added"]);

Saved date does not show up in the form

I'm using laravel livewire and I've created a page that you can select a date for when you want the post
to publish. When I create a new post and save the date then it saves fine in the database, but if I try
to edit the post and change the date the date that I saved in the database isn't showing in the form.
Here is my code.
My EditPost.php
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Models\Post;
use Livewire\Component;
class EditPost extends Component
public $name;
public $publishDate;
public Post $post;
public function mount(Post $post)
$this->name = $post->name;
$this->publishDate = $post->publish_date;
public function render()
return view('livewire.edit-post');
and this is my edit.blade.php
<div class="mt-10 sm:mt-0">
<div class="md:grid md:grid-cols-3 md:gap-6">
<div class="md:col-span-1">
<div class="px-4 sm:px-0">
<h3 class="text-lg font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900">Edit Post</h3>
<div class="mt-5 md:mt-0 md:col-span-2">
<div class="form">
<div class="shadow overflow-hidden sm:rounded-md">
<div class="px-4 py-5 bg-white sm:p-6">
<div class="grid grid-cols-6 gap-6">
<div class="col-span-6 sm:col-span-3">
<label for="name" class="block text-sm font-medium leading-5 text-gray-700">Name</label>
<input id="name" wire:model="name" class="#error('name') border border-red-500 #enderror mt-1 form-input block w-full transition duration-150 ease-in-out sm:text-sm sm:leading-5">
<div class="text-red-500">{{ $message }}</div>
<div class="col-span-6 sm:col-span-4">
<label for="publish_date" class="block text-sm font-medium leading-5 text-gray-700">Publish Date</label>
<input id="publish_date" wire:model="publishDate" type="date" class="mt-1 form-input block w-full transition duration-150 ease-in-out sm:text-sm sm:leading-5">
<div class="px-4 py-3 bg-gray-50 text-right sm:px-6">
<button wire:click="editPost" class="py-2 px-4 border border-transparent text-sm leading-5 font-medium rounded-md text-white bg-indigo-600 shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-blue active:bg-indigo-600 transition duration-150 ease-in-out">

Using a modal to delete a user

I'm trying to create a modal that when you click delete it will delete a record, but first I need to be able to have
that modal pop up.
I know that the reason is because of this line $('#delete_{{ $user->id }}').click(function(){ but I'm not sure how to add the user id without having to add the <script>...</script> to the foreach loop
Or do I need to do that?
Here is my code
<table class="min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-200">
<th class="px-6 py-3 bg-gray-50 text-left text-xs leading-4 font-medium text-gray-500 uppercase tracking-wider">
<th class="px-6 py-3 bg-gray-50 text-left text-xs leading-4 font-medium text-gray-500 uppercase tracking-wider text-right">
Add User
<tbody class="bg-white divide-y divide-gray-200">
#foreach($users as $user)
<td class="px-6 py-4 whitespace-no-wrap">
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="ml-4">
<div class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-900">
{{ $user->name }}
<div class="text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">
{{ $user->email }}
<td class="px-6 py-4 whitespace-no-wrap text-right text-sm leading-5 font-medium">
<button id="delete_{{ $user->id }}" class="bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-300 text-red-800 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded inline-flex items-center">
<div class="modal-display-none">
<div class="fixed z-10 inset-0 overflow-y-auto">
<div class="flex items-end justify-center min-h-screen pt-4 px-4 pb-20 text-center sm:block sm:p-0">
<div class="fixed inset-0 transition-opacity">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gray-500 opacity-75"></div>
<span class="hidden sm:inline-block sm:align-middle sm:h-screen"></span>​
<div class="inline-block align-bottom bg-white rounded-lg text-left overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all sm:my-8 sm:align-middle sm:max-w-lg sm:w-full"
<div class="bg-white px-4 pt-5 pb-4 sm:p-6 sm:pb-4">
<div class="sm:flex sm:items-start">
<div class="mx-auto flex-shrink-0 flex items-center justify-center h-12 w-12 rounded-full bg-red-100 sm:mx-0 sm:h-10 sm:w-10">
<svg class="h-6 w-6 text-red-600" xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M12 9v2m0 4h.01m-6.938 4h13.856c1.54 0 2.502-1.667 1.732-3L13.732 4c-.77-1.333-2.694-1.333-3.464 0L3.34 16c-.77 1.333.192 3 1.732 3z" />
<div class="mt-3 text-center sm:mt-0 sm:ml-4 sm:text-left">
<h3 class="text-lg leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900" id="modal-headline">
Delete User
<div class="mt-2">
<p class="text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">
Are you sure you want to delete this user? <br>
This action cannot be undone.
<div class="bg-gray-50 px-4 py-3 sm:px-6 sm:flex sm:flex-row-reverse">
<span class="flex w-full rounded-md shadow-sm sm:ml-3 sm:w-auto">
<form action="{{ route('users.delete', ['user' => $user->id]) }}" method="POST">
<button type="button"
class="inline-flex justify-center w-full rounded-md border border-transparent px-4 py-2 bg-red-600 text-base leading-6 font-medium text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-red-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-red-700 focus:shadow-outline-red transition ease-in-out duration-150 sm:text-sm sm:leading-5"
<span class="mt-3 flex w-full rounded-md shadow-sm sm:mt-0 sm:w-auto">
<button type="button" id="close" class="inline-flex justify-center w-full rounded-md border border-gray-300 px-4 py-2 bg-white text-base leading-6 font-medium text-gray-700 shadow-sm hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-300 focus:shadow-outline-blue transition ease-in-out duration-150 sm:text-sm sm:leading-5">
display: none;
display: block;
<script src=""></script>
$('#delete_{{ $user->id }}').click(function(){
console.log('delete button');
replace your syntax (inside foreach)
<button id="delete_{{ $user->id }}" class="bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-300 text-red-800 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded inline-flex items-center">Delete</button>
replace with this syntax bellow, it will show an alert to confirm the Delete action
{!! Form::open(['route' => ['users.delete', $user->id], 'method' => 'delete']) !!}
{!! Form::button('<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>', [
'type' => 'submit',
'class' => 'bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-300 text-red-800 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded inline-flex items-center',
'onclick' => "return confirm('Are you sure want to delete this item?')"
]) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
