Maven: How to exclude a plugin with a custom flag - spring

I have a plugin in my Spring Boot projects pom.xml which I would like the option of sometimes disabling when running mvn clean install.
Is there a configuration I could add to my pom.xml which would create a custom flag e.g. exc, which when invoked like so mvn clean install -D exc would build the jar, without that plugin.
For clarity, here is the plugin I would like to disable via a maven flag:

You can add <springdoc.skip>true</springdoc.skip> to your <properties> section.
Then you can activate the plugin by mvn clean install -Dspringdoc.skip=false

You can use profile to do that. Adding something like :
and then building with mvn ... -P no-springdoc should build without the plugin.


How can I specify the path in tomee-maven-plugin such that both deploy and undeploy works?

I'm trying to build a pom.xml to handle the deployment and undeployment to a remote TomEE (PluME 7.0.3) server. However, I cannot figure out the correct value to use in the path configuration tag. Here's a working plugin configuration for deploying my application (full-blown EAR, for educational purposes) to the remote TomEE:
Whereas to undeploy, I would have to configure the plugin like this:
Notice the difference in the path configuration. From the command line, this behaves similarly; when the path tag in the pom.xml is omitted, I can deploy and undeploy like this:
mvn tomee:deploy -Dtomee-plugin.archive=target/someear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear
mvn tomee:undeploy -Dtomee-plugin.archive=someear-1.0-SNAPSHOT
Has anybody experienced the same behaviour, and found a way to mitigate this? I'd like to have both deploy and undeploy configured completely in the pom.xml without specifying additional parameters when calling mvn. But, as of now, I cannot do that, since tomee:deploy seems to expect a different path than tomee:undeploy.
Ok, based on #Old School's edited answer, I can do something like this:
Then, specify path in tomee-maven-plugin's configuration section like this:
Then, execute maven like this:
mvn tomee:deploy
mvn tomee:undeploy -Pundeploy
Which I consider more convenient than specifying some -D parameters at execution time (YMMV).
However, the perfect solution in my opinion would be if you could configure path in tomee-maven-plugin's configuration such that both tomee:deploy and tomee:undeploy work without further ado.
I discovered another possibility without profiles which I was seemingly unable to find before (based on:
<!-- no <path> tag -->
mvn tomee:deploy#deploy-it
mvn tomee:undeploy#undeploy-it
I use glassfish, not tomcat, but I think the same principles apply here. In GF, deploy requires the full path and the undeploy requires only the package name. For example, glassfish goes something like:
asadmin deploy C:\Projects\Java\helloworld\helloworld.war
asadmin undeploy helloworld
There is no path required on undeploy because the file is on the server and once you name it, glassfish/tomcat knows where it is.
EDIT based off comments: My apologies for the glassfish stuff, I wasn't paying attention to you mentioning tomcat and I've edited a bit to reflect that somewhat.
I do understand now, I think, what you're looking for. Check out:
Maven Resource Filtering
It's another SO answer where he does a fantastic job of explaining exactly what you're looking for, I think. I hope that works.

Remove -SNAPSHOT from project version in pom

I have a pom with the following GAV
I want to remove -SNAPSHOT from this using maven in batch mode, so I can do it with Jenkins and not have to specify anything manually.
I've looked at the documentation for version:set but all the options offer me an interactive prompt and ask me to type a name for the version.
I would prefer the versions plugin, not the release plugin.
Since version 2.10 of the Versions Maven Plugin you can simply do:
mvn versions:set -DremoveSnapshot
If you really don't want to use the Maven Release Plugin (for whatever reason), here is how I succeed on dropping the SNAPSHOT suffix (hanbdled as a classifier) from a maven POM in a standard way (that is, no scripting, no custom maven plugin).
Given the following profile:
And simply executing: mvn validate -Pdrop-snapshot
The version of an example pom passed from 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT to 0.0.1.
How it actually works:
The build-helper-maven-plugin, parse-version goal, will parse the current version of the POM and set it in a set of properties having by default parsedVersion as a prefix and majorVersion, minorVersion, incrementalVersion as suffixes (check the documentation, you will also have classifier and buildNumber). Hence, after its execution we can then use in our POM the properties like ${parsedVersion.majorVersion} and so on.
The versions-maven-plugin, set goal, will then use these properties to build the new version you actually want (in this case dropping the SNAPSHOT, because we excluded the ${parsedVersion.classifier} property).
Lastly, the versions-maven-plugin, commit goal, will make these changes effective.
Similar to A_Di-Matteo's approach with build-helper, but without the need for additional plugins configuration:
mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set \
-DnewVersion=\${parsedVersion.majorVersion} \
.\${parsedVersion.minorVersion} \
.\${parsedVersion.incrementalVersion \
.\${parsedVersion.buildNumber} \
This will replace your with in the pom.xml.
Add the following to your POM:
You can now remove the -SNAPSHOT part of your project's version with:
mvn build-helper:regex-property versions:set -N
The -N tells Maven to only proces the root project in case you have modules defined in your POM. This is not strictly necessary but prevents the build-helper plugin from running unnecessarily against the submodules. The versions plugin runs only on the root project in any case, and traverses all modules automatically. Consider using the reactorModuleConvergence rule of the maven-enforcer plugin to make sure multi-module projects are handled correctly.
You can run mvn versions:commit to remove the backup POM(s) generated by versions:set. Alternatively you can add <generateBackupPoms>false</generateBackupPoms> to the configuration of the versions plugin.

Maven: How to activate profile based on whether child module contains a file?

I’m using Maven 3.1.1 on Mac 10.9.1. I want to activate a profile based on whether certain child modules contain a file. I have tried the following
but this profile doesn’t get activated when running “mvm clean install” despite the fact I’ve verified that the child modules in question contain the file. I also tried ${project.basedir} without luck. Any ideas how I make this happen?
Since you define the profile in the parent POM (I guess) you should try this
Furthermore, you should try running Maven in debug mode to get more information at runtime:
mvm -X clean install

Using DB unit to load DEMO data

I'm using the Maven DBUnit plugin to load test data for unit tests. I'd also like to use it for loading a different set of data to a different db for demo purposes. The dbunit plugin only allows for a single execution. Should I just create a separate pom or is there some trick that I can do to make this happen. (I.e., I'd like to simply do something like mvn load-demo-data).
you can execute a plugin several times if you like it depends just on the configuration you give in the pom:
You can also define a profile to control the execution which might the right choice for your demo data. The call you described mvn load-demo-data is not possible with maven, cause maven calls only a goal or lifecycle.
Use properties when configuring the database credentials
Then add a profiles section to your POM, controling the setting of these properties:
The profile cane be activated as follows to update two different databases
mvn -Pdb1 clean test
mvn -Pdb2 clean test

Installing a required Jar file and optionally a second jar file in Maven into the local repository

I have a product that contains a Jar file in its distribution and I have created a pom.xml that uses the install-file mojo to install the Jar into the local repository. So the user unpacks my zip file and types "mvn install" and everything works.
My problem is I have a second Jar file that I would also like to install using the same pom.xml, but this Jar file is optional and may or may not be present (the Jar file is downloaded separately by the user and placed in the same directory). I have tried install-file and also build-helper:attach-artifact and can't figure out how to do this within a single POM. I'm happy to have the user type some different command to install this Jar file, or have it work with "mvn install".
One possibility is to use a profile, which gets activated based on the existence of the second jar. This profile can be used to attach an additional artifact using the build helper maven plugin goal that you have referred above. Something like this...
