How to publish oracle db layer with geoserver? - geoserver

I use geoserver version 2.18.4.
And I created a store and connected the oracle db.
However, there is no geometry column in my oracle table.
I have x column and y column of latitude and longitude coordinate system.
How do I publish a layer when there is no geometry column and only has x and y coordinate columns?
If there is only x-coordinate column and y-coordinate column, I am trying to publish a layer through sql view, but how do I set the geometry?

You will need to somehow provide a Geometry column before GeoServer will consider your table.
You could create a view which generates a geometry on the fly, but this is likely to be slow for any reasonable size of data and may lead to problems with metadata.
A better solution is to add a column to your table and populate it directly using the values in the latitude and longitude columns.


Using the ComplexHeatmap package, can I make it so that certain columns have a different color scale than others?

I have a data matrix with 20 columns.
I am easily able to create the heatmap and determine a color scale.
HOWEVER, I want to create a single heatmap- where specific columns have specific color scales
I want columns 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 to be one color scale.
and then columns 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 to be another color scale.
They would ultimately be the same scale.. 0 to 1. but i want a constrast between the columns because they represent two different groups.

Mathematica: How to plot two columns of each row of a table against each other?

I have imported a table of data with 6 columns and lots of rows. For each row I want to plot Column 1 (x-value) against Column 2 (y-value) and so on. Such that I have a new scatter / list plot, with 3 points, for every single row of my table.
Thus far all I have managed to do is have everything in the one graph but how do I make a new graph for each individual row?
I'm using Mathematica 12.0.

How does one creates a raster layer from SQL Server in GeoServer

I want to implement a weather layer that displays temperatures from -40 to 40 degress in a map using GeoServer. I got an SQL Server table that looks something like:
create table temperature (id int identity primary key, geom geometry, temperature float)
Geom contains a Point for which a given temperature measure is applicable. I have added the table as layer in GeoServer but i'm stuck to actually be able to render it. Right now, the best i get is a big red square :D So, it seems like it renders as a pure point, and not a raster.
How does one creates correct bindings etc for the raster to be displayed nicely?
Is it done on SLD level or somewhere else?
You could use the BarnesSurface transformation as described in this question. But since the transformation will be carried out each and every time the map is displayed it would be more efficient to rasterize the points once and then use that raster in GeoServer.

Does cube of ODI support OLAP operations like dicing, drilling, pivoting

I am a newbie in ODI. I have installed ODI 12c and created a data cube in it. After mapping the data cube, it is just added into the Oracle database like a simple table. I am wondering how the cube helps us to run queries very fast and in low time.
I have searched a lot and found that OLAP cube's Operations are Dicing, Drilling, Pivoting, ...
Would you please guide me on how to drill, dice, and pivot on the cube which is created in ODI?
Any help is really appreciated.
ODI it's a tool that integrates data. The operation of Dicing, Drilling, Pivoting and so on, are operations that are made on a reporting tool such as Oracle OLAP.
You can't do that in ODI.
You could see in this page all the details rearding ODI Cubes.
EDIT 1, based on comment:
Due to the fact that when you create a Cube, you need to specify a datastore and dimensions(and also when create a dimension you need to specify a datastore) it means that a Cube have a phisical table behind.
Please read here about dimensions and then about Cubes.
Very sort extraction from the links:
A cube is a set of measures grouped together that have similar dimensionality. The axes of the cube contain dimension values and the body of the cube contains measure values.
A dimension is a structure that organizes data. For example, a products dimension organizes data about products including product information, product categories and its sub-categories. A dimension consists of a set of levels and a set of hierarchies defined over these levels.
Hope that this answer helps you,

Using sdo_contains with transient object in Oracle

I have two varchar columns with wkt value (a polygon and a point). I want to know if there are a polygon that contains some point using Oracle.
I'm using sdo_contains command, but don't work. According the documentation, the polygon should be indexed. Can anyone help me how to get around this problem?
I don't want to create a geometry column. I can't change the table structure or add a column.
SDO_CONTAINS is a spatial operator function and does indeed require an index (or rather, an indexed geometry column).
For arbitrary in-memory geometry objects, you can use SDO_GEOM.RELATE with the CONTAINS or INSIDE mask.
