I have a 2 seconds length 1920x1080 dimensions video and I want to size of the file to be 3Mb
I tried the method below:
const fileSize = 3000; // Kilobytes
const duration = 2; // Second
const videoBitRate = Math.round((fileSize * 8) / duration));
So videoBitRate is 12000 right now
Then I use Two-Pass encoding
ffmpeg -y -i input -c:v libx264 -preset medium -b:v 12000k -pass 1 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -f mp4 /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -i input -c:v libx264 -preset medium -b:v 12000k -pass 2 -c:a aac -b:a 128k output.mp4
Expecting file size: 3Mb
Actual file size: 2.6Mb
If I'd use a 35 seconds video,
videoBitRate = 685k
ffmpeg -y -i input -c:v libx264 -preset medium -b:v 685k -pass 1 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -f mp4 /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -i input -c:v libx264 -preset medium -b:v 685k -pass 2 -c:a aac -b:a 128k output.mp4
Expecting file size: 3Mb
Actual file size: 3.6Mb
What is the point I'm doing wrong?
Isn't there a more accurate way to calculate? Why are the results always different?
Text overlay does not work if framenum 1..n and timecode hh:mm:ss:frame attributes are used together, how do overlay both running values?
Does not work, only timecode is incrementing and framenum is a as a text:
ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -nostats ^
-i "video_25fps.mp4" -threads 4 -preset fast ^
-c:v libx264 -profile:v main -level 4.0 -s:v 640x360 -b:v 512k -pix_fmt yuv420p ^
-refs 3 -bf 3 -g 50 -keyint_min 25 -b_strategy 1 -flags +cgop -sc_threshold 0 ^
-movflags "negative_cts_offsets+faststart" ^
-vf "drawtext=fontfile=/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf:fontcolor=White:fontsize=38:box=1:boxcolor=black:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=text_h-line_h+60:text='H264\ 640x360\ 512k\ frame\: %{frame_num}\ ':start_number=1:timecode=00\\:00\\:00\\:00:rate=25" ^
-an -sn -t 30 -y output.mp4
Works if framenum only:
-vf "drawtext=fontfile=/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf:fontcolor=White:fontsize=38:box=1:boxcolor=black:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=text_h-line_h+60:text='H264\ 640x360\ 512k\ frame\: %{frame_num}':start_number=1"
Works if timecode only:
-vf "drawtext=fontfile=/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf:fontcolor=White:fontsize=38:box=1:boxcolor=black:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=text_h-line_h+60:text='H264\ 640x360\ 512k\ ':timecode='00\:00\:00\:00':rate=25"
You need to double up on the drawtext instruction, separating them with a comma.
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=text='Frame\: %{frame_num}': start_number=1: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh):font='Noto mono':fontsize=40:alpha=0.5:box=1:boxborderw=4,drawtext=text='':x=(w-tw)/2:y=(lh):fontsize=40:fontcolor=white:timecode='00\:00\:00\:00':timecode_rate=25" -c:a copy output2.mp4
transport stream over ip generated by ffmpeg is not detected by DVB Receiver.Receiver status is PCR not detected.I am using the following command
ffmpeg -re -i testvideo.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 25 -s 720x576 -aspect 4:3 -qmin 2 -qmax 35 -b:v 1000k -minrate 1000k -maxrate 1000k -bufsize 500k -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -ab 128k -ac 2 -f mpegts -mpegts_original_network_id 1 -mpegts_transport_stream_id 1 -mpegts_service_id 1 -mpegts_pmt_start_pid 4096 -streamid 0:289 -streamid 1:337 -program title="service1":st=0:st=1 -metadata service_provider="MYCALL" -muxrate 2000k -metadata service_name="My Station ID" -y udp://
I am trying reset pts on input stream and create new pts and publish stream to RTMP.
ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i "movie=${SOURCE}:s=0+1[out0][out1];[0:v]setpts=N/(FRAME_RATE*TB),[0:a]asetpts=N/(FRAME_RATE*TB)" \
-r 24 -crf 20 \
-c:v libx264 \
-c:a aac -ar 44100 -ab 128k -ac 2 -strict -2 \
-f flv ${DEST}
If I remove the setpts and asetpts filters them command works. But I need to setpts and asetpts at source before it is given to encoder.
Please help.
Alter the PTS outside the source graph.
ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i "movie=${SOURCE}:s=0+1" \
-vf setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB -af asetpts=N/SR/TB
-r 24 -crf 20 \
-c:v libx264 \
-c:a aac -ar 44100 -ab 128k -ac 2 -strict -2 \
-f flv ${DEST}
Output should be:
- 2,5 Mbit/s CBR H.264/mpeg4
- Audio 128kbit/s joint stereo mpeg2
Command i am using as last looks like this, and stream is not CBR.
ffmpeg.exe "udp://xxx.xx.xxx.x:xxxx?fifo_size=700000&buffer_size=12000k&pkt_size=1316"
-vf "hqdn3d" -c:v libx264 -refs 4
-minrate:v 2500k -me_method hex -maxrate 2500k -sc_threshold 45 -bufsize 300k -b:v 2500k-bsf
h264_mp4toannexb -flags +ilme+ildct+loop+mv4+cgop -profile:v baseline
-x264opts 8x8dct -x264opts mixed-refs -x264opts weightp=0 -g 100
-c:a mp2 -ab 128k -ar 48000 -fflags +igndts+genpts+sortdts -f mpegts
"udp://#xxx.xxx.x.x:xxxx?buffer_size=100k&pkt_size=1316" -threads 0 -v 0
ffmpeg "udp://xxx.xx.xxx.x:xxxx?fifo_size=700000&buffer_size=12000k&pkt_size=1316"
-vf "hqdn3d" -me_method hex -sc_threshold 45 -refs 4 -flags +ilme+ildct+loop+mv4+cgop -g 100
-c:v libx264 -minrate:v 2300k -maxrate 2372k -bufsize 2400k -b:v 2300k
-bsf h264_mp4toannexb -profile:v baseline
-x264opts mixed-refs:weightp=0:nal-hrd=cbr
-c:a mp2 -ab 128k -ar 48000 -fflags +igndts+genpts+sortdts
-threads 0 -v 0
-f mpegts -muxrate 2500k "udp://#xxx.xxx.x.x:xxxx?buffer_size=100k&pkt_size=1316"
Added nal-hrd=cbr to x264opts and removed 8x8dct which is used in High profile.
If your input is interlaced, deinterlace it (add yadif filter).
I am trying to apply a watermark and also to scale it to the current video size via ffmpeg command:
Here is my inital comand that works without watermark
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -vf scale=iw:ih -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp://
Now I tried to add the picture as a watermark. There was a conflict while using with -vf scale=-1:ih*.5, in order to eliminate the problem I used -s 1280x720 to specify the resolution for the video stream, it worked but not properly.
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -i logo.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" -s 1280x720 -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720
The problem:
How can I specify in the ffmpeg command the both sizes of video and logo(watermark) so they don't conflict with each other and they auto adjust like -vf scale=-1:ih*.5 dose.
Thank you!
The scale2ref filter allows one to a video/image stream with reference to the dimensions of another video or image stream
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' \
-loop 1 -i logo.png \
-filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
-preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
-f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720
Here 1:v - the logo image - is being scaled to 1/8th the width of [0:v], the H.264 stream.
For the command given in the comments:
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'input' \
-loop 1 -i logo.png \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=iw:ih[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
-preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
-f flv out1 \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/2[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v2]" \
-map "[v2]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 2000k \
-preset veryfast -vb 1000k \
-f flv out2 \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/4[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v3]" \
-map "[v3]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 1000k \
-preset veryfast -vb 512k \
-f flv out3 \