Invalid IFSC number. The number should be 11 digits in the format ABCD0123456 on stripe - laravel-5

I am using Cartalyst\Stripe\Stripe I have an issue with creating a bank account token for the Indian bank account
here is my code
$token = $stripe->tokens()->create([
'bank_account' => [
'country' => 'IN',
'currency' => 'INR',
'account_holder_name' => 'Jenny Rosen',
'account_holder_type' => 'individual',
'routing_number' => '110000000',
'account_number' => '000123456789',
I am getting this error
Invalid IFSC number. The number should be 11 digits in the format ABCD0123456.
Version I am using
"laravel/framework": "5.5.",
"cartalyst/stripe-laravel": "7.0."

The 'routing_number' => '110000000' and 'account_number' => '000123456789' are US test bank account details.
You would want to select India in the dropdown to get the list of India test bank account numbers here :


laravel custom validation issue it is not working proper way some error is given and some is not given

this is my validation code but not given proper validation error.It is showing only these error
Special character is not allowed like \t, :, \n
GivenName is required
MiddleName is required
while maximum field is required
'GivenName' => 'required|max:100',
'MiddleName' =>'required|max:100',
'Title' => 'max:16',
'Suffix' =>'max:16',
'FamilyName' =>'max:100'
'DisplayName.required' => 'DisplayName is required!',
'DisplayName.regex' => 'Special character is not allowed like \t, :, \n ',
'GivenName.max' =>'GivenName is max 100 words',
'GivenName.required' =>'GivenName is required',
'MiddleName.max' =>'MiddleName is max 100 words',
'MiddleName.required' =>'MiddleName is required',
'Title.max' =>'Title is max 16 words',
'Suffix.max' =>'Suffix is max 16 words',
'FamilyName.max' =>'FamilyName is 100 words'
When using the regex pattern, it may be necessary to specify rules in an array instead of using pipe delimiters, especially if the regular expression contains a pipe character, Like :
$this->validate(request(), [
'userName' =>
So your code should be :
'DisplayName' =>
'GivenName' => 'required|max:100',
'MiddleName' =>'required|max:100',
'Title' => 'max:16',
'Suffix' =>'max:16',
'FamilyName' =>'max:100'
'DisplayName.required' => 'DisplayName is required!',
'DisplayName.regex' => 'Special character is not allowed like \t, :, \n ',
'GivenName.max' =>'GivenName is max 100 words',
'GivenName.required' =>'GivenName is required',
'MiddleName.max' =>'MiddleName is max 100 words',
'MiddleName.required' =>'MiddleName is required',
'Title.max' =>'Title is max 16 words',
'Suffix.max' =>'Suffix is max 16 words',
'FamilyName.max' =>'FamilyName is 100 words'

Using the betweenDate operation filter for the SoftLayer Ruby API includes values beyond my endDate

I'm trying to retrieve the invoices for a single month (beginning of one month and ending at the beginning of the next month). However, I get results for the first day of the ending month in my result set, which I'm not expecting.
Example, this will return invoices for December 1st:
account ="...")
billing_invoice_service = softlayer_client.service_named("Billing_Invoice");
object_filter =
'operation' => 'betweenDate',
'options' => [{
'name' => 'startDate',
'value' => ["11/01/2015 00:00:00"]
'name' => 'endDate',
'value' => ["12/01/2015 00:00:00"]
invoices = account.result_limit(0,5000).object_filter(object_filter).object_mask("mask[id,closedDate,createDate]").getInvoices
If I run with the below filter I get no results for December 1st:
account ="...")
billing_invoice_service = softlayer_client.service_named("Billing_Invoice");
object_filter =
'operation' => 'betweenDate',
'options' => [{
'name' => 'startDate',
'value' => ["12/01/2015 00:00:00"]
'name' => 'endDate',
'value' => ["12/01/2015 00:00:00"]
invoices = account.result_limit(0,5000).object_filter(object_filter).object_mask("mask[id,closedDate,createDate]").getInvoices
So I'm not sure why I get results for December 1st in my first filter when I specify an ending time of 00:00:00. Thank you.
Edit: Here is a tail of the results from the first filter above (minus the id):
The error might be due to the timezone, the filter does not take in account your current timezone, it only filters the data stored in the database, when the data is displayed it is converted to your current timezone. I suggest you change your end date value considering the timezone difference between the stored data in softlayer and your current timezone

SagePaySuite version PRO_4.0.1 - An error occurred: Please specify a shipping method

I'm getting the error below after upgrading to Magento- and SagePaySuite PRO-4.0.1.
2015-11-18 13:58:04.000000 (1447855084.97) DEBUG: Array
[_session_validator_data] => Array
[remote_addr] =>
[http_via] =>
[http_x_forwarded_for] =>
[http_user_agent] => SagePay-Notifier/1.0
[euro_payment_is_pending] =>
[vps_tx_id] => {842B4FB4-D4BB-314E-81E3-CCF5B91ED666}
[tx_auth_no] => 1460340131
[trn_done_status] =>
[trnh_data] => a:20:{s:7:"storeid";s:1:"1";s:3:"qid";s:4:"6367";s:12:"VendorTxCode";s:29:"100002452-2015-11-18-13-56-44";s:7:"VPSTxId";s:38:"{842B4FB4-D4BB-314E-81E3-CCF5B91ED666}";s:6:"Status";s:2:"OK";s:12:"StatusDetail";s:40:"0000 : The Authorisation was Successful.";s:8:"TxAuthNo";s:10:"1460340131";s:6:"AVSCV2";s:24:"SECURITY CODE MATCH ONLY";s:13:"AddressResult";s:10:"NOTCHECKED";s:14:"PostCodeResult";s:10:"NOTCHECKED";s:9:"CV2Result";s:7:"MATCHED";s:7:"GiftAid";s:1:"0";s:14:"3DSecureStatus";s:2:"OK";s:4:"CAVV";s:28:"jCanalFk/1SoCBAAAAicCZIAAAA=";s:8:"CardType";s:2:"MC";s:11:"Last4Digits";s:4:"9956";s:11:"DeclineCode";s:2:"00";s:10:"ExpiryDate";s:4:"1018";s:12:"BankAuthCode";s:6:"T28346";s:16:"CustomStatusCode";N;}
[fail_status] => An error occurred: Please specify a shipping method.
The issue pasted above only occurs with Pay with Credit / Debit card payment method and also i'm getting MAGE_ERROR in Admin > Sales > Order [SagePay Status column]

How to import address line 2 field using Magento AvS_fastsimpleimporter

How can I import a customer's address line 2 using the AvS importer for Magento? The example shows only one line and the names do not match the Magento fields, so I'm not sure how to handle this.
$data = array(
'email' => '',
'_website' => 'base',
'group_id' => 1,
'firstname' => 'John',
'lastname' => 'Doe',
'_address_firstname' => 'John',
'_address_lastname' => 'Doe',
'_address_street' => 'Main Street 1',
'_address_postcode' => '12345',
'_address_city' => 'Springfield',
'_address_country_id' => 'US',
'_address_telephone' => '+1 2345 6789',
'_address_default_billing_' => 1,
'_address_default_shipping_' => 0,
I tried adding '_address_street2', but that does not work.
You can use the \n (newline) in the _address_street field as divider between the first and second line.
'_address_street' => "Main Street\n1",
Use double quotes for this entry in the array to have the \n be parsed as newline
The result will be stored as provided in the database table customer_address_entity_text, which is in Magento terms a multiline field. For displaying it in the Magento front and backend Magento will automatically split it up by the newline and place this in separate input fields.

How to show additional option for size, brand in magento admin panel order description page

I am importing some order using programmatically but i have a problem that how to show the additional attribute like size , brand etc after product name in the "Items Ordered" help me out
i have search a lot for this but not find the appropriate answer.
actually i have these information about product :
[pr_id] => 30250
[sku_id] => 10086663
[dmn] => (blank)
[sector] => (blank)
[cat] => (blank)
[brnd] => Mimi Holliday
[supp] => Damaris Ltd
[desc] => Black lace plunge bra with silk
[clr] => Black
[size] => 32B
[st] => Shipped
[cn_cause] =>
[ret_cause] =>
[sl_amt] => 16.99
[l_s_ex_vt] => 14.46
[l_s_ex_vt_a_vh] => 14.46
[l_p_ex_vt] => 6.87
[l_cpn] => 0
[l_shp_cst] => 1.63
[mg_b_ds] => 7.59
[mg_b_ds_prct] => 0.52489626556017
[mg_a_ds] => 7.59
[mg_a_ds_prct] => 0.52489626556017
Here size and brand is displayed i want to show them.
