Liquibase Implementation using jenkins pipeline - jenkins-pipeline

Is anyone having good links, video, blog or any online material for liquibase implementation using Jenkins pipeline (Shared Library).

you can simply google this up. But here is what I found:


Using both Apache Airflow and Github Actions for dBT

I'm trying to get my head around if replacing our current CI/CD tool with Github Actions is a pro or con.
My team is currently using GitHub and TeamCity for CI/CD. I find this limiting as it's a separate team that configures the different stages. We use Airflow to schedule our DBT production, so we don't use DBT Cloud.
I'm wondering if there's any benefit to replacing TeamCity with Github Actions as we can write the configuration of the stages (compile, run, test, lint) ourselves. I'm interested in implementing Slim CI , which I don't believe is possible with TeamCity.
Would anyone be able to with the pros and cons of using GitHub Actions alongside Airflow? Is it possible? I'm struggling to find any documentation on using both Actions whilst running DBT production on Airflow.
Right now, my source of information comes from this:
It mentions "Well, it depends. If you don’t have Airflow running in productions already, you will probably not need it now. There are more simple/elegant solutions than this (dbt Cloud, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI). Also, this approach shares many disadvantages with using a compute instance, such as waste of resources and no easy way for CI/CD."
My main goal is to get rid of TeamCity and implement Slim CI with Github Actions.
Thank you in advance!

Jenkins ssh-steps-plugin

I want to manage 1000 nodes through CI/CD pipeline so I came across 'ssh-steps-plugin' which can help me in my requirement but don't know how to use this plugin. Highly appreciate any tutorial on this.
I've recently started using this plugin too. The plugin GitHub repository has a good documentation on what the plugin is capable of.
Even there's an example using withCredentials to use a SSH Key to log into your remotes.

How can I connect Coveralls and Circle CI in GitHub?

I need a little (maybe a lot more than a little) direction in combining these two services to work together. I have added the COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN enviornment variable in the CircleCI settings online. I also have a .coveralls.yml file that has the following:
service_name: circleci
repo_token: the automated generated token
The CircleCI documentation does point this out, but I this leaves me confused. The repo is enabled on Coveralls, but from then on it is not very clear.
Anyone know of a solution?
I have cross-posted this question to the CircleCI Discourse forum.
For a java, gradle project that generates code coverage reports using jacoco, along with adding COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN environment variable, I had to use the gradle coveralls plugin
In CircleCI, I see the below logs after using the gradle plugin:
> Task :coveralls
service name: circleci
service job id: null
repo token: present (not shown for security)
[message:Job #39.1, url:]
I didn't have to add the .coveralls.yml file

Creating projects with SonarQube web api

Im trying to create a project with SonarQube web api, I can't find any good tutorial to create them.
I need to analyze a code and then get the information that SonarQube provides, I need to automatize all of this in a web application.
Is this possible to do with SonarQube web api?
The latest SonarQube versions have an api-documentation link. For SonarCloud you can find the documentation here. The documentation to create a new project is here. If you look at the details of api/projects/create you can see the parameters needed, the changelog and a response example. This API is available since version 4.0.

Running a Sonar Analysis from the Dashboard

Is there a way to run a Sonar 5.1.1 Analysis completely in the Dashboard GUI?
If not what are the steps to run it otherwise? I can't seem to find a document that walks you through the steps.
The Sonar Server / Dashboard / GUI is just used to display data, not to collect data (this old blog post explains the sonar architecture).
To collect data you can use maven, gradle, ant or sonar-runner for other projects. The documentation that guides you is in ... the sonar documentation :) - see the child pages, as they explain the details of how to configure the technologies I mentioned above.
I suggest you to also have a read at the configuration parameters you can pass, as the docs are not super clear about them.
