Create a Spring Search DTO with defined list - spring

Is it possible to create a DTO with validation tag which accepts only defined list of values? For example:
public class SearchParams {
private String title;
private String type; // type can be only 'approved', 'new' and 'closed'
Is there some way to use tags to have only this strict list of values?

public class SearchParams {
private String title;
private TypeEnum type;
public enum TypeEnum {
You can enrich the enum with a description in order to have control on the case sensitiveness
public enum TypeEnum {
private String desc;
TypeEnum(String desc) {
this.desc = desc;
public String getDesc() {
return desc;
static TypeEnum fromDesc(String desc) {
TypeEnum[] values = TypeEnum.values();
for (TypeEnum typeEnum: values) {
if (typeEnum.getDesc().equals(desc)) {
return typeEnum;
return null;
So you can get the relevant enumeration via a lowercase String as:
TypeEnum.fromDesc("new") // this will return TypeEnum.NEW


Spring data jpa specification and pageable in #manytomany using join table repository

I have a use case to filter and paginate the record with #manytomany relation using a separate join table.
Below are the relation and entities
public class User {
private Long userId;
private String userName
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
private List<UserRole> userRole;
public class Role {
private Long roleId;
private String roleName
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "role")
private List<UserRole> userRole;
public class UserRole{
private Long id;
private Integer active
private User user;
private Role role;
public interface UserRoleRepository extends
JpaRepository<UserRole, String>,
JpaSpecificationExecutor<UserRole> {
public class UserRoleSpecification implements Specification<UserRole>
private SearchCriteria criteria;
public RuleEntitySpecification(SearchCriteria criteria ) {
this.criteria = criteria;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<UserRole> root,
CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
if(criteria.getOperation().equalsIgnoreCase("eq")) {
if(root.get(criteria.getKey()).getJavaType() == String.class)
"%" + criteria.getValue() + "%");
} else {
return criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get(criteria.getKey()),
return null;
public class SearchCriteria implements Serializable {
private String key;
private String operation;
private Object value;
UserRoleSpecificationBuilder specBuilder = new UserRoleSpecificationBuilder();
specBuilder.with("active", "eq" , 1); // giving us proper result
Specification<UserRole> spec =;
Pageable paging = PageRequest.of(0, 5,"user.userId"));
Page<UserRole> pagedResult = userRoleRepository.findAll(spec,paging);
But when we try to filter based on Rule/User table properties like userName/roleName specBuilder.with("user.userName", "eq" , "xyz");, I am getting following exception:
Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name
[user.userName] on this ManagedType
Kindly suggest if there is any way to achieve the filter using UserRole Join Table repository and specification
Pagination is also required hence using repository of Type UserRole JoinTable.
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<UserRole> root,
CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
if (criteria.getOperation().equalsIgnoreCase("eq")) {
String key = criteria.getKey();
Path path;
if (key.contains(".")) {
String attributeName1 = key.split("\\.")[0];
String attributeName2 = key.split("\\.")[1];
path = root.get(attributeName1).get(attributeName2);
} else {
path = root.get(key);
if (path.getJavaType() == String.class) {
return, "%" + criteria.getValue() + "%");
} else {
return criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get(key), criteria.getValue());
return null;

Stuck whilte converting Flux<Employee> to Mono<EmployeeResponse>?

I'm getting Flux<Employee> from database and I want to convert the same into Mono<EmployeeRespnose> which will contain list of Employees.
public Mono<EmployeeResponse> getEmployeeResponse(){
Flux<Employee> employeeFlux = repository
return //How to begin here??;
I don't know how to begin with this. (Operation should be non-blocking)
Please provide any hint/suggestion that how I can begin with this?
//class Employee
class Employee{
private Long ID;
private String name;
private String address;
//getters and setters
//EmployeeResponse class
class EmployeeResponse{
private int count;
private List<Employee> list;
//getters and setters
I used employeeFlux.collectList() to get the Mono<List<Employee>> and than used map() to convert List<Employee> to Mono<EmployeeResponse>
public Mono<EmployeeResponse> getEmployeeResponse(){
Flux<Employee> employeeFlux = Flux.empty() ;
return employeeFlux.collectList().map(emplist -> {
EmployeeResponse response = new EmployeeResponse();
return response;

marshall attributes inside XML elements with JAXB

I work with Spring JPA and have the following entity:
#Table(name = Constants.ENTITY_TABLE_PREFIX + "ENTRY")
#XmlRootElement(name = "monObj_info")
public class EntryXML implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#Column(name = "ID")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
#Column(name = "ip_address", nullable = true)
private String ip_address;
#Column(name = "network_element_name", nullable = false)
private String network_element_name;
public EntryXML() {}
public EntryXML(long id, String ip_address, String network_element_name) {
super(); = id;
this.ip_address = ip_address;
this.network_element_name = network_element_name;
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) { = id;
public String getIp_address() {
return ip_address;
public void setIp_address(String ip_address) {
this.ip_address = ip_address;
public String getNetwork_element_name() {
return network_element_name;
public void setNetwork_element_name(String network_element_name) {
this.network_element_name = network_element_name;
and the endpoint:
public class EntryXMLEndpoint {
private IEntryXMLService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/restxml", produces = { "application/xml" })
public EntryXML findEntries() {
EntryXML record = service.findById(1);
return record;
Now the requested response is:
<monObj_info id="1">
<atribute name="ip_address" value=""/>
<atribute name="network_element_name" value="xxxxxx"/>
Of course what I get is :
<monObj_info id="1">
I read similar posts , but the problem is I cannot create a List with the required elements inside my Entity Class, since it will not map with any column in the respective table, any suggestions?
You can achieve your goal in a straight-forward but somewhat hackish way.
Since you don't want the ip_address and network_element_name properties
to be marshalled and unmarshalled directly, you need to remove their #XmlElement annotation
and add #XmlTransient.
Instead, you want some <atribute name="..." value="..." /> elements marshalled and unmarshalled.
Therefore you need to add the following things to your EntryXML class:
an attributes property holding a list of attributes.
It is annotated with #XmlElement so that it will be part of XML marshalling and unmarshalling.
It is annotated with #Transient so that it will not be part of database persistence.
a simple helper class Attribute for holding name and value.
name and value are annotated with #XmlAttribute so that they will be part of XML marshalling and unmarshalling.
a Marshal Event Callback (beforeMarshal)
for doing the conversion from ip_address and network_element_name
to the attributes list.
an Unmarshal Event Callback (afterUnmarshal)
for doing the opposite conversion.
#XmlElement(name = "atribute")
#Transient // from package javax.persistence
private List<Attribute> attributes;
// there is no need for getAttributes and setAttributes methods
private static class Attribute {
#SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by the unmarshaller
Attribute() {
Attribute(String name, String value) { = name;
this.value = value;
private String name;
private String value;
#SuppressWarnings("unused") // this method is called only by the marshaller
private boolean beforeMarshal(Marshaller marshaller) {
attributes = new ArrayList<>();
attributes.add(new Attribute("ip_address", ip_address));
attributes.add(new Attribute("network_element_name", network_element_name));
return true;
#SuppressWarnings("unused") // this method is called only by the unmarshaller
private void afterUnmarshal(Unmarshaller unmarshaller, Object parent) {
if (attributes != null) {
for (Attribute attribute : attributes) {
switch ( {
case "ip_address":
ip_address = attribute.value;
case "network_element_name":
network_element_name = attribute.value;
Then the XML output will look like this:
<monObj_info id="1">
<atribute name="ip_address" value=""/>
<atribute name="network_element_name" value="xxxxxx"/>

Spring JPARepository Update a field

I have a simple Model in Java called Member with fields - ID (Primary Key), Name (String), Position (String)
I want to expose an POST endpoint to update fields of a member. This method can accept payload like this
{ "id":1,"name":"Prateek"}
{ "id":1,"position":"Head of HR"}
and based on the payload received, I update only that particular field. How can I achieve that with JPARepository?
My repository interface is basic -
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
public interface MemberRepository extends JpaRepository<Member, Integer>{
My Member model -
public class Member {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Date joiningDate = new Date();
#Column(name="member_type",columnDefinition="varchar(255) default 'ORDINARY_MEMBER'")
private MemberType memberType = MemberType.ORDINARY_MEMBER;
public Member(Integer id, String name, Date joiningDate) {
super(); = id; = name;
this.joiningDate = joiningDate;
this.memberType = MemberType.ORDINARY_MEMBER;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public Date getJoiningDate() {
return joiningDate;
public void setJoiningDate(Date joiningDate) {
this.joiningDate = joiningDate;
public MemberType getMemberType() {
return memberType;
public void setMemberType(MemberType memberType) {
this.memberType = memberType;
public Member(String name) {
this.memberType = MemberType.ORDINARY_MEMBER;
this.joiningDate = new Date(); = name;
public Member() {
Something like this should do the trick
public class MemberService {
MemberRepository memberRepository;
public Member updateMember(Member memberFromRest) {
Member memberFromDb = memberRepository.findById(memberFromRest.getid());
//check if memberFromRest has name or position and update that to memberFromDb;

Sprint Date Rest successful, but no data

#Accessors(chain = true, fluent = true)
#Table(name = "T_NOTE")
public class Note implements Serializable
private Long id;
private Date date;
#Column(length = 2000)
private String content;
private String title;
private String weather;
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "note", path = "note")
public interface NoteRepository extends AbstractRepository<Note, Long>
GET http://localhost:8080/note/2
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/note/2"
No entity field data, why?
After I add standard setter/getter, everything is ok now.
public Long getId()
return id;
public void setId(Long id)
{ = id;
public Date getDate()
return date;
public void setDate(Date date)
{ = date;
public String getContent()
return content;
public void setContent(String content)
this.content = content;
public String getTitle()
return title;
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;
public String getWeather()
return weather;
public void setWeather(String weather)
{ = weather;
Is this cause by jackson mapper ? How can I use fluent API with this ?Why not just use reflection to generate JSON ?
What I need is this configuration
public class ShoweaRestMvcConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
protected void configureJacksonObjectMapper(ObjectMapper mapper)
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
Caused by this
#Accessors is probably stepping over the #Data annotation, and with fluent = true it generates getters with the same name as the field, like id() and date() (#Accessor documentation). That's why Spring doesn't see any of the fields.
I think you can safely remove both #Accessors and #Access, since #Access's takes the default value from id (if you annotated the field, it will be FIELD, if you annotated the getter, it will be PROPERTY).
