Springboot test controller via WebClient instead of WebTestClient - spring

I'm attempting something perhaps misguided but please help.
I would like to test springboot controller via #WebFluxTest. However I would like to use WebClient instead of WebTestClient. How can this be done?
So far, I managed to use reflection to get ExchangeFunction out of WebTestClient and assign it to WebClient - and it works! Calls are made, controller responds - wonderful. However I don't think this is good approach. Is there a better way?
Thank you.

Ideally, you should use a WebTestClient which is more of a convenience wrapper around the WebClient. Just like the TestRestTemplate is for a RestTemplate. Both allow a request to be created and you can easily make assertions. They exist to make your test life easier.
If you really want to use a WebClient instead of a WebTestClient and do the assertions manually (which means you are probably complicating things) you can use the WebClient.Builder to create one. Spring Boot will automatically configure one and you can simply autowire it in your test and call the build method.
public void YourTest {
private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
public void doTest() {
WebClient webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
The same should work with #WebFluxTest as well.

Ok, after much experimentation here is a solution to test springboot controller & filters via a mocked connection - no webservice, no ports and quick test.
Unfortunately I didn't work out how to do it via #WebFluxTest and WebClient, instead MockMvc can be used to achieve desired result:
#Import({SomeDependencyService.class, SomeFilter.class})
#WebMvcTest(controllers = SomeController.class, excludeAutoConfiguration = SecurityAutoConfiguration.class)
public class SomeControllerTest {
private SomeDependencyService someDependencyService;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private SomeCustomizedClient subject;
public void setUp() {
subject = buildClient();
WebClient webClient = mockClientConnection();
private WebClient mockClientConnection() {
MockMvcHttpConnector mockMvcHttpConnector = new MockMvcHttpConnector(mockMvc);
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().clientConnector(mockMvcHttpConnector).build();
return webClient;
public void sample() {
when(SomeDependencyService.somePersistentOperation(any(), any())).thenReturn(new someDummyData());
SomeDeserializedObject actual = subject.someCallToControllerEndpoint("example param");
assertThat(actual.getData).isEquals("expected data");
Now it is possible to test your customized client (for example if you have internal java client that contains few important customization like security, etags, logging, de-serialization and uniform error handling) and associated controller (and filters if you #import them along) at the cost of a unit test.
You do NOT have to bring up entire service to verify the client and controller is working correctly.


Unit Testing Spring Boot API RESTful endpoints generated by Open API 3 YAML files

I have an application that is using Spring Boot (latest version) and creating a back-end that has RESTful api's. Traditionally, I have created controllers like:
public class ContactController {
private ContactService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/contactId/{contactId}",
method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public #ResponseBody ContactEntity getContactById(#PathVariable("contactId") long contactId) {
ContactEntity contactEntity = service.getContactById(contactId);
return contactEntity;
And an integrated test has always been like:
#SpringBootTest(classes = ServiceContextConfiguration.class)
public class ContactControllerTest {
public void testGetContactById() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder =
MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(BASE_URL + "/contactId/6");
This has always worked normally for years as a 'code first' api. Now, I am dealing with a contract-first API using OpenAPI 3 and a YAML file. The API is generated in the same location as before, and I would expect the test to work as it did before, but it does not.
So one resource:
is suggesting I use the assertj-swagger for the OpenAPI / Swagger contract testing.
Is this the only way to go? Is there no way for me to use my old traditional testing which I find extremely useful as an integrated test.
There is a third method I am also looking into:
Which I am going to try also, and I am sure it will work.
I'm also wondering if there is code out there to auto-generate the Test just like there is to generate the API endpoint and the model, it would make sense if the Open API 3 also had the ability to generate the test was well.
Ultimately, I'd like to use my old way of testing if I could, but if not, then I'll try the other ways.
We had the same issue after switching to open api contract first with auto-generated controllers/delegate interfaces. The fix was to import the delegate impl in addition to the controller itself. Example:
public class FeatureContractTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private BusinessService businessService;
FeatureController is the controller generated by open-api, which typically will be in a generated-sources folder within target. FeatureDelegateImpl is our own implementation of the delegate interface, which lives in the src/main folder.

Using MockRestServiceServer only in subset of tests

I want to test outgoing HTTP calls from my service using MockRestServiceServer. I got it working using following code:
class CommentFetcherTest {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
CommentFetcher commentFetcher;
public void shouldCallExternalService(){
MockRestServiceServer mockServer = MockRestServiceServer.createServer(restTemplate);
mockServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("/test/endpoint")).andExpect(method(HttpMethod.GET));
However the problem I run into is that RestTemplate is a bean shared between all tests from suite what makes impossible to further run integration tests which should be calling external services. This results in :
java.lang.AssertionError: No further requests expected
How is it possible to use MockRestServiceServer only for subset of tests?
I can't get rid of Dependency Injection through #Autowired and construct my service in tests such as
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
CommentFetcher commentFetcher = new CommentFetcher(restTemplate);
As this would not read properties from application.properties necessary to proper functioning of my service.
Spring Boot provides a convenient way to test your client classes that make use of Spring's RestTemplate using #RestClientTest.
With this annotation, you get a Spring Test Context that only contains relevant beans and not your whole application context (which is what you currently get with #SpringBootTest).
The MockRestServiceServer is also part of this context and the RestTemplate is configured to target it.
A basic test setup can look like the following:
class UserClientTest {
private CommentFetcher userClient;
private MockRestServiceServer mockRestServiceServer;
// ...
What's left is to stub the HTTP method call and then invoke the method on your class under test (commentFetcher.fetchData(); in your case).
Refer to this article if you want to understand more about how #RestClientTest can be used to test your RestTemplate usage.

Testing classes that make use of Spring 5 WebClient

We're slowly migrating some projects from using the legacy RestTemplate class to the new Spring 5 WebClient. As part of this, we have some existing test classes that make use of Mockito to verify that a given method will reach out to make a GET/POST/whatever to endpoint X using the template.
Given the fluent interface of the WebClient, the same mocking approach isn't really practical. I have spent some time using WireMock, which is great, but unfortunately there seems to be a bug where occasionally the WireMock tests will overrun or hang, and as such I'm considering alternatives.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for frameworks or techniques to use to verify that Spring's WebClient is making expected calls as part of SUT execution?
Spring actually uses OkHttp MockWebServer for testing of the WebClient.
Spring's Example Integration Tests
You can set up ordered mock responses or map mock responses to request details.
Approach 1 (preferred)
MockWebServer sounds like a cool approach(i.e Use WebClient for real, but mock the service it calls by using MockWebServer (okhttp)). An adapted example is:
class serviceImplTest {
private ServiceImpl serviceImpl;
public static MockWebServer mockWebServer;
static void setUp() throws IOException {
mockWebServer = new MockWebServer();
static void tearDown() throws IOException {
void init() {
String baseUrl = String.format("http://localhost:%s", mockWebServer.getPort());
serviceImpl = new ServiceImpl(WebClient.builder(), baseUrl);
void methodName() {
mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader("header", "abcde123")); //MockWebServer will respond with the queued stub.
String header = serviceImpl.fetchHeader();
Approach 2
I have also tried the other approach, i.e Use Mockito to mimic the behavior of WebClient, and it's working fine. The only downside is that there is a lot of given()-willReturn(), to cater for each call in the chain(of the fluent WebClient API).

Cannot inject #Service in Unit Test in SpringBoot project

i have a #Service that I am trying to mock in an Unit Test but i get a null value so far. In the application class I specify what are the scanBasePackages. Do I have to do this in a different way? Thanks.
This is my service class that implements an interface:
public class DeviceService implements DeviceServiceDao {
private List<Device> devices;
public List<Device> getDevices(long homeId) {
return devices;
This is my unit test.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
Device activeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
Device inativeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder
.fromUriString(BASE_URL + "/1/devices");
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(), List.class);
verify(deviceService, times(1)).getDevices(1);
You have to use a Spring test runner if you want to load and use a Spring context during tests execution.
You don't specify any runner, so it uses by default the runner of your test API. Here is probably JUnit or TestNG (the runner using depends on the #Test annotation specified).
Besides, according to the logic of your test, you want to invoke the "real"
REST service :
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(),
To achieve it, you should load the Spring context and load the Spring Boot container by annotating the test with #SpringBootTest.
If you use a Spring Boot context, to mock the dependency in the Spring context, you must not use #Mock from Mockito but #MockBean from Spring Boot.
To understand the difference between the two, you may refer to this question.
Note that if you are using the #SpringBootTest annotation, a TestRestTemplate is automatically available and can be autowired into your test.
But beware, this is fault tolerant. It may be suitable or not according to your tests.
So your code could look like :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
As a side note, avoid using raw type as List but favor generic type.
#SpringBootTest(classes = NotificationApplication.class)
public class EmailClientImplTest {
And also add the needed properties/configs in
Good luck!
I figured it out, I am using Mockito and used that to annotate my test class. This allowed me to get a mock of the service class that i am trying to use.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {..
private DeviceService deviceService;
Try with #InjectMock instead of #Mock
You should run your test with spring boot runner

Mock external server during integration testing with Spring

I have a Spring web server that on a request makes an external call to some third-party web API (e.g. retreive Facebook oauth token). After getting data from this call it computes a response:
public class HelloController {
public String hello_to_facebook() {
// Ask facebook about something
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(buildURI("https", "graph.facebook.com", "/oauth/access_token"));
String response = httpClient.execute(httpget).getEntity().toString();
// .. Do something with a response
return response;
I'm writing an integration test that checks that hitting url on my server leads to some expected result. However I want to mock the external server locally so that I don't even need internet access to test all this. What is the best way to do this?
I'm a novice in spring, this is what I have so far.
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class TestHelloControllerIT {
public void getHelloToFacebook() throws Exception {
String url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/hello_to_facebook").toString();
//Somehow setup facebook server mock ...
//FaceBookServerMock facebookMock = ...
RestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response = template.getForEntity(url, String.class);
assertThat(response.getBody(), equalTo("..."));
//Assert that facebook mock got called
The actual real set up is more complicated - I'm making Facebook oauth login and all that logic is not in the controller but in various Spring Security objects. However I suspect that testing code is supposed to be the same since I'm just hitting urls and expect a response, isn't it?
After playing a bit with various scenarios, here is the one way how can one achieve what was asked with minimal interventions to the main code
Refactor your controller to use a parameter for thirdparty server address:
public class HelloController {
private String apiHost;
public String hello_to_facebook() {
// Ask facebook about something
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(buildURI("http", this.apiHost, "/oauth/access_token"));
String response = httpClient.execute(httpget).getEntity().toString();
// .. Do something with a response
return response + "_PROCESSED";
'api_host' equals to 'graph.facebook.com' in application.properties in the src/main/resources
Create a new controller in the src/test/java folder that mocks the thirdparty server.
Override 'api_host' for testing to 'localhost'.
Here is the code for steps 2 and 3 in one file for brevity:
class FacebookMockController {
public String oauthToken() {
return "TEST_TOKEN";
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class TestHelloControllerIT {
public void getHelloToFacebook() throws Exception {
String url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/hello_to_facebook").toString();
RestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response = template.getForEntity(url, String.class);
assertThat(response.getBody(), equalTo("TEST_TOKEN_PROCESSED"));
// Assert that facebook mock got called:
// for example add flag to mock, get the mock bean, check the flag
Is there a nicer way to do this? All feedback is appreciated!
P.S. Here are some complications I encountered putting this answer into more realistic app:
Eclipse mixes test and main configuration into classpath so you might screw up your main configuration by test classes and parameters: https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS-3882 Use gradle bootRun to avoid it
You have to open access to your mocked links in the security config if you have spring security set up. To append to a security config instead of messing with a main configuration config:
class TestWebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfig {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
It is not straightforward to hit https links in integration tests. I end up using TestRestTemplate with custom request factory and configured SSLConnectionSocketFactory.
If you use RestTemplate inside the HelloController you would be able to test it MockRestServiceTest, like here: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-mock-rest-template#using-spring-test
In this case
// Importand we need a working environment
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment= SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class TestHelloControllerIT {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
// Available by default in SpringBootTest env
private TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate;
private String apiHost;
private MockRestServiceServer mockServer;
public void init(){
mockServer = MockRestServiceServer.createServer(this.restTemplate);
public void getHelloToFacebook() throws Exception {
requestTo(buildURI("http", this.apiHost, "/oauth/access_token"))))
.body("{\"token\": \"TEST_TOKEN\"}")
// You can use relative URI thanks to TestRestTemplate
ResponseEntity<String> response = testRestTemplate.getForEntity("/hello_to_facebook", String.class);
// Do the test you need
Remember that you need a common RestTemplateConfiguration for autowiring, like this:
public class RestTemplateConfiguration {
* A RestTemplate that compresses requests.
* #return RestTemplate
public RestTemplate getRestTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
And that you have to use it inside HelloController as well
public class HelloController {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public String hello_to_facebook() {
String response = restTemplate.getForEntity(buildURI("https", "graph.facebook.com", "/oauth/access_token"), String.class).getBody();
// .. Do something with a response
return response;
2018 Things have improved much.
I ended up using spring-cloud-contracts
Here's a video introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEmpIDiX7LU . The first part of the talk walk you through a legacy service. That's the one you can use for external API.
Gist is,
You create a Contract for the external service using Groovy DSL or other methods that even support explicit calls/proxy or recording. Check documentation on what works for you
Since you dont actually have control over the 3rd party in this case, you will use the contract-verifier and create the stub locally but remember to skipTests
With the stub-jar now compiled and available you can run it from within your test cases as it will run a Wiremock for you.
This question and several stackoverflow answers helped me find the solution so here is my sample project for the next person who has these and other similar microservices related tests.
With everything working once you will never ever look back and do all your tests with spring-cloud-contracts
#marcin-grzejszczak the author, is also on SO and he helped a lot figure this out. so if you get stuck, just post on SO.
You could have another spring configuration file that exposes the same endpoint as the HelloController class. You could then simply return the canned json response.
From your code, I'm not sure about just what you are trying to accomplish. If you simply want to see that the call to facebook works then there's no substitute for testing against the service that actually talks to facebook. Mocking the facebook response just to ensure that it is mocked correctly, doesn't strike me as a terribly useful test.
If you are testing to see that the data that comes back from facebook is mutated in some way and you want to make sure that the work being done on it is correct, then you could do that work in a separate method that took the facebook response as a paramater, and then carried out the mutation. You could then check based on various json inputs that it was working correctly.
You could test without bringing the web service into it at all.
