symlink script does not exist on startx - bash

The problem I am having is running a symbolic link called example inside a script (example points to
Running $ example from a terminal appends the message scriptB was found to the log. The same happens if I run $ ./ from $HOME. However, example is not executed while starting up X.
I have created the following minimal setup on my system to imitate my problem.
type example ||
echo "error: example could not be found." >>"$HOME/example.log"
echo "scriptB was found" >>"$HOME/example.log"
if [ -x "$HOME/" ]; then
bash ~/
The minimal setup
X executes
link created with $ ln -s ~/ ~/.local/bin/example
scripts made executable with $ chmod u+x and verified to be executable with ls -l
appended $HOME/.local/bin to my PATH environment variable in .bashrc
The log after restarting X (or rebooting) is:
error: example could not be found.
scriptB was found

.... ~/.local/bin/example
So add that path to PATH.
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"


How do I write a script that shows all aliases upon startup of terminal

I am a new user learning to use Linux. I am currently running Ubuntu 18.04 with several aliases created, and saved in the ~/.bashrc directory. I am trying to write a welcome script that also displays the current aliases upon start up. The current code I have is as follows:
#! /bin/bash
echo -e "\nWelcome $USER"
echo -e "Today's date is: \c"
echo -e "\vHave \vA \VGreat \vDay! \c"
echo -e "\nCurrent aliases for reference are:"
Upon startup, or running the script on it's own, the welcome message runs but the actual alias command does not?
First things first:
(...) saved in the ~/.bashrc directory. (...)
Well, I must point that .bashrc is a file, not a directory, and is part of the Bash startup files.
That said, the reason why running the alias command inside a script does not work as expected is that it is a shell builtin, and when invoking it from a script will not behave as if running it from your shell.
Hence, the quickest thing you can do is store your aliases in a different file, like ~/.bash_aliases and ensure it will be loaded by adding this to your .bashrc file:
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
source ~/.bash_aliases
And then read that file directly from your script:
#! /bin/bash
echo -e "\nWelcome $USER"
echo -e "Today's date is: \c"
echo -e "\vHave \vA \VGreat \vDay! \c"
echo -e "\nCurrent aliases for reference are:"
cat ~/.bash_aliases

Get Directory Bash Script is Called From if it's a Sym Link

Let's say I have a bash script called program stored in /home/user/program. But then I create a sym link to the bash script using ln -s /home/user/program /usr/bin/program. Then I cd /usr/home/anotherdirectory and then run program. How do I get the bash script to print /usr/home/anotherdirectory to tell me where it was called from?
I tried echo $PWD and it only printed out /usr/bin
This should do the job in your script:
dirname $(readlink -e "$0")
From man readlink:
-e:canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively, all components must exist

Directory name created with a dot ,using shell script

I am using Cygwin Terminal to run shell to execute shell scripts of my Windows 7 system.
I am creating directory , but it is getting created with a dot in name.
echo "Hello World"
temp=$(date '+%d%m%Y')
echo "$dirName"
echo "$dirPath"
mkdir -m 777 $dirPath
on executing sh its creating folder as Test_26062015 while expectation is Test_26062015.Why are these 3 special charterers coming , how can I correct it
Double quote the $dirPath in the last command and add -p to ignore mkdir failures when the directory already exists: mkdir -m 777 -p "$dirPath". Besides this, take care when combining variables and strings: dirName="Test_${temp}" looks better than dirName="Test_$temp".
Also, use this for static analysis of your scripts.
UPDATE: By analyzing the debug output of sh -x, the issue appeared due to DOS-style line-endings in the OP's script. Converting the file to UNIX format solved the problem.

cat a file to a variable

Assuming the name of my script is and my current directory is /Users/scripts/ I'm trying to do the following:
localScript=$(cat ./
I get the following error:
#!/bin/sh not found
I can't seem to figure out how to do this, but I assume its not working because $() is creating a subshell that has a different pwd and thus cannot find my file.
I've also tried using various combinations of pwd but I'm having trouble with this method as well.
On OSX I've done the following:
$ vim
and typed in the following:
localScript=$(cat ./
echo $localScript
and then,
$ chmod +x
$ ./
which gives the following output:
#!/bin/sh localScript=$(cat ./ echo $localScript
Maybe the above will help you spot your error.

Quick bash script to run a script in a specified folder?

I am attempting to write a bash script that changes directory and then runs an existing script in the new working directory.
This is what I have so far:
cd /path/to/a/folder
scriptname is an executable file that exists in /path/to/a/folder - and (needless to say), I do have permission to run that script.
However, when I run this mind numbingly simple script (above), I get the response:
scriptname: No such file or directory
What am I missing?! the commands work as expected when entered at the CLI, so I am at a loss to explain the error message. How do I fix this?
Looking at your script makes me think that the script you want to launch a script which is locate in the initial directory. Since you change you directory before executing it won't work.
I suggest the following modified script:
cd /path/to/a/folder
cd /path/to/a/folder
which'll show you what it thinks it's doing.
I usually have something like this in my useful script directory:
# Provide usage information if not arguments were supplied
if [[ "$#" -le 0 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <executable> [<argument>...]" >&2
exit 1
# Get the executable by removing the last slash and anything before it
# Get the directory by removing the executable name
# Check if the directory exists
if [[ -d "$D" ]]; then
# If it does, cd into it
cd "$D"
if [[ "$D" ]]; then
# Complain if a directory was specified, but does not exist
echo "Directory '$D' does not exist" >&2
exit 1
# Check if the executable is, well, executable
if [[ -x "$X" ]]; then
# Run the executable in its directory with the supplied arguments
exec ./"$X" "${#:2}"
# Complain if the executable is not a valid
echo "Executable '$X' does not exist in '$D'" >&2
exit 1
$ cdexec
Usage: /home/archon/bin/cdexec <executable> [<argument>...]
$ cdexec /bin/ls ls
$ cdexec /bin/xxx/ls ls
Directory '/bin/xxx/' does not exist
$ cdexec /ls ls
Executable 'ls' does not exist in '/'
One source of such error messages under those conditions is a broken symlink.
However, you say the script works when run from the command line. I would also check to see whether the directory is a symlink that's doing something other than what you expect.
Does it work if you call it in your script with the full path instead of using cd?
What about when called that way from the command line?
