Run `\watch` command in DataGrip - datagrip

How can I run psql \watch command in DataGrip?

at the moment such commands are not supported in IDE, please follow and vote for this request on our tracker.


command not found after reinstalling git bash with "Windows default console window"

Before re-installing Git Bash, I was using "MinTTY as default terminal emulator". I just wanted my git bash to be colorful! Reinstall, follow this stackoverflow answer. Then when I use the same Git Bash apparently my common commands which is already installed before like:
Is all gone! How do I get all of my command list back? I have python running thought, because I wrote in .bashrc alias python= winpty python. Are there any way to add those commands without adding them one by one through PATH environment variables? Or do I have to keep adding my list in .bashrc?
Thank you!
thank you for the attention.
Apparently, I was using the first CLI that is offered by the installation launcher after the installation is done. With the same CLI, I was so confused why does this CLI doesn't run my usual commands. However, turns out it can be solved by simply closing and opening a new CLI. Then everything went fine.
I sure felt so silly. Should've tried restarting it from the beginning.

Unable to figure out the issue with Cygwin aliases

I installed cygwin today on my windows system. I tried to create an alias for my desktop to avoid typing the lengthy command everytime. In the /home/sunde/.bashrc, I inserted the below alias statement and saved it.
alias DSKP='cd /cygdrive/c/Users/sunde/Desktop'
Then, I gave DSKP command but I am seeing this error -bash: DSKP: command not found.
I tried searching the issue but wasn't able to figure out what the issue was. Can someone please help. Thanks in advance.

Alternative Console Command to 'sudo update-alternatives --set' for windows server

Maybe the title of this question is not totally accurate so I will demonstrate it via code:
We have in Linux something like the code below:
sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php$(phpVersion)
Which then gives you the ability to use php as a command like below:
php artisan migrate --seed
Recently I need something like this on windows,
I have added that address to Environment Variables so it is a tested solution which did not answer and should directly be done via cmd
It's needed for a DevOps CMD Task
Ok, I have fixed that Issue another way, the reason for that issue was mixing up Deploy and Build Stages. In other word, Building tasks could be done with Ubuntu VSTS Agent and Windows was required for deploy tasks.
But I think maybe giving a solution for the case can be helpful for others:
This case in windows can be solved with defining Environment Variables via cmd code. Please run Command Prompt as administrator:
setx -m php "{PHP_ADDRESS_ON_MACHINE}"
So this way should solve any similar issue to mine with any other thing than php like mysql, mongodb, appcmd or...
If you have any issue on running cmd as administrator you can do 2 things:
1- create a private VSTS agent and define your desire thing as a Enviroment variable on it
2- Take look at the case below, it is really helpful
Run Powershell or Command Prompt as administrator during Visual Studio Team Services build
I hope this can help someone else here as well

HBase create command produces no response in shell

I am new to HBase and installed the 0.20.6 version on Cygwin as that is the requirement of my project. The master is running along with Hregionserver. However, when I try to create a table in the HBase shell, there does not seem to be any response.
When I see the list of commands, none of the table related commands are seen. How do I resolve this? Please see the screenshot.
As reported on the documentation
"HBase requires that a JDK be installed"
But there is no Java on Cygwin, so you can not have a cygwin version of HBase.

How do I update psql?

I am migrating our database on heroku but am having troubles with one of the steps described here:
When I run "heroku pg:psql HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ORANGE" in terminal, I get the following:
psql (9.0.4, server 9.1.4)
WARNING: psql version 9.0, server version 9.1.
Some psql features might not work.
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
I've tried updating psql with "brew update postresql", "gem update psql" and so furth, but neither of them runs.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks :)
You are not in the shell when you use heroku pg:psql HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ORANGE, you are actually logged into a psql console instance. Postgres is already installed and configured for you
