I would like realized inventory of GCP Org policies which are SET in my organization top folders, so I want to use bash script in my cloud shell terminal.
Code below works but I want use folder "DisplayName" and not folder ID.
DisplayName can be retrieve with this cmd gcloud beta resource-manager folders list --organization=XXXXX--format=value"(ID, DISPLAY_NAME)but it is difficult to organize result later in one table
for folder in $(gcloud beta resource-manager folders list --organization=XXXXX --format="value(ID)")
echo $folder
gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list --folder=$folder
I don't have access to either organization or folder but, the following should work.
The trick is to use --format=csv[no-heading] to provide a more readily 'parseable` values:
gcloud beta resource-manager folders list \
--organization=${ORGANIZATION} \
for PAIR in ${PAIRS}
gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list \
PAIRS=$(gcloud beta resource-manager folders list --organization=${ORGANIZATION} --format="csv[no-heading](ID,DISPLAY_NAME)")
for PAIR in ${PAIRS}
gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list --folder=${ID}
Sorry, Noobie here. Perhaps it is a very easy and obvious answer but I am trying to store an extensive list of keyvault secrets and am looking for an easy-ish way to do it compared with entering each one at a time. I figure using the CLI would be a quicker way to get this done than the Azure Resource Manager interface.
If by "ARM Interface" you mean a template, there is a template already written for this case: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/quickstarts/microsoft.keyvault/key-vault-secret-create
Don't know if this will actually help anyone because its so basic but I ended up creating a for loop script in bash that takes the input files as variables and dynamically creates the keyvault and populates said keyvault with the values based on the values.txt name.
bash keyvault_creator.sh key.txt vault1.txt
az keyvault create --location <location> --name "${value%.*}" --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
paste $key $value | while read if of; do
echo "$if" "$of"
az keyvault secret set --vault-name "${value%.*}" --name "$if" --value "$of"
I m trying to pull images in my pipeline in a dynamic way.
I have a file call "images.txt"
that contain:(cat images.txt would return)
cat images.txt
the way to pull a image in azure pipeline is:
that code work but its not dynamic
- bash: |
y='python:3.8-slim' #I m using tha as var but would work without that
docker pull ${y}
displayName: "Docker pull"
But when I try to do it dynamically it doesnt work anymore:
That code work im my local laptop but not in azure pipelines and in theory both should work
while read line; do
# reading each line
eval docker pull "$line"
done < $filename
in Azure pipelines look like this:
- bash: |
while read line; do
echo "pulling image"
echo ${line}
docker pull ${line}
done < $filename
but I m reciving the whole time that error: so
invalid reference format
it was my understanding that everything that worked on linux would work on Azure Pipelines(inside bash)
what I am not taking into account ?
Thanks in advance
How to make docker pull images in an Azure DevOps pipeline from a
For this issue, you can consider using runtime parameter instead of reading from txt file.
Runtime parameters let you have more control over what values can be passed to a pipeline. With runtime parameters you can:
Supply different values to scripts and tasks at runtime
Control parameter types, ranges allowed, and defaults
Dynamically select jobs and stages with template expressions
I am trying to create a config file using a bash task in Azure Devops. The variables come from azure keyvault, so I don't know which variables are defined and which ones are undefined.
- script: |
touch config.txt
echo "1. $(MyDefinedVariable)" >> config.txt
echo "2. $(MyUndefinedVariable)" >> config.txt
cat config.txt
Since MyUndefinedVariable is not defined, the pipeline doesn't substitute $(MyUndefinedVariable), resulting in a bash error MyUndefinedVariable: command not found.
I have tried using the env argument to use bash variables but I get the same error since "$(MyUndefinedVariable)" is being passed in to the bash environment.
- script: |
touch config.txt
echo "1. $MY_DEFINED_VARIABLE" >> config.txt
echo "2. $MY_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE" >> config.txt
cat config.txt
MY_DEFINED_VARIABLE: $(MyDefinedVariable)
MY_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE: $(MyUndefinedVariable)
I just want undefined variables to resolve to an empty string but can't find a sensible way to do it.
All variables mapped from Azure KeyVault are considered as secrets so mapping like this one is necessary:
MY_DEFINED_VARIABLE: $(MyDefinedVariable)
MY_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE: $(MyUndefinedVariable)
I'm afraid that if you are not aware of values in your KeyVault you need to use Azure CLI to check this. To checks all secret keys you can use this command:
az keyvault secret list [--id]
You can combine this CLI with Azure CLI task.
I am using AWS CLI interface to manage files/objects in S3. I have thousands of objects buried in a complex system of nested folders (subfolders), I want to elevate all of the objects to the “root” of the S3 bucket, in one folder at the root of the bucket (s3://bucket/folder/file.txt).
I've tried using this command:
aws s3 s3://bucket-a/folder-a s3://bucket-a --recursive --exclude “*” --include “*.txt”
When I use the mv command, it carries over the prefixes (directory paths) of each object resulting in the same nested folder system. Here is what I want to accomplish:
Desired Result:
s3://bucket-a/folder-c/folder-c1/folder-c2/ file-3.txt
I have been told, that I need to use a bash script to accomplish my desired result. Here is a sample script that was provided to me:
#BASH Script to move objects without directory structure
for key in $(aws s3api list-objects --bucket "${my-bucket}" --query "Contents[].{Object:Key}" --output text) ;
echo "$key"
FILENAME=$($key | awk '{print $NF}' FS=/)
aws s3 cp s3://$my-bucket/$key s3://$my-bucket/my-folder/$FILENAME
When I run this bash script, I get an error:
A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied
I tested the connection with another aws s3 command and confirmed that it works. I added policies to the user to include all privledges to s3, I have no idea what I am doing wrong here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That script looks messed up, no means on setting a variable called bucketname and trying to use another one called my-bucket, what happens if you try this ?
#BASH Script to move objects without directory structure
for key in $(aws s3api list-objects --bucket "${bucketname}" --query "Contents[].{Object:Key}" --output text) ;
echo "$key"
FILENAME=$($key | awk '{print $NF}' FS=/)
aws s3 cp s3://$bucketname/$key s3://$bucketname/my-folder/$FILENAME
I have an EC2 ASG on AWS and I'm interested in storing the shell script that's used to instantiate any given instance in an S3 bucket and have it downloaded and run upon instantiation, but it all feels a little rickety even though I'm using an IAM Instance Role, transferring via HTTPS, and encrypting the script itself while at rest in the S3 bucket using KMS using S3 Server Side Encryption (because the KMS method was throwing an 'Unknown' error).
The Setup
Created an IAM Instance Role that gets assigned to any instance in my ASG upon instantiation, resulting in my AWS creds being baked into the instance as ENV vars
Uploaded and encrypted my Instance-Init.sh script to S3 resulting in a private endpoint like so : https://s3.amazonaws.com/super-secret-bucket/Instance-Init.sh
In The User-Data Field
I input the following into the User Data field when creating the Launch Configuration I want my ASG to use:
apt-get update
apt-get -y install python-pip
apt-get -y install awscli
cd /home/ubuntu
aws s3 cp s3://super-secret-bucket/Instance-Init.sh . --region us-east-1
chmod +x Instance-Init.sh
. Instance-Init.sh
shred -u -z -n 27 Instance-Init.sh
The above does the following:
Updates package lists
Installs Python (required to run aws-cli)
Installs aws-cli
Changes to the /home/ubuntu user directory
Uses the aws-cli to download the Instance-Init.sh file from S3. Due to the IAM Role assigned to my instance, my AWS creds are automagically discovered by aws-cli. The IAM Role also grants my instance the permissions necessary to decrypt the file.
Makes it executable
Runs the script
Deletes the script after it's completed.
The Instance-Init.sh Script
The script itself will do stuff like setting env vars and docker run the containers that I need deployed on my instance. Kinda like so:
export MONGO_USER='MyMongoUserName'
export MONGO_PASS='Top-Secret-Dont-Tell-Anyone'
docker login -u <username> -p <password> -e <email>
docker run - e MONGO_USER=${MONGO_USER} -e MONGO_PASS=${MONGO_PASS} --name MyContainerName quay.io/myQuayNameSpace/MyAppName:latest
Very Handy
This creates a very handy way to update User-Data scripts without the need to create a new Launch Config every time you need to make a minor change. And it does a great job of getting env vars out of your codebase and into a narrow, controllable space (the Instance-Init.sh script itself).
But it all feels a little insecure. The idea of putting my master DB creds into a file on S3 is unsettling to say the least.
The Questions
Is this a common practice or am I dreaming up a bad idea here?
Does the fact that the file is downloaded and stored (albeit briefly) on the fresh instance constitute a vulnerability at all?
Is there a better method for deleting the file in a more secure way?
Does it even matter whether the file is deleted after it's run? Considering the secrets are being transferred to env vars it almost seems redundant to delete the Instance-Init.sh file.
Is there something that I'm missing in my nascent days of ops?
Thanks for any help in advance.
What you are describing is almost exactly what we are using to instantiate Docker containers from our registry (we now use v2 self-hosted/private, s3-backed docker-registry instead of Quay) into production. FWIW, I had the same "this feels rickety" feeling that you describe when first treading this path, but after almost a year now of doing it -- and compared to the alternative of storing this sensitive configuration data in a repo or baked into the image -- I'm confident it's one of the better ways of handling this data. Now, that being said, we are currently looking at using Hashicorp's new Vault software for deploying configuration secrets to replace this "shared" encrypted secret shell script container (say that five times fast). We are thinking that Vault will be the equivalent of outsourcing crypto to the open source community (where it belongs), but for configuration storage.
In fewer words, we haven't run across many problems with a very similar situation we've been using for about a year, but we are now looking at using an external open source project (Hashicorp's Vault) to replace our homegrown method. Good luck!
An alternative to Vault is to use credstash, which leverages AWS KMS and DynamoDB to achieve a similar goal.
I actually use credstash to dynamically import sensitive configuration data at container startup via a simple entrypoint script - this way the sensitive data is not exposed via docker inspect or in docker logs etc.
Here's a sample entrypoint script (for a Python application) - the beauty here is you can still pass in credentials via environment variables for non-AWS/dev environments.
set -e
# Activate virtual environment
. /app/venv/bin/activate
# Pull sensitive credentials from AWS credstash if CREDENTIAL_STORE is set with a little help from jq
# AWS_DEFAULT_REGION must also be set
# Note values are Base64 encoded in this example
if [[ -n $CREDENTIAL_STORE ]]; then
items=$(credstash -t $CREDENTIAL_STORE getall -f json | jq 'to_entries | .[]' -r)
keys=$(echo $items | jq .key -r)
for key in $keys
export $key=$(echo $items | jq 'select(.key=="'$key'") | .value' -r | base64 --decode)
exec $#