why the webmaster does not read our sitemaps? - joomla

There is an issue in the sitemap section which is not fixed contrary to our attempt.
the webmaster does not read our sitemaps, in spite the fact that are sitemaps are completely fine and they work properly. We tested our sitemaps in the other websites and they worked without any problems.
We have been in too trouble according to this issue and we have faced so many damages, we would be pleased if anyone can help us as soon as possible. what can we do in order to solve this problem?
With so many thanks in advance.
website: almasp.com


Failed reCAPTCHA. Please try again

I have a problem.
All time I surfed the WEB I never had problem with reCAPTCHA.
But today, when I was solving reCAPTCHAs - I always have the same error "Failed reCAPTCHA. Please try again".
And I can not pass through this "gate".
I tried to restart the browser (google chrome), tried to clear browser cache, tried to restart PC. I even tried to use VPN (I do not know how this could help, but for the sake of luck I tried this too).
So.. maybe stackoverflow is not the place, where I should ask help about this problem, but unfortunately Google has no inner forums or feedback fields. So I ask about help here.
Did anyone ever meet this problem? And how can it be fixed?
Help me, please. I encountered this problem first time in my life.

404 page errors on every page except index (hostgator web hosting)

So my friend bought web hosting for his groups website.
I know this question has been asked a million times possibly, but none of the ones asked or answered apply to the same situation I'm in unfortunately.
This is my current .htaccess code
# Use PHP56
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php56 .php
I know it's something related to enabling mod_rewrite.
If you could explain thoroughly what to do and can help, I'd highly appreciate it. It's been an error on my back for a while.
Jonathan here from HostGator support. We were sorry to hear you've had trouble with this issue and would be glad to assist. Nothing is inherently wrong with the code you've provided from the .htaccess file, so there is likely an issue elsewhere. If you could please provide your domain name we'd be glad to investigate with you.
We also have this guide available which might help :
Alternatively, please feel free to start a live chat at https://chat.hostgator.com and we'll be happy to help.

Cloud9 offline mode

The first two links from a quick google search indicate that it's possible to work on a project via cloud9 while offline.
Is this possible to do, and has anyone had any experience with it? There doesn't seem to be anything mentioned in the docs.
I'm working on a chromebook and was hoping that this could be a possibility.
Note, the two links I found were:
Sadly this is not possible yet. There are new offline APIs being designed and we hope to make use of them in the future.

How to do live presentation (.pptx or .ppt) in Joomla

I am having bit trouble. I need to know how can I do the live presentation(.pptx or .ppt) on the website. I am searching for it for past 4 days and recently I found one site which is doing the exact thing what I am looking for but it have lack of support and it doesn't support Firefox browser and there is no API for it. So what I need to it with IFrame. Here the reference link what am I try to achieve.
Hope you will understand the thing I am looking for and provide some useful suggestion to me. Thanks.

SIMILE Timeline - hosting on your own server

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with hosting MIT's SIMILE Timeline on their own server. I have been trying to do so for a few days now, following the instructions provided via http://api.simile-widgets.org/timeline/2.3.1/timeline-api.js?bundle=true, but have not had any luck. I have downloaded the zip file which contains the files the instructions tell you to reference. I have searched google to the ends but have not found anything that is helpful.
If anyone has any knowledge of working with the SIMILE Timeline, I would greatly appreciate some advice/direction. Everything I have found seems to be pretty dated.
The best place to ask SIMILE-Widgets questions is here:
This documentation worked for me:
There are plenty of experienced and helpful users in that group. You will need to be clearer about what you're actually having trouble with. For example, are you getting a blank screen, an error message, etc. Are you able to provide a link to your attempt?
