When using reusable container with init script, it runs the script every time the test start even though same DB is being reused. In init script I have create and insert statements so every time I run the test, it tries to execute the sql statements and fails with table already exists.
You can execute init scripts manually by using testcontainers class JdbcDatabaseDelegate instead of calling for postgresContainer.withInitScripts() before the startup.
For example:
JdbcDatabaseDelegate delegate = new JdbcDatabaseDelegate(postgresContainer, "");
ScriptUtils.runInitScript(delegate, sqlScriptFilePath));
my shell script called mongoLogin.sh as below:
use demo
show tables
the function of above is logining mongo and show tables of database called demo.
if I execute it directly by:
sh mongoLogin.sh
it works. however if I execute it by this way as below:
cat mongoLogin.sh | sh
compared with execute directly, it will exit automatically, as well as I ctrl+c after execute it directly. It seemed the sh command after pipe will create a new subprocess, and this subprocess finish due to some reason.
Do there exist some method that I can achieve same result by execute script through pipe?
when execute directly it seemed only the first command make effect, because following commands are mongo operations rather than shell commands. And when I execute it by pipe, all commands make effect, but it exit automatically.
the output of executing it through pipe as below:
xxx#xxxMacBook-Pro:~/Downloads$cat mongoLogin.sh | sh
MongoDB shell version v4.0.3
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("43c55950-f9e2-49ca-a458-
611f8c71eae4") }
MongoDB server version: 4.0.3
switched to db demo
Both variants don't work, because use demo is not a valid shell command.
I have not worked with mongo, but if the command accepts is input from stdin, you can try
mongo <<OGNOM
use demo
show tables
Make sure that the final OGNOM starts in the first column of your line!
I have a script lying into a Unix server which looks like this:
#some stuff here
emailScript.sh $PARAM_1 $PARAM_2
#some other stuff here
As you can see, mainScript.sh is calling another script called emailScript.sh.
The emailScript.sh is supposed to perform a query via sqlplus, then parse the results and return them via email if any.
The interesting part of the code in emailScript.sh is this:
RAW_LIST=$(echo "select distinct M_OS_USER from MX_USER_CONNECTION_DBF where M_EVENT_DATE >= to_date('$EVENT_DATE','DD-MM-YYYY') and M_OS_USER is not null and M_OS_USER not in $LIST_AUTHORIZED_USERS;" | sqlplus -s $USERNAME/$PASSWORD#$DB_SERVER)
As you can see, all I do is just creating the variable RAW_LIST executing a query with sqlplus.
The problem is the following:
If I call the script mainScript.sh via command line (PuTTy / KiTTy), the sqlplus command works fine and returns something.
If I call the script mainScript.sh via an external job (a ssh connection opened on the server via a Jenkins job), the sqlplus returns nothing and takes 0 seconds, meaning it doesn't even try to execute itself.
In order to debug, I've printed all the variables, the query itself in order to check if something wasn't properly set: everything is correctly set.
It really seems that the command sqlplus is not recognized, or something like this.
Would you please have any idea on how I can debug this? Where should I look the issue?
You need to consider few things here. While you are running the script, from which directory location you are executing the script? And while you are executing the script from your external application from which directory location it is executing the script. Better use full path to the script like /path/to/the/script/script.sh or use cd /path/to/the/script/ command to go to the script directory first and execute the script. Also check execute permission for your application. You as an user might have permission to execute the script or sql command but your application does not have that permission. Check the user id for your application and add that into the proper group.
I am trying to run a bash script from Groovy in Jenkins but I am not able to find the lucky commands.
I can run this and it creates my "RJ" directory:
process = "mkdir /app/jenkins/workspace/TEST/RJ"
println process.execute()
But when I try to run my bash it is not creating my output file. I am able to run this bash script on the server directly and it is creating my expected output file.
process = "/app/jenkins/workspace/TEST/info_file.sh"
println process.execute()
why run it through groovy and not directly via a ssh command.
If you do want to do via groovy, you'll need to add a ssh libray, and do the whole connection, auth, execute. process.execute won't run a linux box.
first, you don't check the stderr and not waiting for process to end.
similar problem was here:
Curl request from command line and via Groovy script
with error text it's easier to solve the error.
I have a script that queries a third party API when the script is called from within my sinatra application, but I do not want it to run when I am launching my Thin server. Is there a way to prevent my code from running until I call it directly? for instance, can I run a check to see if my server is running from within ruby/sinatra to prevent my code from running?
# the following code is inside a class and gets initialized when my server launch script is executed
evernoteHost = "www.evernote.com"
userStoreUrl = "https://#{evernoteHost}/edam/user"
userStoreTransport = Thrift::HTTPClientTransport.new(userStoreUrl)
userStoreProtocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol.new(userStoreTransport)
userStore = Evernote::EDAM::UserStore::UserStore::Client.new(userStoreProtocol)
# this line of code executes on server start
noteStoreUrl = userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(authToken)
It appears that ruby does a syntax check when running each file, and my API is being called against my will on the last line, i want to write an if statement that makes it un-callable unless my server is already running
32-bit mongo 2.0.1 on a windows XP machine
//script filename: test.js (one line shell script file to store a person)
db.cTest.save({Name: "Fred", Age:21});
run against database dbTest by entering the following 2 shell commands:
> use dbTest
switched to dbTest
> load("test.js")
So far, so good.
But if I try and include the "use" statement in the script it fails:
//script filename: test.js (including "use" statement)
use dbTest;
db.cTest.save({Name: "Fred", Age:21});
fails with error msg as follows:
> load("test.js")
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
Mon Dec 19 11:56:31: Error: error loading js file temp.js (shell):1
Adding or removing semicolons to test.js doesn't seem to matter.
So how do you put a "use" directive into a mongo shell script?
In a mongo script you can use the db.getSiblingDB('new_db_name') to get a reference of a new database. So, it it not mandatory to give the database name in the command line. You can use the script.js:
db = db.getSiblingDB('new_db_name');
// the rest of your code for database "new_db_name"
and the output of this script is (invoked with mongo script.js):
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.2
connecting to: test
use dbname
This command does not work in scripted mode. Instead you will need to explicitly define the database in the connection (/dbname in the example above).
Alternately, you can also create a connection within the script:
db2 = connect("server:27017/otherdbname")
Well, it still is unfortunate that "load('file.js')" and "mongo file.js" don't actually use the same script interpreter as the interactive mongo shell. Opening the connection explicitly in the script is potentially a violation of the DRY principle because mongo already knows that information. What does work, though, is piping the file into mongo rather than passing its name on the command line:
mongo <file.js