In flutter whene beggin run main.dart test app this problem show to me - flutter-test

C:/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/app_bar_theme.dart:5:8: Error: Not found: 'dart:ui'
import 'dart:ui' show lerpDouble;


Golang following container logs undeclared name Log

I'm trying to build a container with testcontainers and output the logs to stdout.
I have followed their documentation ( but when writing the Accept function, I get an error:
func (g *TestLogConsumer) Accept(l Log) {
g.Msgs = append(g.Msgs, string(l.Content))
The problem is that I didn't import a certain package, so I can't use "Log".
I get the following error:
undeclared name: Log
The question is, which package should I import. How can I make vscode import these packages automatically for me ? I have installed the go extension, but it doesn't import anything automatically.

error: cannot import non-existent remote object , image import failing

I'm trying to import an existing Linux image. I used the following command
terraform import azurerm_marketplace_agreement.publisher /subscriptions/YOUR-AZURE-SUBSCRIPTION-ID/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/agreements/publisher/offers/offer/plans/plan
But when I run this in pipeline, I'm getting error at every alternate run. The error is
Error: cannot import non-existent remote object
Do I need to do anything special in my script before I run this command?

in react Alert is not displayed or gives an error

I installed React _Bootstrap but it does not display or give an error
This error is:
export 'Alert' (imported as 'Alert') was not found in 'react-bootstrap/Alert

unable to get hashicorp / vault

I need to use kmac Hashicorp's Vault implementation. However, when I run the code, the following simple import:
import (
throws this error: no required module provides package; to add it: go get
If I run:
go get
I get:
go get: module found (v0.2.0), but does not contain package
I also tested to download the latest version but I get the same error. Can I get help?

Problem when installing the cover package for golang

I have some code.
But when
I try run cover test and have response:
'go get -u
go test -coverprofile /tmp/c.out
uncover /tmp/c.out'
I try install cover package:
go get
but get error
package unrecognized import path "" (parse no go-import meta tags (meta tag did not match import path
System: Ubuntu 18.04
The correct path is:
go get
