Does a conversion by shapely.wkt.loads return the same polygon? - geopandas

One thing I can't explain. Why the new created polygon converted to string by str() or .wkt is not recognized in the list after shapely.wkt.loads? The last print returns no.
import shapely.wkt
liste = frame["geometry"].tolist()
item = str(liste[0]) # or liste[0].wkt
new = shapely.wkt.loads(item)
print('yes' if new in liste else 'no')
#[<shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object at 0x7f8f8f24a880>, <shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object at 0x7f8f8f25e070>]
#POLYGON ((39.32671165429348 25.18277937086028, 39.32671165429348 25.17460487673205, 39.31772850145229 25.17460487673205, 39.31772850145229 25.18277937086028, 39.32671165429348 25.18277937086028))
#<class 'shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon'>
the dataframe is big, I don't know how to put it in a copy-pastable example. It contains geometries in system coordinates 'epsg:4326'. The problem may come from the fact that the tolist() method returns polygons with particular identifiers.
Do you know what object at 0x7f8f8f24a880 (for the first polygon in the list) means?
Thanks for your help.


How can I extract, edit and replot a data matrix in Abaqus?

Good afternoon,
We´ve been working on an animal model (skull) applying a series of forces and evaluating the resultant stresses in Abaqus. We got some of those beautiful and colourful (blue-to-red) contour-plots. Now, we´d like to obtain a similar image but coloured by a new matrix, which will be the result of some methematical transformations.
So, how can I extract the data matrix used to set those colour patterns (I guess with X-, Y-, Z-, and von Mises-values or so), apply my transformation, and replot the data to get a new (comparable) figure with the new values?
Thanks a lot and have a great day!
I've never done it myself but I know that this is possible. You can start with the documentation (e.g. here and here).
After experimenting using GUI you can check out the corresponding python code which should be automatically recorded in the abaqus.rpy file at your working directory (or at C:\temp). Working it trhough you could get something like:
myodb = session.openOdb('my_fem.odb') # or alternatively `session.odbs['my_fem.odb']` if it is already loaded into the session
# Define a temporary step for accessing your transformed output
tempStep = myodb.Step(name='TempStep', description='', domain=TIME, timePeriod=1.0)
# Define a temporary frame to storeyour transformed output
tempFrame = tempStep.Frame(frameId=0, frameValue=0.0, description='TempFrame')
# Define a new field output
s1f2_S = myodb.steps['Step-1'].frames[2].fieldOutputs['S'] # Stress tensor at the second frame of the 'Step-1' step
s1f1_S = myodb.steps['Step-1'].frames[1].fieldOutputs['S'] # Stress tensor at the first frame of the 'Step-1' step
tmpField = s1f2_S - s1f1_S
userField = tempFrame.FieldOutput(
name='Field-1', description='s1f2_S - s1f1_S', field=tmpField
Now, to display your new Field Output using python you can do the following:
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].odbDisplay.setFrame(
step='TempStep', frame=0
For more information on used methods and objects, you can consult with the documentation "Abaqus Scripting Reference Guide":
Step(): Odb commands -> OdbStep object -> Step();
Frame(): Odb commands -> OdbFrame object -> Frame();
FieldOutput object: Odb commands -> FieldOutput object;

Problems with '._ElementUnicodeResult'

While trying to help another user out with some question, I ran into the following problem myself:
The object is to find the country of origin of a list of wines on the page. So we start with:
import requests
from lxml import etree
url = ""
res = requests.get(url)
content = res.content
res = requests.get(url)
tree = etree.fromstring(content, parser=etree.HTMLParser())
tree_struct = etree.ElementTree(tree)
Next, for reasons I'll get into in a separate question, I'm trying to compare the xpath of two elements with certain attributes. So:
wine = tree.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'row wine-attributes')]")
country = tree.xpath("//div/text()[contains(., 'Australia')]")
So far, so good. What are we dealing with here?
>> (list, list)
They are both lists. Let's check the type of the first element in each list:
>> (lxml.etree._Element, lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult)
And this is where the problem starts. Because, as mentioned, I need to find the xpath of the first elements of the wine and country lists. And when I run:
The output is, as expected:
But with the other:
The output is:
TypeError: Argument 'element' has incorrect type (expected
lxml.etree._Element, got lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult)
I couldn't find much information about _ElementUnicodeResult), so what is it? And, more importantly, how do I fix the code so that I get an xpath for that node?
You're selecting a text() node instead of an element node. This is why you end up with a lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult type instead of a lxml.etree._Element type.
Try changing your xpath to the following in order to select the div element instead of the text() child node of div...
country = tree.xpath("//div[contains(., 'Australia')]")

How to get value from a column referenced by a number, from JDBC Response object of Jmeter?

I know they advice to get a cell value this way:
columnValue = vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0).get("Column Name");
as stated on jMeter doc : component reference : JDBC_Request.
But: How to access the same RS cell value by just a number of the column?
...instead of giving it a String of column Name/Label.
edit 1: Lets use Groovy/Java, instead of BeanShell. Thanks.
edit 2: The original motivation was the difference between column Name / Label, as these seem to be not fully guaranteed (? seems to be not clear here, not to me), especially due case-sensitivity ("id"/"ID", "name"/"Name"/"NAME" ..)
It should be something like:
String value = (new ArrayList<String>(vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0).values())).get(4)
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
Be aware that according to HashMap documentation:
This class makes no guarantees as to the order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time.
So the order of columns might be a big question mark.
The row itself is a HashMap, defined in source code as:
HashMap<String, Object> row
So using BeanShell syntax, you could get it as
row = vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0); // returns HashMap
In HashMap, you cannot access item (column) by ID. You could, however, apply one of the methods described here, but HashMap doesn't guarantee order, so you cannot be sure what "column 4" will contain.
If you want to be able to loop through all columns, it's better to do it in a Map style, not by index. For example using entrySet() with BeanShell:
for(Map.Entry entry : row.entrySet())
{ + "=" + entry.getValue());
See various ways to iterate through Map here.

What is my method returning here?

I have a question that I've already found the solution to (or perhaps it is just chance), but I'm hoping someone can explain why it works, and what Ruby is doing being the scenes here.
I'm doing something with fixed width output text and ANSI color codes. I don't want the escaped characters to count towards my length, so I wrote a little method for the String class to calculate the length excluding the color codes:
def length_minus_codes
color_codes = [ "\033[30m",
"\033[0m" ,
#Create new variable to strip
stripped_self = self
#loop through color code array
for index in 0 ... color_codes.size
#strip color codes from string
#return variance of self to stripped self to
#get length of string not including color codes
return self.length - (self.length - stripped_self.length)
I thought it was working fine, until I realized that after it was called, the string it was called on had the character codes stripped from it.
I tried a few things, before decided to change this:
To this:
stripped_self = stripped_self.gsub(color_codes[index],"")
Now it is working fine.
What I don't understand is why? I understand the basic concept of in place methods (!) which I was using on the gsub, but it wasn't modifying self, but rather a variable that I set in the method, and second I only want to return the length of the string, not an actual string.
Can anyone explain what is happening here?
When you do
stripped_self = self
you are simply creating a new reference to the self string object, you are not creating a new string. So any in-place modifications (by gsub! in this case) will be reflected on the self object.
If you want to create a new object that is not a reference, you need to duplicate the object:
stripped_self = self.dup
Possibly a simpler solution here is just to use the non-bang version of gsub and save that to a variable. gsub! changes the receiver as bang methods often do, gsub will simply return a modified object safely without effecting the receiver.

Iterating through NSSet, extracting arrays

I have two entities tied together with a to-many relationship; A dish has a to-many relationship with ingredients and ingredients has a to-one relationship with a dish.
I acces the ingredients for a given dish in my collectionViewController like so:
Dish *dish = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSLog(#"%#", [dish.ingredients valueForKey:#"ingredientName"]);
this returns the following:
"ristede og afskallede hasseln\U00f8dder",
"ristede mandler",
"hvid chokolade",
"pasteuriseret \U00e6ggehvide",
"sukker (35g + 180g)",
"ristede og afskallede hasseln\U00f8dder",
"ristede mandler",
"hvid chokolade",
"pasteuriseret \U00e6ggehvide",
"sukker (35g + 180g)",
"mandler (blendet)",
From what I can see, that is an array within a dictionary.
What I want to do is to populate each collectionView cell (which in my app is a dish) with the ingredients for that specific dish.
And now to my problem:
The strings in the array are not encoded (hence the /U00e6 etc. etc.), so I need to loop through them with a for loop and return them as a string so they get formatted correctly, and then store them in an array and populate my ingredients label with that array data, but I can't seem to figure out how... I've tried a for loop that accepts an array and returns a string, but that obviously just returns all the ingredients as strings for all the dishes, and thats obv not what I want.
I think I need a for loop that first seperates the ingredients into separate arrays, and then send that array to another for loop to return the formatted strings?
I might be trying to solve this problem in a cumbersome way, so if you have a better solution, feel free to suggest it!
Thanks in advance
