FFMPEG-API Add Subtitle to an MPEG-TS Stream - ffmpeg

We have a Video file we want to stream it over UDP in mpegts.
This is working perfectly with ffmpeg API.
Now we want to add subtitle's to this stream.
i'll try to load subtitle file and add stream to our output context not working
i'll try to dynamicaly add subtitle not working too
If Anyone has an idea.
Thanks to all.

MPEG-TS format only supports DVBSUB or DVBTELETEXT formats and both are bitmap-based.


How to stream WEBM Video by Media Source Extensions API

I'm developing video streaming website using MSE.
Each video converted to FragmentedMP4 (h264,aac => avc1,mp4a)
It is working very fine but what if I wanted to use webm format? like YouTube or Facebook they sometimes use it.
I want to know how to get index (like sidx atom in fmp4) from VP8, VP9 or vorbis codec
I use bento4 and ffmpeg to get metadata from video and audio
but bento4 is for MP4 Just, and use MP4BoxJS to parse index in browser by JavaScript.
What should I use? ffmpeg or what to create fragmented webm or something like that and get index stream info to append segments to MSE SourceBuffer and sure it should be seekable stream..

Libavformat- Passing an object of images to libavformat to generate a video

I am trying to generate a video with libavformat/Libavcodec with a bunch of images that are in memory.
Can someone point me in the right direction, please?
Thanks in advance.
First, the basics of creating a video from images with FFmpeg is explained here.
If you simply want to change/force the format and codec of your video, here is a good start.
For the raw FFmpeg documentation you could use the Video and Audio Format Conversion, the Codec Documentation, the Format Documentation the and the image2 demuxer documentation (this demuxer will manage images as an input).
If you just want to take images and make a simple video out of it, just look at the 2 first links. FFmpeg's documentation gives you powerful tools but don't use them if you don't need them.
A sample command to create a video from images is:
ffmpeg -i image-%03d.png video.mp4
This will take all the files in sequence from image-000.png to the highest number available and make a video out of it.
You can force the format with the extension of the output file. To force the video codec use -c:v followed by a codec name available in the codec documentation.

How to convert SRT (text based subtitle) to DVB (Bitmap based subtitle)?

I have Live stream with video and audio substream , I want to add third stream of subtitle as srt subtitle stream and generate output stream with dvb subtitle stream along with video and audio.
Here I can able convert add third stream (srt subtitle stream) in output stream as dvb subtitle.Third stream with dvb subtitle generated but not able to see subtitle data in VLC player.Here proble is ffmepg can not able to convert srt datra to dvb subtitle data, ffmpeg only able to convert "srt to srt" or "dvb(Bitmap) to dvb(Bitmap)" my concern is how to transcode (convert) srt subtitle data to dvb subtitle (BITMAP format) data.Need some logic or idea to step foreword.
Or any other way to doing this?
I have tried some tool that convert srt to dvb(Bitmap) format and add that converted file as input in ffmpeg , This way I can able to create third stream as dvb subtitle even I can able to see subtitle in VLC.Now I want to convert with my own as I my input stream is LIVE stream.I can't use tool to convert it need some proper logic to convert it.
I have tried multiple ffmpeg command to convert srt to dvb format but ffmepg have written code if input and output format of subtitle is same, no code I have found in ffmpeg that able to convert srt to dvb subtitle.

FFmpeg Images to Video and Streaming

I've a C# program generating JPEG images in realtime, i need to (continuously) generate a video from the images and stream it (also in realtime).
I've used ffmpeg to transcode an input video source and stream it, doesn't ffmpeg have an option to get the input as a set of images(always being generated) and make the video out of it ?
Actually I used VLC for the streaming....
Actually I just found at that I could:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i img%d.jpg /tmp/a.mpg
But i need to tell ffmpeg to keep doing it, I mean, if it doesn't find another image ffmpeg should wait for another one to be generated... is this possible ?

another sound as with subtitles

is it possible to get other sounds to a divx as it is with getting subtitles?
what is that format of that?
Yes, you can have multiple audio streams in your video file. Here's some more information (I'm guessing you're using AVI as your container format).
