Custom Back Button in react navigation v6 - react-navigation

Has React navigation removed headerBackImage in screenOptions to replace back button?
Currently, props headerBackImageSource is there where there is a need of passing Image and headerLeft which replaces the backButton by doesn't behave as back button.


Back Button Pressed is not firing

I'm trying to implement a function that will be called when user press back button.
Working exactly how i expect in UWP, but the issue is with android.
In android I got two back button,
One at top Navigation (Let's call it navbackbutton ), and other we get at bottom, the three android button "background apps,Home and back button(android backbutton),
Android back button is firing onBackpressed override method but navbackbutton is not, it is just taking me to the previous page.
I dont understand why it is happening and how to fix it.
Page.OnBackButtonPressed is only triggered with the hardware back button on Android .
You can override OnOptionsItemSelected within MainActivity to hook the navigation back button event , refer to here .
Another way is that customize NavigationPage.TitleView(a layout with a back button and title label) to replace the default navigation bar and then you can get the back button event .

Xamarin forms transparent navigation bar with visible back button

I am currently trying to make a navigation page in a Xamarin Forms cross platform application that has a transparent/invisible navigation bar, but still shows a back button? Does Xamarin forms support any quick and easy way to do this?
You could do either of these two:
Option 1 : Making a Custom renderer that will customize your nav bar
Option 2 : Hiding your navigation bar and then make your own
navigation bar either stacklayout,grid, etc.
then set your navigation bar to transparent and the back button with a color
If you are using Navigation Page as your navigation paradigm, you can use:
NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
This will remove the back button from the navigation bar.

Back button is not showing on Navigationbar . Xamarin

When show screen, navigation is showing at the Top.But Back button is not showing.
When i use Navigation.PushAsync method then back button is showing.
I am using below code.
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new LoginSelection());
how can i show backbutton at left side of Modal screen.
When you call PushModalAsync(), you are creating an another Navigation Stack of Modals.Thus, your LoginSelection() page is not added to the Page Navigation Stack,but it is added on Modal Navigation Stack.
Thus,there are no pages in your modal stack and that's why back button is not appearing
Check the below link:-`
Xamarin Forms Reverse PushModalAsync

Swift 2 - How do I customise the navigation controller back button to a custom button?

I am currently working on a project and when I switch to a ViewController, the back button appears at the top left, how do I set the back button so that it is customised with a custom button of my choice? Ideally I do not want the back button appearing at the top but I want it associated with a separate button when reverting back to the previous ViewController.
To not show the back button at the top just hide it.
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true
And then just implement popViewControllerAnimated in your custom button action.

Xamarin Forms: GetBackButton

I have Xamarin App, in the app I have a page which I hide the navigation bar for design purposes. But I still want to show back button. What I could do is that I could make a back icon and put it on the layout and call Navigation.PopAsync() on image tab. However is there a way to get the designated back button from the app?
