Hive select * shows 0 but count(1) show returns millions of rows - hadoop

I create a hive external table and add a partition by
create external table tbA (
colA int,
colB string,
`day` string)
stored as parquet;
alter table tbA add partition(day= '2021-09-04');
Then I put a parquet file to the target HDFS directory by hdfs dfs -put ...
I can get expected results using select * from tbA in IMPALA.
In Hive, I can get correct result when using
select count(1) from tbA
However, when I use
select * from tbA limit 10
It returns no result at all.
If anything is wrong with the parquet file or the directory, IMPALA should not get the correct result and Hive can count out row numbers... Why select * from ... shows nothing? Any help is appreciated.
In addition,
running select distinct day from tbA, it returns 2021-09-04
running select * from tbA, it returns data with day = 2021-09-04
It seems this partition is not recognized correctly? I retried to drop the partition and use msck repair table but still not working...


Hive:- Select on partition column gives result even when table is truncated

I have a table in hive which is partitioned on a column.
I truncate the table and I do 2 selects on them.
Select count(*) from table, I get the result as 0. Which is expected.
But If I do a select on the partition column, I get results instead of null rows which I expected.
Select distinct <paritition column>
from table
partition value 1
partition value 2
I can see in hdfs that the partition folders still exists , though they are empty. I expected the metadata to get updated after I did the truncate.
I am not sure why I am getting the above result
Any help is appreciated

add partition in hive table based on a sub query

I am trying to add partition to a hive table (partitioned by date)
My problem is that the date needs to be fetched from another table.
My query looks like :
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(server_date = (SELECT max(server_date) FROM processed_table));
When i run the query hive throws the following error:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:84 cannot recognize input near '(' 'SELECT' 'max' in constant (state=42000,code=40000)
Hive does not allow to use functions/UDF's for the partition column.
Approach 1:
To achieve this you can run the first query and store the result in one variable and then execute the query.
server_date=$(hive -e "set hive.cli.print.header=false; select max(server_date) from processed_table;")
hive -hiveconf "server_date"="$server_date" -f your_hive_script.hql
Inside your script you can use the following statement:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(server_date =${hiveconf:server_date});
For more information on the hive variable substitution, you can refer link
Approach 2:
In this approach, you will need to create a temporary table if the partition data you are expecting is already not loaded in any other partitioned table.
Considering your data doesn't have the server_date column.
Load the data into temporary table
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
Execute the below query:
SELECT b.column1, b.column2,........,a.server_date as server_date FROM (select max(server_date) as server_date from ) a, my_table b;

Using spark/scala, I use saveAsTextFile() to HDFS, but hiveql("select count(*) from...) return 0

I created external table as follows...
hive -e "create external table temp_db.temp_table (a char(10), b int) PARTITIONED BY (PART_DATE VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/work/temp_db/temp_table'"
And I use saveAsTextFile() with scala in IntelliJ IDEA as follows..."hdfs://work/temp_db/temp_table/2016/07/19")
So the file(fields terminated by '\t') was in the /work/temp_db/temp_table/2016/07/19.
hadoop fs -ls /work/temp_db/temp_table/2016/07/19/part-00000 <- data file..
But, I checked with hiveql, there are no datas as follows.
hive -e "select count(*) from temp_db.temp_table" -> 0.
hive -e "select * from temp_db.temp_table limit 5" -> 0 rows fetched.
Help me what to do. Thanks.
you are saving at wrong location from spark. Partition dir name follows part_col_name=part_value.
In Spark: save file at directory part_date=2016%2F07%2F19 under temp_table dir
add partitions: You will need to add partition that should update hive table's metadata (partition dir we have created from spark as hive expected key=value format)
alter table temp_table add partition (PART_DATE='2016/07/19');
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/temp_table/part*|awk '{print $NF}'
query partitioned data:
hive> alter table temp_table add partition (PART_DATE='2016/07/19');
Time taken: 0.16 seconds
hive> select * from temp_table where PART_DATE='2016/07/19';
test1 123 2016/07/19
Time taken: 0.219 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
hive> select * from temp_table;
test1 123 2016/07/19
test1 123 2016-07-19
Time taken: 0.199 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
For Everyday process: you can run saprk job like this - just add partitions right after saveAsTextFile(), aslo note the s in alter statement. it is need to pass variable in hive sql from spark:
val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")
vat date = format.format(new java.util.Date())
val hive = new HiveContext(sc)
hive.sql(s"alter table temp_table add partition (PART_DATE='$date')")
NOTE: Add partition after saving the file or else spark will throw directory already exist exception as hive creates dir (if not exist) when adding partition.

Excluding the partition field from select queries in Hive

Suppose I have a table definition as follows in Hive(the actual table has around 65 columns):
Once the table is created, when I run hive -e "describe s.test", I see extract_date as being one of the columns on the table. Doing a select * from s.test also returns extract_date column values. Is it possible to exclude this virtual(?) column when running select queries in Hive.
Change this property
and run the query as
SELECT `(extract_date)?+.+` FROM <table_name>;
I tested it working fine.

Hive: Insert into hive table with column using select 1

Let's say I have a hive table test_entry with column called entry_id.
hive> desc test_entry;
entry_id int
Time taken: 0.4 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
Suppose I need to insert one row into this above table using select 1 (which returns 1). For example: A syntax which looks like the below:
hive> insert into table test_entry select 1;
But I get the below error:
FAILED: NullPointerException null
So effectively, I would like to insert one row for entry)id whose value will be 1 with such a select statement(without referring another table).
How can this be done?
Hive does not support what you're trying to do. Inserts to ORC based tables was introduced in Hive 0.13.
Prior to that, you have to specify a FROM clause if you're doing INSERT .. SELECT
A workaround might be to create an external table with one row and do the following
INSERT .. SELECT 1 FROM table_with_one_row
