I am trying to convert a simple IOB file to Conll U, since the model I am trying to use requires Conll U format. Is there a simple and fast way to do so? The file looks like this:
Thanks in advance!
When using the Windows-Machine-Learning library, the input and output to the onnx models is often either TensorFloat or ImageFeatureValue format.
My question: What is the difference between these? It seems like I am able to change the form of the input in the automatically created model.cs file after onnx import (for body pose detection) from TensorFloat to ImageFeatureValue and the code still runs. This makes it e.g. easier to work with videoframes, since I can then create my input via ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(frame).
Is there a reason why this might lead to problems and what are the differences between these when using videoframes as input, I don't see it from the documentation? Or why does the model.cs script create a TensorFloat instead of an ImageFeatureValue in the first place anyway if the input is a videoframe?
Found the answer here.
If Windows ML does not support your model's color format or pixel range, then you can implement conversions and tensorization. You'll create an NCHW four-dimensional tensor for 32-bit floats for your input value. See the Custom Tensorization Sample for an example of how to do this.
I want to convert input CSV file to XML file using ESQL in IIB v10. Can you please help me with the ESQL code to achieve the same. I've provided the Input CSV file sample and Output XML file sample as below:
Input CSV file
Output XML file
Your question is fundamentally wrong. Using ESQL only to do it on Integration Bus is like using a knife to cut down a tree (when you have the choice with a chainsaw). If you want to convert a csv file to an xml, the proper solution is the following :
1) Define a new DFDL schema to parse the CSV file
2) Define your xsd for the output XML
3) Use the DFDL parser when you read the CSV, and use the structure you created (on the fileInput node for example, I don't know your exact case)
4) Use a mapping node to map from your DFDL structure to your XML structure (defined in the xsd)
Note : the last step can be done with alternatives solution, like compute Nodes (ESQL, Java, C#, php).
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me
How to convert image.png or image.bmp to integer array? (do not use any non-standard library)
Please ignore chunks that are not directly related to image data.(IHDR、IEND...etc.)
thank you very much.
SOLVED: I should use binary I/O function in stdio.h to read image file. thanks
If you have to read images into arrays without any image processing libraries you need two things:
You need means to read files in general.
You need to know the internal structure of the file formats you want to read.
So for png refer to https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/
This document will tell you where to find the image dimensions, pixel data and other features. It's basically a manual for software developers on how to use this standard format properly.
Some image formats will require additional work like decrompression.
I would like to run CoreNLP and get the output
formatted in the CoNLL 2011/2012 format. Is there a straightforward way to get
CoNLL output? Or where would I have to poke around in the code to make
this happen? CoreNLP can read/write CoNLL format since dcoref participated in the 2011 Shared Task)?
See the instructions for using the SieveCoreferenceSystem on this page. CoNLL 2011/2012 file reading and writing isn't incorporated into the main Stanford CoreNLP class, but this class can run a StanfordCoreNLP pipeline on CoNLL 2011/2012 format data.
I downloaded big point cloud file with extension .pts and I want to convert it into .pcd format. What is the simplest and easiest way to do it?
Is .pts ASCII?
If so, you can easily write a parser for it and save it as a .pcd.
Or, if you are looking for a tool, meshlab can read in plain XYZ data and save it to .ply format (remove all header content, if there is any). .ply files are supported by the Point Cloud Library, you can either convert it or just read in the .ply.