Cannot get user to select account before login using facebook socialite - laravel

I'm using socialite for facebook login but the issue is if i'm already login in facebook account then before login it should force user to select pop up this code is working for google login but i want it in facebook login also which is not working.
public function facebookRedirect()
return Socialite::driver('facebook')->with(["prompt" => "select_account"])->redirect();
Any suggestions. Thanks


Google Play Console : Provide instructions for app access

I have developed an app that is using Auth APIs of Facebook and Gmail. as you know we don't need any email password to login just click on facebook or gmail button and auth API generates authentication token to login into app.
So I am submitting that app on playstore but they are rejecting and asking for login credentials. I have provided them my gmail account login credentials but they using those credentials to login into facebook account and rejected my app again.
what I should do to avoid rejection again?

cannot login with other facebook account socialite in laravel

I have created a facebook developer account but i am able to login through my account that i habve created on facebook if i login with other user i'm not able to login. Is there any settings in facebook developer console.
Any solution please

after i login as another user, how can i return back to my account without loging out and re-login in laravel 7

I used this to allow a user to login as another user.
Auth::loginUsingId($userId, true);
now I want to create a button that will route the user back to his own account when clicked in laravel-7.
use laravel impersonate
by using this you will be able to login into other user account without logout from your account

How to open new dialog when authenticate with Facebook using Socialite Laravel

I want make Social login with Socialite Laravel, but when user authenticate with Social account, I want open new dialog windows ( like this )
How do I make it ?
Thank you!
The following allows you to open a popup for user to sign in using Facebook:
return Socialite::driver('facebook')->asPopup()->redirect();

How can I get type of external login provider from authenticated user in ASP.MVC 4?

I'm using ASP.MVC 4 with an account controller that uses forms authentication. I added Facebook and Twitter as an external login providers using OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterFacebookClient etc. Now I want to get User login type (Facebook, Twitter, login/password etc) in the controller and in the view. How can I get this? Thank you.
I fount answer by myself in the AccountController, action RemoveExternalLogins :
ICollection<OAuthAccount> accounts = OAuthWebSecurity.GetAccountsFromUserName(User.Identity.Name);
and account contain provider field - account.Provider. For Facebook it will be "Facebook".
