Problem using CriteriaBuilder's isMember method with Kotlin - spring-boot

When using the isMember method of CriteriaBuilder with Kotlin in my application it gives me the following error in the following line:
I've been researching and they always use that form to add a predicate to filter when they need to filter on a list of entity elements.
Do you know what could be happening?
Thank you.

Content_-like classes are generated from corresponding #Entity classes. You need to enable plugin that makes this job done during build. With Maven it could be done like following:
After rebuild Content_ (and all similar classes) should appear on classpath


Is it possible to use mapstruct together with jpastreamer?

i'm writing a spring-boot project in which i'm using mapstruct. Code that mapstruct generates is located in target/generated-sources/annotations.
I would like to use also jpastreamer library. I used build-helper-maven-plugin to generate metamodel.
The problem i'm facing is that this library also generates metamodel into the same directory, so only the code generated by mapstruct is available.
Here is my code:
I do not know which library jpastream is. However, if it is an annotation processor then you should include that as part of the maven-compiler-plugin annotationProcessorPaths. That way all the annotation processors will be invoked in the same time and the code will be appropriately generated.
The fact that you only see the code generated by MapStruct in the target/generated-sources/annotations folder is due to the fact that the maven-compiler-plugin deletes everything from that folder before running the annotation processors.
If that jpastream library is not an annotation processor but something else, then you should generate its classes in another locaton not target/generated-sources/annotations, but rather target/generated-sources/jpastream

Tycho copy-dependencies do not include plugin dependencies

For one plugin in my tycho reactor I would like to copy a "pure-maven" dependency and its transitive ones in a folder named "lib/".
Currently if I use the copy-dependencies goal from maven-dependency-plugin, my dependency is correctly copied but the "plugin-dependencies" resolved by tycho are also copied, and I don't want those.
Any suggestion to achieve this goal ? I'm currently using the following code snippet
Any suggestions are welcome.
Following this discussion on Eclipse forums it seems that we can tell maven to only include dependencies coming from the current pom.xml file using a combination of excludeScope and includeScope tags.
This updated XML snippet does the job as expected
<!-- The lines below are aimed at telling maven NOT TO COPY tycho dependencies. Do not remove those! -->
<!-- See: -->

Aspectj Table annotation issues

when I try to add aspectj-maven-plugin inside my existing project, I add this:
[ERROR] The attribute indexes is undefined for the annotation type Table
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.8:compile (default) on project model: AJC compiler errors:
error at indexes={
It seems that when I add this plugin, it use an older version of JPA instead of JPA 2.1.
My Configuration:
I don't know how to solve this. Thank you
Get rid of the syntax error in your source code, then retry the compilation. It is probably not even an AspectJ problem, just a Java syntax problem.

Maven dependency on a file not artifact

Disclaimer: New to Maven and skimmed the maven documentation
How to configure Maven to look at files to determine what happens in a phase?
I am using the cxf-codegen-plugin to generate sources. This is working correctly when I remove the .java files and execute mvn clean generate-sources. However when I update the wsdl/schema that cxf uses to generate the code, the sources are not recreated. I don't want to have to remember to delete the .java files.
Thanks for taking the time to consider my question.
Relevant excerpt from my pom is below.

maven-failsafe-plugin not seeing my tests (seleniumHQ)

i'm writing tests via selenium web driver here's my code :
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase-->
My test class named
after reading this post : failsafe plugin won't run on one project but will run on another -- why?
I changed the name of my class so it's:
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase-->
But the problem persist.
The goal of the maven-failsafe-plugin is named integration-test instead of test. Furthermore if you changed your naming convention to the convention of maven-failsafe-plugin than you don't need any configuration which includes etc. files. Just use the defaults.
Furthermore i assume you have started running the integration tests via:
mvn verify
