How can I test the Api in Laravel via Postman? - laravel

I have a route like this:
'prefix' => 'v1', 'as' => 'v1.',
static function () {
Route::get('test', 'Api\TestController#test')->name('test');
How can I refer to this route so that it would work? I am trying to call this route in Postman http://localhost/api/v1/test but I get a 400 error

You didn't provide enough information but check these just to be sure
Make sure these routes are listed among the api routes and not the web
If you're using artisan to serve your project, then ensure you're using the correct port in postman too eg
(Pretty obvious) Make sure you're sending a get request from postman
Check the function too to know if there's any problem. You could do an early return of a simple json response in the beginning of the function to make sure the route accessed the function at all


Lumen directing all routes of specific group to *

I'm developing a website with simple landing page and a few other page such as contacts and news as front end (which uses normal PHP and lumen should be sufficient bythe way) and vuejs as backend. Trying to send all get request from '/admin/' to view('admin'). This is the best I could come up with...
$router->group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function () use ($router) {
$router ->get('/{route:.*}/', function () use ($router) { return view('admin');
The problem is all url I do or access, all get request response I get was 404 - not found. Not even any log or anything in lumen log or even in error log apache server. Where did I do wrong?
//using lumen since I need API for vuejs operations.

Laravel Passport Password Reset API route

I'm all set up with Passport in 5.5 and have the auto generated Auth\ForgotPasswordController and Auth\ResetPasswordController controllers.
However whereas /oauth/token was provided magically for me, there don't appear to be such routes for password reset when using the API.
What should my API routes look like?
Currently I've experimented with
Route::group(['prefix' => 'password'], function () {
Route::post('/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#sendResetLinkEmail');
Route::post('/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#reset');
but I found these in the vendor files when looking at the traits and aren't sure if this is the correct way.
The /password/email route also fails with "message": "Route [password.reset] not defined."
since you don't see any route other then 2 custom, therefore i am assumin you havn't run artisan auth command. First run that. it will add lot of routes in ur project.
Then set api driver to passport.

Vue SPA url not working with history mode enabled

I am creating a SPA using Vue js and it kind of works but I have one problem. With history mode enabled on Vue I can enter urls and go to that page using the Vue Router but when I try to login I get the literal page html. I know I can do something like auth\{vue?} but I would prefer if i didn't have to do that. I want to be able to always keep the url with no prefixes unless it is to an API request. So for example:
I have the root view:
Route::get('/{vue?}', function () {
return view('');
})->where('vue', '[\/\w\.-]*');
and then I have the api requests:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::post('/login', 'Auth\\LoginController#login');
Route::post('/register', 'Auth\\RegisterController#register');
Route::get('/logout', 'Auth\\LoginController#logout');
but when I hit /api/login I get the return view data from /{vue?}.
I hope that makes sense and if so any help would be amazing, Thanks.
it is clearly explained here:
Short story: declare history mode to false in VueRouter and then on the Laravel side, whenever the $request->ajax() is false, the same route will always capture the request. So, we can safely define a catch-all route to redirect such traffic to the index() method of our resource controller:

Laravel & PHPUnit: Getting 500 when unit testing "Passport" restricted route

I have a Laravel 5.3 app.
Inside my api.php file, there's a route for posting an answer within a poll.
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () {
Route::post('/poll/answer', 'API\PollsController#createAnswer');
The route is part of a group, restricted by the auth:api middleware, using Laravel's Passport engine.
When calling this route from Postman or any other tool to test APIs, I get 401 which is ok because I'm not attaching the token.
But when unit testing this call using PHPUnit, it returns 500. I have no idea why.
I'm probably missing a configuration or setup instruction.
Any ideas?
The 500 error was occurring because I forgot to add an app key to the .env.testing file.
It got solved after adding that.

POST controller for all routes in Laravel 5

I have callback button in header of my webpage, so user can send me message from every page.
How to make route for this? Something like that:
Route::post('{*}', 'PostController#callback');
It would be better if you do it via ajax.
Use middleware so you can check every request for certain post-data.
I would do it like this: create a file called MessageMiddleware.php in the directory App\Http\Middleware\
<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
class MessageMiddleware {
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
if(isset($_POST['internal_message'])) {
// Do something so the message reaches you (db, email, whatever)
return $next($request);
This is just a very basic version but should give you an idea.
You will not have to register any routes for this and the middleware will work for all urls the middleware is registered for.
If you want a middleware to be run during every HTTP request to your application, simply list the middleware class App\Http\Middlware\MessageMiddleware in the $middleware property of your app/Http/Kernel.php class.
The official Laravel documentation for Middlware is very extensive and does certainly not only cover authentication middleware.
Doing some try and check I found that the most simple route allows sending callback request from every page!!!
Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController#index']);
Route::post('/', ['as' => 'callback', 'uses' => 'PostController#callback']);
But I don't know why. If someone know why please tell me, because I really want to know the background.
I was also trying to do it using middleware as I was advised. It was also working solution. Messages were sending from every page, but with message I got 403 error code in console every time. And of course I was trying to get rid of that.
With this simple solution it works without any errors in console.
