Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '^' found in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpMySQLSourceCode\26\data_valid_fns.php on line 17 - preg-match

how to resolve this issue - Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '^' found in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpMySQLSourceCode\26\data_valid_fns.php on line 17
my code is
function valid_email($address)
// check an email address is possibly valid
if (preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+[a-zA-Z]+$', $address))
return true;
return false;
thank you


Why does an error occur when I try to test if a member variable (string) in a class is empty?

I'm working on a project and need to test one of my class' member variables to verify that the user did indeed enter a string.
I've also tried using (patronName == '') and (patronName == "") but have had no luck.
Edit: Using "\n" fixes the error but the program ends without allowing the user to enter a name.
std::string Restaurant::getPatronName()
bool controlFlag = true;
if ((std::cin.fail()) || (patronName == '\n'))
std::cout << "You must enter a name!" << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
controlFlag = false;
} while (controlFlag);
return patronName;
The function should read and store the name entered by the user into patronName. When trying to build, I get an error that says "no match for 'operator=='". Could this be because the object called in main is a pointer of type Restaurant?
Besides the type mismatch between the character '\n' and the std::string patronName, we can find at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/getline that std::getline(input, str, delim);
Extracts characters from input and appends them to str until […] the next available input character is delim, […], in which case the delimiter character is extracted from input, but is not appended to str.
So there won't be any '\n' character, if delim is the newline, in the first place.
You can use std::basic_string::empty() to check if a string is empty.
What happens with '\n' is you are comparing a string with a char, which, i suspect, there is no operator== defined for this case. If you are sure the string isn't empty, you can call operator[] formerName[0], which returns a char.
You have to write patronName == "\n" because you cannot compare string and character

split text file according to brackets or parantheses (top-level only) in terminal

I have several text files (utf-8) that I want to process in shell script. They aren't excactly the same format, but if I could only break them up into edible chunks I can handle that.
This could be programmed in C or python, but I prefer not.
EDIT: I wrote a solution in C; see my own answer. I think this may be the simplest approach after all. If you think I'm wrong please test your solution against the more complicated example input from my answer below.
-- jcxz100
For clarity (and to be able to debug more easily) I want the chunks to be saved as separate text files in a sub-folder.
All types of input files consist of:
junk lines
lines with junk text followed by start brackets or parentheses - i.e. '[' '{' '<' or '(' - and possibly followed by payload
payload lines
lines with brackets or parentheses nested within the top-level pairs; treated as payload too
payload lines with end brackets or parantheses - i.e. ']' '}' '>' or ')' - possibly followed by something (junk text and/or start of a new payload)
I want to break up the input according to only the matching pairs of top-level brackets/parantheses.
Payload inside these pairs must not be altered (including newlines and whitespace).
Everything outside the toplevel pairs should be discarded as junk.
Any junk or payload inside double-quotes must be considered atomic (handled as raw text, thus any brackets or parentheses inside should also be treated as text).
Here is an example (using only {} pairs):
junk text
"atomic junk"
some junk text followed by a start bracket { here is the actual payload
more payload
"atomic payload"
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-)"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
} trailing junk
intermittent junk
payload that goes in second output file }
end junk
...sorry: Some of the input files really are as messy as that.
The first output file should be:
{ here is the actual payload
more payload
"atomic payload"
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-)"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
... and the second output file:
payload that goes in second output file }
I haven't quite decided whether it's necesary to keep the pair of start/end characters in the output or if they themselves should be discarded as junk.
I think a solution that keeps them in is more general use.
There can be a mix of types of top-level bracket/paranthesis pairs in the same input file.
Beware: There are * and $ characters in the input files, so please avoid confusing bash ;-)
I prefer readability over brevity; but not at an exponential cost of speed.
There are backslash-escaped double-quotes inside the text; preferably they should be handled
(I have a hack, but it's not pretty).
The script oughtn't break over mismatched pairs of brackets/parentheses in junk and/or payload (note: inside the atomics they must be allowed!)
I haven't seen it yet, but one could speculate that some input might have single-quotes rather than double-quotes to denote atomic content... or even a mix of both.
It would be nice if the script could be easily modified to parse input of similar structure but with different start/end characters or strings.
I can see this is quite a mouthful, but I think it wouldn't give a robust solution if I broke it down into simpler questions.
The main problem is splitting up the input correctly - everything else can be ignored or "solved" with hacks, so
feel free to ignore the nice-to-haves and the more-far-out-nice-to-haves.
$ cat file
junk text
"atomic junk"
some junk text followed by a start bracket { here is the actual payload
more payload
"atomic payload"
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-)"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
} trailing junk
intermittent junk
payload that goes in second output file }
end junk
This perl file will extract the blocks you describe into files block_1, block_2, etc:
use v5.10;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_multiple extract_bracketed);
my $txt;
while (<>){$txt.=$_;} # slurp the file
my #blocks = extract_multiple(
# Extract {...}
sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '{}') },
# Return all the fields
# Throw out anything which does not match
chdir "/tmp";
my $base="block_";
my $cnt=1;
for my $block (#blocks){ my $fn="$base$cnt";
say "writing $fn";
open (my $fh, '>', $fn) or die "Could not open file '$fn' $!";
print $fh "$block\n";
close $fh;
Now the files:
$ cat block_1
{ here is the actual payload
more payload
"atomic payload"
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-)"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
$ cat block_2
payload that goes in second output file }
Using Text::Balanced is robust and likely the best solution.
You can do the blocks with a single Perl regex:
$ perl -0777 -nlE 'while (/(\{(?:(?1)|[^{}]*+)++\})|[^{}\s]++/g) {if ($1) {$cnt++; say "block $cnt:== start:\n$1\n== end";}}' file
block 1:== start:
{ here is the actual payload
more payload
"atomic payload"
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-)"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
== end
block 2:== start:
payload that goes in second output file }
== end
But that is a little more fragile than using a proper parser like Text::Balanced...
I have a solution in C. It would seem there's too much complexity for this to be easily achieved in shell script.
The program isn't overly complicated but nevertheless has more than 200 lines of code, which include error checking, some speed optimization, and other niceties.
Source file split-brackets-to-chunks.c:
#include <stdio.h>
/* Example code by jcxz100 - your problem if you use it! */
#define BUFF_IN_MAX 255
#define OUT_NAME_MAX 31
#define NO_CHAR '\0'
int main()
char pcBuff[BUFF_IN_SIZE];
size_t iReadActual;
FILE *pFileIn, *pFileOut;
int iNumberOfOutputFiles;
char pszOutName[OUT_NAME_SIZE];
char cLiteralChar, cAtomicChar, cChunkStartChar, cChunkEndChar;
int iChunkNesting;
char *pcOutputStart;
size_t iOutputLen;
pcBuff[BUFF_IN_MAX] = '\0'; /* ... just to be sure. */
iReadActual = 0;
pFileIn = pFileOut = NULL;
iNumberOfOutputFiles = 0;
pszOutName[OUT_NAME_MAX] = '\0'; /* ... just to be sure. */
cLiteralChar = cAtomicChar = cChunkStartChar = cChunkEndChar = NO_CHAR;
iChunkNesting = 0;
pcOutputStart = (char*)pcBuff;
iOutputLen = 0;
if ((pFileIn = fopen("input-utf-8.txt", "r")) == NULL)
printf("What? Where?\n");
return 1;
while ((iReadActual = fread(pcBuff, sizeof(char), BUFF_IN_MAX, pFileIn)) > 0)
char *pcPivot, *pcStop;
pcBuff[iReadActual] = '\0'; /* ... just to be sure. */
pcPivot = (char*)pcBuff;
pcStop = (char*)pcBuff + iReadActual;
while (pcPivot < pcStop)
if (cLiteralChar != NO_CHAR) /* Ignore this char? */
/* Yes, ignore this char. */
if (cChunkStartChar != NO_CHAR)
/* ... just write it out: */
fprintf(pFileOut, "%c", *pcPivot);
cLiteralChar = NO_CHAR;
/* End of "Yes, ignore this char." */
else if (cAtomicChar != NO_CHAR) /* Are we inside an atomic string? */
/* Yup; we are inside an atomic string. */
int bBreakInnerWhile;
bBreakInnerWhile = 0;
pcOutputStart = pcPivot;
while (bBreakInnerWhile == 0)
if (*pcPivot == '\\') /* Treat next char as literal? */
cLiteralChar = '\\'; /* Yes. */
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
else if (*pcPivot == cAtomicChar) /* End of atomic? */
cAtomicChar = NO_CHAR; /* Yes. */
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
if (++pcPivot == pcStop) bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
if (cChunkStartChar != NO_CHAR)
/* The atomic string is part of a chunk. */
iOutputLen = (size_t)(pcPivot-pcOutputStart);
fprintf(pFileOut, "%.*s", iOutputLen, pcOutputStart);
/* End of "Yup; we are inside an atomic string." */
else if (cChunkStartChar == NO_CHAR) /* Are we inside a chunk? */
/* No, we are outside a chunk. */
int bBreakInnerWhile;
bBreakInnerWhile = 0;
while (bBreakInnerWhile == 0)
/* Detect start of anything interesting: */
switch (*pcPivot)
/* Start of atomic? */
case '"':
case '\'':
cAtomicChar = *pcPivot;
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
/* Start of chunk? */
case '{':
cChunkStartChar = *pcPivot;
cChunkEndChar = '}';
case '[':
cChunkStartChar = *pcPivot;
cChunkEndChar = ']';
case '(':
cChunkStartChar = *pcPivot;
cChunkEndChar = ')';
case '<':
cChunkStartChar = *pcPivot;
cChunkEndChar = '>';
if (cChunkStartChar != NO_CHAR)
printf("Start '%c' '%c' chunk (file %04d.txt)\n", *pcPivot, cChunkEndChar, iNumberOfOutputFiles);
sprintf((char*)pszOutName, "output/%04d.txt", iNumberOfOutputFiles);
if ((pFileOut = fopen(pszOutName, "w")) == NULL)
printf("What? How?\n");
return 2;
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
else if (++pcPivot == pcStop)
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
/* End of "No, we are outside a chunk." */
/* Yes, we are inside a chunk. */
int bBreakInnerWhile;
bBreakInnerWhile = 0;
pcOutputStart = pcPivot;
while (bBreakInnerWhile == 0)
if (*pcPivot == cChunkStartChar)
/* Increase level of brackets/parantheses: */
else if (*pcPivot == cChunkEndChar)
/* Decrease level of brackets/parantheses: */
if (iChunkNesting == 0)
/* We are now outside chunk. */
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
/* Detect atomic start: */
switch (*pcPivot)
case '"':
case '\'':
cAtomicChar = *pcPivot;
bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
if (++pcPivot == pcStop) bBreakInnerWhile = 1;
iOutputLen = (size_t)(pcPivot-pcOutputStart);
fprintf(pFileOut, "%.*s", iOutputLen, pcOutputStart);
if (iChunkNesting == 0)
printf("File done.\n");
cChunkStartChar = cChunkEndChar = NO_CHAR;
pFileOut = NULL;
/* End of "Yes, we are inside a chunk." */
if (cChunkStartChar != NO_CHAR)
printf("Chunk exceeds end-of-file. Exiting gracefully.\n");
pFileOut = NULL;
if (iNumberOfOutputFiles == 0) printf("Nothing to do...\n");
else printf("All done.\n");
return 0;
I've solved the nice-to-haves and one of the more-far-out-nice-to-haves.
To show this the input is a little more complex than the example in the question:
junk text
"atomic junk"
some junk text followed by a start bracket { here is the actual payload
more payload
'atomic payload { with start bracket that should be ignored'
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"this atomic has a literal double-quote \" inside"
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-) and a heart <3"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
"here's a totally unprovoked $ sign and an * asterisk"
} trailing junk
intermittent junk
payload that goes in second output file } mismatched end bracket should be ignored >
end junk
Resulting file output/0001.txt:
{ here is the actual payload
more payload
'atomic payload { with start bracket that should be ignored'
nested start bracket { - all of this line is untouchable payload too
here is more payload
"this atomic has a literal double-quote \" inside"
"yet more atomic payload; this one's got a smiley ;-) and a heart <3"
end of nested bracket pair } - all of this line is untouchable payload too
this is payload too
"here's a totally unprovoked $ sign and an * asterisk"
... and resulting file output/0002.txt:
payload that goes in second output file } mismatched end bracket should be ignored >
Thanks #dawg for your help :)

Xcode is telling me to put in expected ',' separator

xcode is telling me to put in expected ',' separator. Below is my code. even when i put in what Xcode tells me I still get an error. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?
} else {
if let p = placemarks?[0] {
var subThoroughfare:String = ""
if (p.throughfare != nil {
subThoroughfare = p.subThoroughfare
} // there are telling me to put this ',' here
self.addressLabel.text = "\(subThoroughfare) \(p.thoroughfare) \n \(p.subLocality) \n \(p.subAdministrativeArea) \n \(p.postalCode) \n \(p.country)"
} // xcode is telling me to put this ',' here
} // xcode is telling me to put this ',' here
Change this portion of your code and check if it still shows the error:
if (p.throughfare != nil) {
subThoroughfare = p.subThoroughfare
If it still show the error please show the if part also in your code it will help in understanding the full code as there look like extra bracket at end also

Throw error for unclosed comment block javacc

I am creating a lexer in javacc that skips block comments that start with /* and end with */. I have it working correctly for valid block comments but I am trying to figure out a way to throw an error when a block comment is unclosed...
/* this is not a valid block comment
/* this is a valid block comment*/
Here is what I have to skip valid block comments:
MORE: { <"/*"> : BLC_CMNT_ST}
<BLC_CMNT_ST> MORE: { <~[]>}
Currently when I run the lexer a TokenMgrError is thrown when there is unclosed block comment. I would like to catch this error and/or throw my own error that displays the matchedToken.image. I have tried a few different ways but have ran into issues so any help would be greatly appreciated
How about
SKIP: { <"/*"> : BLC_CMNT_ST}
<BLC_CMNT_ST> SKIP: { < ~[] > }
<*> TOKEN : { <EOF>
{ System.out.println("Lexical state is " + curLexState ) ;
if(curLexState==BLC_CMNT_ST) throw new Error("Unmatched comment at end of file.") ; } }
I had to use SKIP instead of MORE for reasons I don't fully understand.
If you want to disallow "/*" inside of block comments you can add this production
<BLC_CMNT_ST> TOKEN: { < "/*" >
{ if(true) throw new Error("Unmatched comment at line "
+ matchedToken.beginLine
+ ", column "
+ matchedToken.beginColumn + ".") ; } }
Unfortunately this solution does not give you access to the image of the comment.

fopen return null while file exists

I am developing a lexer for F++ language using Cygwin terminal and flex tools on Windows 8 OS.
The problem I met and I am having hard time to solve is the case of multiple input buffers.
Let's say I have an F++ file with a #include test.h header. My lexer then have to open the
test.h file and recognize its tokens before it proceeds to the file etc.
My lexer uses fopen function to open header files but fopen returns null even if my file exists.
I quote my code.
**<incl>[ \t]* /* eat the whitespace */
<incl>[^ \t\n]+ { /* got the include file name */
if ( include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH )
fprintf( stderr, "Includes nested too deeply" );
exit( 1 );
include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] =YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
if( (yyin = fopen( yytext, "r,ccs=ccs=UTF-8")) !=NULL)
printf("Successful opening %s in mode r.\n",yytext);
fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening file %s in mode r.\n",yytext);
yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE ) );
<<EOF>> {
if ( (include_stack_ptr--)==0 ){
yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
yy_switch_to_buffer(include_stack[include_stack_ptr] );
{ yylex(); }**
Check the line: fopen( yytext, "r,ccs=ccs=UTF-8")
use a filename that does not have a comma in it.
for an abundance of caution, try a trivial file name, like foo.fpp
if the file opens, the problem is in the permitted characters for files on your filesystem/OS.
