Laravel BackPack translate rows - laravel

It is necessary to translate the displayed fields from the base.
For example, I have fields in the base name and surname for me now, when I go to the tab with them, they are written like this Name and Surname with a capital letter and I would like to translate them into another language.
Tell me how can I do this?

Hei there,
You can simply just add into your name field this syntax:
->label(trans('lang_file.your_field_name')); // This line
You can check for more info in here
Best, Vreedom18


QlikView field name as a dimension in expression

My chart contains this dimension:
but if I do this I will actually have the value "Column2" written in every cell.
How can I make QlikView interpret Column2 as a column name, as opposed to a value?
I know it works if I use a variable vDim2 that is equal to: [Column2]:
, but I am interested to know if there is a solution that doesn't use variables? Many thanks in advance!
I think just removing the quotation marks will give you what you want.
I think the key concept is when are you telling QlikView to return the text in a field or to return only the text you have typed in.
Have a look at this example of using the text qualifier (') vs not using it.
In the expression editor you can see what QlikView is expecting red words are fields and black ones are text

How to select a table column by column header name using XPath

How can I select a table column by column header name with XPath?
My attempt is:
This is not working.
It always selects the first column no matter what value I provide for $columnName.
There is barely any information in this post, but my educated guess would be that
is always equal to 1 because you use $columnName in quotes - which makes it a string, not a variable.
If this is indeed the problem, using
would solve it. If it doesn't, you really need to give more information - show the whole input document, indicate the programming language, show all of that code.

Return type format of this website

I just came across this site
erail I want to know the type of returned data format,its neither json nor xml,Whats it,please help me.
Thank u
This is obviously a custom format. The ~ look likes field delimters with some fields with an inner structure where a , . or : is used as a delimeter, the ^ is the record delimiter. The first field is a number and the first record is different from the next ones which seem to be identical in field structure.
If you want to use that in javascript you have to write your own deserializer...

Convert ascii files into normal human-readable file

I have got ASCII files and want to convert them into maybe excel or tab/csv delimited text file. The file is a table with field name and field attributes. It also includes index name, table name and field(s) to index if required depending on the software. I don't think it is necessary to think of this. Well, field name and field attributes are enough, I hope so. I just want the information hidden inside. Can you all experts help me to get this done.
The lines are something like this:
10000001$"WORD" WORD$10001890$$$$495.7$$$N$$
10000002$11-word-word word$10000002$$$$$$$Y$$
10000003$11-word word word$10033315$0413004$$$$$$N$$
10000004$11-word word word$10033315$$$$$$$Y$017701$
The general answer, before knowing your ascii file in details, operating system, and so on, would be:
1 - cut the top n-lines, that containg the information you don't want. Leave the filds names, if you want to.
2 - check if the fields are separated by a common character, for example, one comma ,
3 - import the file inside a spreadsheet program, like Excel or OpenOffice Calc. In OOCalc, choose to import the file, then select the correct separating character
that's all.

How to fetch data from a text file to a vb6 form

I have a text file in which the names of the students occur at various places. There is the text "names" and then the name of one student following it. Similarly, at another place this text, "Names" appears with the name of the student following it.
I want to fetch the name of the student one by one. That is, the first name is to be fetched and then I do some operations. Then after these operations I have to fetch another name and repeat the same operations.
How do I fetch the name of the student one by one and put them in the text box located in the vb6 form?
How to read a text file line by line:
Look at using InStr to find a value in the string read in.
