How do I enable X11 display on Ubuntu 20.04? (I have it installed locally) - x11

Any time I'd like to run a file that opens a window, I get the following error:
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
at java.desktop/java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(
at java.desktop/java.awt.Window.(
at java.desktop/java.awt.Frame.(
at java.desktop/java.awt.Frame.(
at java.desktop/javax.swing.JFrame.(
at hw04.GameOfLife.(
at hw04.GameOfLife.main(
EDIT: I ran sudo apt-get install libx11-dev and it says I already have it installed... I don't know where to go from here


apt in Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 is failing with 404 Not Found

OK, so this is my first SO question so I'm gonna try my best to lay this out.
I have a Windows 10 laptop on which I am trying to install gcc. I have in the past tried alternatives such as netbeans, cygwin and various emulators and virtual machines all to no avail.
What has been working so far is that I enabled the 'new' windows developer mode which allowed me to download a Linux bash shell from the windows store. It works for all the regular Linux commands, but doesn't have gcc installed.
When I type in gcc (or gcc --version) in the shell, it prints the following line:
The program 'gcc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install gcc
Which I tried, it then ran through a bunch of installer stuff but consistently seemed to run into errors such as the following:
Err:7 xenial-updates/main amd64 libdpkg- >perl all 1.18.4ubuntu1.2
where the ip address is different on each error line.
It ultimately fails with the following line:
Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
I have tried but again I get the same kinds of errors as above.
I would really like to get gcc working in the Windows/Linux shell as it is working great for everything else, and I'm trying to keep the number of programs on my computer to a minimum.
Does anyone know why this isn't working, or how (if possible) I can make it work?
P.S I do need it to be gcc because of school reasons
For what it's worth: I landed on this SO topic after having a similar issue.
What fixed it for me was to run
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
I guess the repo URLs were too old, even though my Ubuntu was in a recent version.
I just ran into the same thing attempting to install python-pip. According to this article, this happens when you have the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (older) instead of the Creators update (newer). The solution is to either uninstall and re-install Ubuntu, or upgrade it (from 14.04 to 16.04). I found the upgrade to be simple and painless:
sudo do-release-upgrade
To check what you have, before and after via:
lsb_release -a
I had the same problem. Pinging the IP resulted in no response and visiting the website returned a 404.
I found a ppa with most current GCC and registered the PPA and was able to successfully install GCC with it; ppa website. I used GCC to build some software I wanted that was not found with apt-get.
From their page:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
Try to run Ubuntu application in Windows with an option "Run as Administrator".

Python 3.6 Mac OS X - How do you get PIP install?

In various educational guides, I have been guided to install Python modules with an easy one-line command entered in the terminal: pip install whatever
Well, when I type "pip install" it is not found.
Elsewhere in Stack Overflow the following instructions have been given:
Use apt-get -- but I am not using linux
Use easy-install pip -- but
it also produces command not found.
Use easy-install3 pip -- same problem: command not found.
Does PIP not install when you install Python 3.6?
Do I really have to edit the path myself - it seems to me, if necessary, the developers who created the installer would have done this and the path would have been updated when Python was installed.
Poking around the hidden system folders in OS X, I see that there is an alias called pip3.6 in usr/local/bin that was created a week ago when I installed Python 3.6.
I would try:
pip3.6 install whatever
Right, worked it out now.
Pip is installed when Python 3.6 is installed - but instead of typing "pip install", you type:
pip3.6 install <ModuleYouWant>
I guess this is so people can run Python 2.7 and 3.6 simultaneously.. it'd be nice if it were a little more intuitive though, or there were some instructions, or it just worked as pip gave you the option "2.7 or 3.6?"
For those OS X users in the dark like I was, please note that system files like the usr folder can be seen in Finder if you press Command+Shift+G then in the dialog box that pops up type /usr (There are other ways to see hidden folders too).

Tex error occurred while upgrading octave with brew

I first installed octave through brew with the instruction on the office website. One day when I entered brew update && brew upgrade, octave started to upgrade but one error occurred said
You don't have a working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere in your
PATH, and texi2dvi cannot proceed without one. If you want to use this
script, you'll need to install TeX (if you don't have it) or change
your PATH or TEX environment variable (if you do). See the --help
output for more details.
So I entered brew cask install mactex to install tex and added the Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/texbin to the PATH, when I run tex, it correctly processed:
terminal screenshot
Then I run brew upgrade but the same error occurred again.
I realized that the --without-docs argument may fix this problem but if I want to install docs (since I have already installed tex) what should I do?
I had similar problem while installing another program (not octave) and after looking around I found that I needed to install TeTex ( or TexLive, however I decided to install TexLive because TeTex is not mantained anymore...
For me it worked after installing Texlive on the basic configuration. You can follow the instructions over here:

mac ports - progress option?

I am install gedit on my Mac via macports. I ran the following command,
sudo port install gedit
There are MANY dependencies for gedit, and macports has been downloading/installing them for the last 2 hours. Is there a command line option for it to show progress as it's downloading, building, and installing each individual package?
may be you need to edit /opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/port1.0/portfetch.tcl,
change 'curl' to another program for example axel or wget and then redirect to your current TTY,you can also use 'tty' command to get the current TTY

How to create .deb packages on Mac OS X

I am trying to upload my app on Cydia and it requires .deb package. I am unable to figure out how to make .deb packages on mac. I am using 10.6.3 when I write this command on terminal
dpkg-deb -b MyProgram
Terminal output is
-bash: dpkg-deb: command not found
I've install fink, Mac ports insert Mac DVD to find out but nothing helps.
It's available on Homebrew:
brew install dpkg
If you don't have Homebrew installed, go to It's a simple one-liner to install.
Homebrew is less invasive, less complicated, and more popular than Macports or similar.
I installed mac ports 1.7 through terminal as no package is available.
After that I installed Mac ports 1.9 through installer.
Then goto this path /opt/local/bin and run sudo port selfupdate
after that execute sudo port install dpkg
it will take some time and after that your dpkg is successfully configured.
Run this command sudo dpkg-deb -b MyProgram to make MyProgram.deb
Note MyProgram should contain DEBIAN folder and under that control file remove txt extention
Below is control file
Maintainer: zeeshanullah <>
Name: Snapture
Package: zeeshanullah
Section: zeeshanullah
Version: 2.x.x
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: GPS joke.
Sponsor: <zeeshanullah>
dont forget to place a new line at the end of control file otherwise you will get an error.
You need Xcode installed on your system before using mac ports - you find it on the second mac DVD, I think. After that, you can install mac ports and then via the Terminal type "sudo port install dpkg", press return and enter your password. It may take some time to compile. You tried that?
Best option is to use FPM and you can create it in 50 secs:
i think these links can be useful for you:
How to make a deb on mac
Using ant to create deb
