go routine, function executed out of desired order - go

Hi I'm learning goroutine, and I have a question I have a code where I have a publisher and a listener, I need the subscribe call to happen first then the publish call.
useCase := New(tt.fields.storage)
go func() {
ch, _, err := useCase.Subscribe(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.message.TopicName)
message, ok := <- ch
if !ok {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, message)
err := useCase.Publish(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.message)
and as I send messages inside these two functions I need Go Func, how would I get subscribe to always execute first, and then publish.

You can use a channel:
subscribed:=make(chan struct{})
go func() {
ch, _, err := useCase.Subscribe(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.message.TopicName)
if err!=nil {
message, ok := <- ch
err := useCase.Publish(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.message)


websocket gracefully shutdown

I have a websocket server. I wrote a test for him that tests his ability to shutdown gracefully. 5 connections are created and each sends 5 requests. After a while, shutdown starts. All 25 requests must be fulfilled. If I close the exit channel, then the test does not work as it should.
time.AfterFunc(50*time.Millisecond, func() {
And if I just call the s.shutdown function, then everything is ok.
time.AfterFunc(50*time.Millisecond, func() {
require.Nil(t, s.Shutdown())
My test
func TestServer_GracefulShutdown(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan struct{})
exit := make(chan struct{})
ctx := context.Background()
finishedRequestCount := atomic.NewInt32(0)
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:")
require.Nil(t, err)
handler := HandlerFunc(func(conn *websocket.Conn) {
for {
_, _, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
s, err := makeServer(ctx, handler) // server create
require.Nil(t, err)
time.AfterFunc(50*time.Millisecond, func() {
go func() {
require.Nil(t, s.Run(ctx, exit, ln))
for i := 0; i < connCount; i++ {
go func() {
err := clientRun(ln)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int32(totalCount), finishedRequestCount.Load())
My run func
func (s *Server) Run(ctx context.Context, exit <-chan struct{}, ln net.Listener) error {
errs := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
err := s.httpServer.Run(ctx, exit, ln)
if err != nil {
errs <- err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return s.Close()
case <-exit:
return s.Shutdown()
case err := <-errs:
return err
My shutdown
func (s *Server) Shutdown() error {
err := s.httpServer.Shutdown() // we close the possibility to connect to any conn
return err
What is happening if the following code is executed?
Both channels are closed almost at the same time. The first triggers the Shutdown function which waits for a graceful shutdown. But the second triggers the evaluation of
assert.Equal(t, int32(totalCount), finishedRequestCount.Load())
It is triggered while the graceful shutdown is still running or hasn't even started yet.
If you execute the Shutdown function directly it will block until finished and only then close(done) will start the assertion. That is why this works:
require.Nil(t, s.Shutdown())
You can move the close(done) to the following location to make the test work while using the exit channel to close:
go func() {
require.Nil(t, s.Run(ctx, exit, ln))
This way done will be closed after the Shutdown function was executed.
As discussed in the comments I strongly suggest to use contexts instead of channels to close. They have the complexity of close channels hidden away.

Concurrently process a lot of files and upload to S3 in Go

I'm migrating a lot of files that are currently stored in a relational database to amazon S3. I'm using go because I had heard about the concurrency of it, but I'm getting very low throughput. I'm new to go so I'm probably not doing it in the best way possible.
This is what I have at the moment
type Attachment struct {
BinaryData []byte `db:"BinaryData"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"CreatedDT"`
Id int `db:"Id"`
func main() {
connString := os.Getenv("CONNECTION_STRING")
db, err := sqlx.Connect("sqlserver", connString)
if err != nil {
log.Print("Connected to database")
sql := "SELECT TOP 1000 Id,CreatedDT, BinaryData FROM Attachment"
attachmentsDb := []Attachment{}
err = db.Select(&attachmentsDb, sql)
if err != nil {
session, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("eu-west-1"),
if err != nil {
svc := s3.New(session)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, att := range attachmentsDb {
done := make(chan error)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, att Attachment, out chan error) {
err := <-saveAttachment(&att, svc)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("CV Written %d", att.Id)
}(wg, att, done)
defer db.Close()
func saveAttachment(att *Attachment, svc *s3.S3 )<-chan error {
out := make(chan error)
bucket := os.Getenv("BUCKET")
go func() {
defer close(out)
key := getKey(att)
input := &s3.PutObjectInput{Bucket: &bucket,
Key: &key,
Body: bytes.NewReader(att.BinaryData),
_, err := svc.PutObject(input)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error uploading CV %d error %v", att.Id, err)
out <- err
return out
func getKey(att *Attachment) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", os.Getenv("KEY"), att.Id)
These loops will executes sequentially because in every loop, it waits for result from channel done so there aren't any benifit from running multiple goroutines. And no need to create a new goroutine in func saveAttachment(), because you already create it in the loops.
func main() {
svc := s3.New(session)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, att := range attachmentsDb {
done := make(chan error)
//New goroutine
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, att Attachment, out chan error) {
//Already in a goroutine now, but in func saveAttachment() will create a new goroutine?
err := <-saveAttachment(&att, svc) //There is a goroutine created in this func
if err == nil {
log.Printf("CV Written %d", att.Id)
}(wg, att, done)
<-done //This will block until receives the result, after that a new loop countinues
func saveAttachment(att *Attachment, svc *s3.S3 )<-chan error {
out := make(chan error)
bucket := os.Getenv("BUCKET")
//Why new goroutine?
go func() {
defer close(out)
key := getKey(att)
input := &s3.PutObjectInput{Bucket: &bucket,
Key: &key,
Body: bytes.NewReader(att.BinaryData),
_, err := svc.PutObject(input)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error uploading CV %d error %v", att.Id, err)
out <- err
return out
If you want to upload in parallel, don't do that. You can quickly fix it like this
func main() {
svc := s3.New(session)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
//Number of goroutines = number of attachments
for _, att := range attachmentsDb {
//One goroutine to uploads for each Attachment
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, att Attachment) {
err := saveAtt(&att, svc)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("CV Written %d", att.Id)
}(wg, att)
//No blocking after created a goroutine, loops countines to create new goroutine
//This func will be executed in goroutine, so no need to create a goroutine inside it
func saveAtt(att *Attachment, svc *s3.S3) error {
bucket := os.Getenv("BUCKET")
key := getKey(att)
input := &s3.PutObjectInput{Bucket: &bucket,
Key: &key,
Body: bytes.NewReader(att.BinaryData),
_, err := svc.PutObject(input)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error uploading CV %d error %v", att.Id, err)
return err
But this approach isn't good when there are so many attachments beacause number of goroutines = number of attachments. In this case, you will need a goroutine pool so you can limit number of goroutines to run.
Warining!!!, This is just an example to show goroutine pool logic, you need to implement it by your way
//Create a attachment queue
queue := make(chan *Attachment) //Or use buffered channel: queue := make(chan *Attachment, bufferedSize)
//Send all attachment to queue
go func() {
for _, att := range attachmentsDb {
queue <- &att
//Create a goroutine pool
svc := s3.New(session)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
//Use this as const
workerCount := 5
//Number of goroutines = Number of workerCount
for i := 1; i <= workerCount; i++ {
//New goroutine
go func() {
//Get attachment from queue to upload. When the queue channel is empty, this code will blocks
for att := range queue {
err := saveAtt(att, svc)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("CV Written %d", att.Id)
//Warning!!! You need to call close channel only WHEN all attachments was uploaded, this code just show how you can end the goroutine pool
//Just close queue channel when all attachments was uploaded, all upload goroutines will end (because of `att := range queue`)

Go routines with kafka consumer channel and context

I have a simple kafka consumer for which I have created a handle and trying to read it using a go routine:
func process(ctx context.Context){
consumer := queueHandle.Consume(topic_ops_req, consumerHandler)
// Get signal for finish
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func(consumer chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage, ctx context.Context) {
for {
select {
case msg, ok := <-consumer:
if !ok {
logger.Info("Channel has been closed")
doneCh <- struct{}{}
var request queue.Request
err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Value, &request)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("consumer unmarshal err", err)
res, err := new_process(ctx, request, service) // call another func
if err != nil {
result = res
doneCh <- struct{}{}
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Context ended with err : %s", ctx.Err()))
doneCh <- struct{}{}
}(consumer, ctx)
The issue I am seeing is that once I introduce the "case <-ctx.Done()", the go routine does not enter the "case msg, ok := <-consumer" and always returns that the context ended. How do I my go func work with both consumer channel and ctx.Done() ?

Go routine leak fix

I am working on a small service at the moment. From my testing, the code I've written has the possibility of leaking go routines under certain circumstances pertaining to the context. Is there a good and/or idiomatic way to remedy this? I'm providing some sample code below.
func Handle(ctx context.Context, r *Req) (*Response, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second * 5)
defer cancel()
resChan := make(chan Response)
errChan := make(chan error)
go process(r, resChan, errChan)
select {
case ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case res := <-resChan:
return &res, nil
case err := <-errChan:
return nil, err
func process(r *Req, resChan chan<- Response, errChan chan<- error) {
defer close(errChan)
defer close(resChan)
err := doSomeWork()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
err = doSomeMoreWork()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
res := Response{}
resChan <- res
Hypothetically, if the client cancelled the context or the timeout occurred before the process func had a chance to send on one of the unbuffered channels (resChan, errChan), there would be no channel readers left from Handle and sending on the channels would block indefinitely with no readers. Since process would not return in this case, the channels would also not be closed.
I came up with the process2 as a solution, but I can't help thinking I'm doing something wrong, or there's a better way to handle this.
func process2(ctx context.Context, r *Req, resChan chan<- Response, errChan chan<- error) {
defer close(errChan)
defer close(resChan)
err := doSomeWork()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
err = doSomeMoreWork()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
res := Response{}
case <-ctx.Done():
resChan <- res
This approach makes sure that each time a channel send is attempted, first the context is checked for having been completed or cancelled. If it was, then it does not attempt the send and returns. I'm pretty sure this fixes any go routine leaking happening in the first process func.
Is there a better way? Maybe I have this all wrong.

Go channel infinite loop

I am trying to catch errors from a group of goroutines using a channel, but the channel enters an infinite loop, starts consuming CPU.
func UnzipFile(f *bytes.Buffer, location string) error {
zipReader, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(f.Bytes()), int64(f.Len()))
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(location, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
errorChannel := make(chan error)
errorList := []error{}
go errorChannelWatch(errorChannel, errorList)
fileWaitGroup := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, file := range zipReader.File {
go writeZipFileToLocal(file, location, errorChannel, fileWaitGroup)
return nil
func errorChannelWatch(ch chan error, list []error) {
for {
select {
case err := <- ch:
list = append(list, err)
func writeZipFileToLocal(file *zip.File, location string, ch chan error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
zipFilehandle, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
ch <- err
defer zipFilehandle.Close()
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(location, file.Name), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
ch <- err
localFileHandle, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(location, file.Name), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, file.Mode())
if err != nil {
ch <- err
defer localFileHandle.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(localFileHandle, zipFilehandle); err != nil {
ch <- err
ch <- fmt.Errorf("Test error")
So I am looping a slice of files and writing them to my disk, when there is an error I report back to the errorChannel to save that error into a slice.
I use a sync.WaitGroup to wait for all goroutines and when they are done I want to print errorList and check if there was any error during the execution.
The list is always empty, even if I add ch <- fmt.Errorf("test") at the end of writeZipFileToLocal and the channel always hangs up.
I am not sure what I am missing here.
1. For the first point, the infinite loop:
Citing from golang language spec:
A receive operation on a closed channel can always proceed
immediately, yielding the element type's zero value after any
previously sent values have been received.
So in this function
func errorChannelWatch(ch chan error, list []error) {
for {
select {
case err := <- ch:
list = append(list, err)
after ch gets closed this turns into an infinite loop adding nil values to list.
Try this instead:
func errorChannelWatch(ch chan error, list []error) {
for err := range ch {
list = append(list, err)
2. For the second point, why you don't see anything in your error list:
The problem is this call:
errorChannel := make(chan error)
errorList := []error{}
go errorChannelWatch(errorChannel, errorList)
Here you hand errorChannelWatch the errorList as a value. So the slice errorList will not be changed by the function. What is changed, is the underlying array, as long as the append calls don't need to allocate a new one.
To remedy the situation, either hand a slice pointer to errorChannelWatch or rewrite it as a call to a closure, capturing
For the first proposed solution, change errorChannelWatch to
func errorChannelWatch(ch chan error, list *[]error) {
for err := range ch {
*list = append(*list, err)
and the call to
errorChannel := make(chan error)
errorList := []error{}
go errorChannelWatch(errorChannel, &errorList)
For the second proposed solution, just change the call to
errorChannel := make(chan error)
errorList := []error{}
go func() {
for err := range errorChannel {
errorList = append(errorList, err)
} ()
3. A minor remark:
One could think, that there is a synchronisation problem here:
How can you be sure, that errorList isn't modified, after the call to close? One could reason, that you can't know, how many values the goroutine errorChannelWatch still has to process.
Your synchronisation seems correct to me, as you do the wg.Done()
after the send to the error channel and so all error values will
be sent, when fileWaitGroup.Wait() returns.
But that can change, if someone later adds a buffering to the error
channel or alters the code.
So I would advise to at least explain the synchronisation in a comment.
