Rate limit exceeded - only used on one computer - plaid

I'm getting an error with Plaid that my rate limit has been exceeded, since I have 5 items in use on my developer account. I have only used Plaid on my localhost from my browser, and the quickstart app to look up my actual accounts. I'm confused how it thinks these are new systems - and also how to release one of these items so it frees up developer slots. The documentation says I can hit the release route, but that that doesn't restore an item slot.
Is there anything I'm missing?
"display_message": null,
"documentation_url": "https://plaid.com/docs/?ref=error#rate-limit-exceeded-errors",
"error_code": "ADDITION_LIMIT",
"error_message": "addition limit exceeded for this client_id. contact support to increase the limit.",
"error_type": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
"request_id": "#####",
"suggested_action": null

Ah yes you are not the first person to be confused by this! You need to request access to Development via the Plaid dashboard, which, once approved, will unlock access to 95 additional Items. You can do this here: https://dashboard.plaid.com/overview/development
The number of computers you are using doesn't matter, the only thing being counted is Items -- each Item takes up one slot, but in Development deleting Items does not free up slots.


Random (403) User Rate Limit Exceeded

I am using translate API to translate some texts in my page, those texts are large html formated texts, so I had to develop a function that splits these texts into smaller pieces less than 4500 characters (including html tags) to avoid the limit of 5000 characters per request, also I had to modify the Google PHP API to allow send requests via POST.
I have enabled the paid version of the api in Goole Developers Console, and changed the total quota to 50M of characters per day and 500 requests/second/urser.
Now I am translating the whole database of texts with a script, it works fine but at some random points I revive the error "(403) User Rate Limit Exceeded", and I have to wait some minutes to re-run the script because when reached the error the api is returning the same error over and over until I wait some time.
I don't know why it keeps returning the error if I don't pass the number of requests, it's like it has some kind of maximum chaaracters per each interval of time or something...
You probably exceed the quota limits you set before: this is either the daily billable or the limit on the request characters per second.
To change the usage limits or request an increase to your quota, do the following:
1. Go to the Google Developers Console "https://console.developers.google.com/".
2. Select a project.
3. On the left sidebar, expand APIs & auth.
4. Click APIs.
5. Click the name of an activated API you're interested in "i.e. The Translate API".
6. Near the top of the info page for the API, click Quota.
If you have the billing enabled, just click Quota and it will take you to the quota page where you can view and change the quota-related settings.
If not, clicking Quota shows information about any free quota and limits that apply to the Translate API.
Google Developer Console has a rate limit of 10 requests per second, regardless of the settings or limits you may have changed.
You may be exceeding this limit.
I was unable to find any documentation around this, but could verify it myself with various API requests.
You control the characters limitation but not the concurrency
You are either making more than 500 concurrent request/second or you are using another Google API that is hitting such concurrency limitation.
The referer header is not set by default, but it is possible to add the headers to a request like so:
$result = $t->translate('Hola Mundo', [
'restOptions' => [
'headers' => [
'referer' => 'https://your-uri.com'
If it makes more sense for you to set the referer at the client level (so all requests flowing through the client receive the header), this is possible as well:
$client = new TranslateClient([
'key' => 'my-api-key',
'restOptions' => [
'headers' => [
'referer' => 'https://your-uri.com'
This worked for me!
In my case, this error was caused by my invalid payment information. Go to Billing area and make sure everything is ok.

eBay API error : You have exceeded your maximum call limit

I have a table of eBay itemid, and for each id I want to apply a reviseitem call, but from the second call I get the following error:
You have exceeded your maximum call limit of 3000 for 5 seconds. Try back after 5 seconds.
NB: I have just 4 calls.
How can I fix this problem?
ebay count the calls per second per unique IP's. So please make sure your all calls from your application must be less than 3000 per 5 seconds. hope this would help.
I have just finished an eBay project and this error can be misleading. eBay allow a certain amount of calla a day and if you exceed that amount in one 24 hour period you can get this error. You can get this amount increased by completing an Application Check form http://go.developer.ebay.com/developers/ebay/forums-support/certification
The eBay Trading API, to which your ReviseItem call belongs, allows up to 5000 calls per 24 hour period for all applications, and up to 1.5M calls / 24hrs for "Compatible Applications", i.e. applications that have undergone a vetting process called "Compatible Application Check". More details here: https://go.developer.ebay.com/developers/ebay/ebay-api-call-limits
However, that's just the generic, "Aggregate" call limit. There are different limits for specific calls, some of which are more liberal (AddItem: 100.000 / day) and others of which are more strict (SetApplication: 50 / day) than that. Additionally, there are hourly and periodic limits.
You can find out any application's applicable limits by executing the GetApiAccessRules call:
<GetApiAccessRulesResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
You can try that out four your own application by pasting an AuthToken for your application into the form at https://ebay-sdk.intradesys.com/s/9a1158154dfa42caddbd0694a4e9bdc8 and then press "Execute call".

Google Calendar v3 Error "The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"

We are using the Google Calendar v3 API to return a list of events for a user that have been updated since a point in time.
In the v2 API there was no limitation on setting this date in the past.
If we set the UpdatedMin to a date too far back (like 2 months) then the error is thrown
"The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"
If we set ShowDeleted to false then we do not get the error.
I cannot find any reference to a limitation here. Does anybody know the details of this limit. Unfortunately when synchronising calendars this is a show stopper when synchronisation has not run for a period of time for a calendar (other than running a full list which we would prefer to avoid)
EventsResource.ListRequest lr = new EventsResource.ListRequest(service, c.uc.calendar);
lr.UpdatedMin = c.primaryModTime.ToLocalTime();
lr.ShowDeleted = true;
Events el = lr.Execute();
if (el.Items.Count > 0)
the following also discusses this issue but without any resoluton.
There is some explanation at:
It says that on 410 you should wipe your storage and perform a full sync instead.
Also consider switching to sync tokens as recommended in the last paragraph.

Can I reduce my amount of requests in Google Maps JavaScript API v3?

I call 2 locations. From an xml file I get the longtitude and the langtitude of a location. First the closest cafe, then the closest school.
But as you can see, I do the function verander(latitude,longtitude) twice.
function verander(google_lat, google_lng)
var bryantPark = new google.maps.LatLng(google_lat, google_lng);
var panoramaOptions =
heading: 185,
panControl : false,
streetViewControl : false,
mapTypeControl: false,
overviewMapControl: false ,
linksControl: false,
zoomControl : false,
map = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), panoramaOptions);
Would it be possible to push these 2 locations in only one request(perhaps via an array)? I know it sounds silly but I really want to know if their isn't a backdoor to reduce these google maps requests.
FTR: This is what a request is for Google:
What constitutes a 'map load' in the context of the usage limits that apply to the Maps API? A single map load occurs when:
a. a map is displayed using the Maps JavaScript API (V2 or V3) when loaded by a web page or application;
b. a Street View panorama is displayed using the Maps JavaScript API (V2 or V3) by a web page or application that has not also displayed a map;
c. a SWF that loads the Maps API for Flash is loaded by a web page or application;
d. a single request is made for a map image from the Static Maps API.
e. a single request is made for a panorama image from the Street View Image API.
So I'm afraid it isn't possible, but hey, suggestions are always welcome!
Your calling places api twice and loading streetview twice. So that's four calls but I think they only count those two streetviews as once if your loading it on one page. And also your places calls will be client side so they won't count towards your limits.
But to answer your question there's no loop hole to get around the double load since you want to show the users two streetviews.
What I would do is not load anything until the client asks. Instead have a couple of call to action type buttons like <button onclick="loadStreetView('cafe')">Click here to see Nearby Cafe</button> and when clicked they will call the nearby search and load the streetview. And since it is only on client request your page loads will never increment the usage counts like when your site get's crawled by search engines.
More on those usage limits
The Google Places API has different usages then the maps. https://developers.google.com/places/policies#usage_limits
Users with an API key are allowed 1 000 requests per 24 hour period
Users who have verified their identity through the APIs console are allowed 100 000 requests per 24 hour period. A credit card is required for verification, by enabling billing in the console. We ask for your credit card purely to validate your identity. Your card will not be charged for use of the Places API.
100,000 requests a day if you verify yourself. That's pretty decent.
As for Google Maps, https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#usagelimits
You get 25,000 map loads per day and it says.
In order to accommodate sites that experience short term spikes in usage, the usage limits will only take effect for a given site once that site has exceeded the limits for more than 90 consecutive days.
So if you go over a bit not and then it seems like they won't mind.
p.s. you have an extra comma after zoom:1 and zoomControl : false and they shouldn't be there. Will cause errors in some browsers like IE. You also are missing a semicolon after var panoramaOptions = { ... } and before map = new

Steam trading cards API or achievements api

Is there an API to get a user's steam trading cards?
I'm not very familiar with steam but it doesn't seem to be on this page.
There's an achievements API would that get me the trading cards info as well?
There is not an API for the trading cards (yet). You can, however, still find them. It does depend on the user's privacy settings though. I went into more detail on this question and believe it will help you out.
Achievements can be pulled via the GetPlayerAchievements API call using the following format:
APPID is the application ID the achievements are associated with (ie. Team Fortress 2 is 440)
APIKEY is the API key Valve assigned you
PROFILEID is the 64bit player ID give to you when you sign up on steam
LANG is the language you wish to return the descriptions in (this parameter is optional and not including it removes the name and description fields from the results). en is for English.
In the response is a listing of all of the achievements in the game.
"apiname": "TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET",
"achieved": 0,
"name": "Hard Reset",
"description": "As a Pyro, reset the bomb 3 times in a single wave."
"achieved": 1,
"name": "Real Steal",
"description": "As an Engineer, escape with your sentry as a sentry buster is about to detonate."
