Cypress identify a document element inside DOM - cypress

I have an application that has a document section showing some notes and I am trying to identify and verify the text ("Release Notes") with Cypress. But all my locating strategies are failing and need some help. Please see if you can recommend some other way to locate this.
Below is my code:
.then((text => {
cy.log(text.text()) // blank
cy.log(text) // <span.release-notes>
cy.get('[data="release-notes.html"]').should('be.visible').then((text => {
cy.log(text.text()) // blank
cy.log(text) // <object.release-notes-object>
//Below lines - Fails
//cy.get('h1:contains("Release Notes")') -- Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: h1:contains("Release Notes"), but never found it.
//cy.get('body').should('contains', "Release Notes"); --Timed out retrying after 4000ms: object tested must be an array, a map, an object, a set, a string, or a weakset, but object given
Note: I have "includeShadowDom": true inside my cypress.json

You may be getting blocked by the #document. It does not look like an iframe, but may behave like one.
.its('body').should('').within(() => {
cy.get('h1').should('contain', 'Release Notes')
Also turn off chromeWebSecurity in case there's a cross-domain issue
"chromeWebSecurity": false
Debugging the inner document
Since you can get into the inner document body, in theory you should now be able to query it.
Take a look at the DOM inside body from Cypress' perspective, experiment with timing - the release notes likely to be fetched from a server
.then($body => {
cy.wait(10000) // just for debugging, explicit wait here
.then(() => console.log($body[0].innerHTML)) // inspect the elements inside after wait
Another way, add a .should() to retry
cy.wait(10000) // for debugging only, waiting for fetch
.its('body', {timeout: 10000}) //vary timeout here
.should('have.descendants', 'h1') // retries the body fetch until true
The difference between the last and adding a timeout to cy.get('h1') is that .should('have.descendants', 'h1') will re-query the body during each retry.
It's possible that there is an empty body element before the release notes are fetched, and it is replaced when the release notes are added.

Before the "includeShadowDom": true global flag we have to do something like this:
Now may be you can omit the .shadow() part and try
cy.get('[app-name="Voyage Planning"]').find('h1:contains("Release Notes")')

You have attributes data-gr-ext-installed and data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded on the body. These look like they mark the end of something loading.
Add a check for that in #Mihi's solution (which must be nearly correct).
.should('have.attr', 'data-gr-ext-installed') // or data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded
.within(() => {
cy.get('h1').should('contain', 'Release Notes')


How Cypress test HTML element is assigned after Ajax call

I have a search input and result display area that are being handled by Ajax call. When user enter a keyword, Ajax call the backend and return HTML string. The JS handler then appends the response HTML into result display area.
Here my steps:
Search input: Vancouver (auto input by browser location)
Result: Welcome to Vancouver
Type into search input: Calgary
Expected: Welcome to Calgary
// Test case
Cypress.Commands.add('assessHeadingInfo', (options) => {
cy.fixture('selectors/index-page').then((selectors) => {
cy.xpath(selectors.head_info).then((heading) => {
cy.searchForArea('Calgary'); // Steps to input keyword and click search
.should('equals', 'Welcome to Calgary');
Test error:
Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected 'Welcome to Vancouver' to equal 'Welcome to Calgary'
However, the visual screenshot showed that the 'Welcome to Calgary' text was displayed while the test could not see.
I did follow the guide from Cypress app
Timed out retrying after 4000ms: cy.should() failed because this element is detached from the DOM.
You typically need to re-query for the element or add 'guards' which delay Cypress from running new commands. Learn more
I added 'a guard', cy.wait()...but nothing works.
Would you please teach me how to handle this issue?
Thank you.
Thanks for #jhelguero helped me to find out.
Solution 1:
I added this and it worked well.
cy.contains('h1', 'Welcome to Calgary')
Because I have put all the tests in block of
cy.xpath(selectors.head_info).then((heading) => {
So, when I do cy.get(heading) it caught the element before Ajax done. It was 'Welcome to Vancouver' instead.
Solution 2:
Then, I separated test steps like this.
.should('have.text', 'Welcome to Calgary');
and it was successful.
Do this:
cy.xpath({selector}).find('h1').should('have.text, '123');
DON'T do this:
cy.xpath({selector}).then((ele) => {
cy.get(ele).should(have.text, 'ABC');
cy.get(ele).find('h1').should('have.text, '123');
It looks like your DOM rerenders after the ajax call and thus the element('Welcome to') you were previously reference has been detached.
To fix this you will need to re query using the same selector after the ajax call is completed. You will not need cy.xpath(selectors.head_info).then().
Cypress.Commands.add('assessHeadingInfo', (options) => {
cy.fixture('selectors/index-page').then((selectors) => {
cy.searchForArea('Calgary'); // Steps to input keyword and click search
// use .contains() to search a selector with regex text
cy.contains(selectors.head_info, /Welcome to Calgary/)
If you visually confirmed the text "Welcome to Calgary", the problem might be that .should('equals', 'Welcome to Calgary') is not retrying enough of preceding steps.
Try shortening the query.
You can also increase the timeout if you notice a lag before the text appears.
cy.get(`${heading} > h1`, {timeout:10_000})
.should('have.text', 'Welcome to Calgary')

How do I locate dom elements within nested shadow doms using cypress when `find(...).shadow` is not a function`

I am working with Cypress v9.6.1 and custom elements with shadow dom. We have several custom elements which are deeply nested - I am able to query for an input that is deeply nested with several web components successfully with something like this:
What I'd like to do is determine the presence of that input before moving forward in the test.
Pseudo code -
if (cy.('.deeply-nested-element').exists() ){
} else {
Following the cypress docs for conditional testing -> element presence I attempted to express the above in a conditional and use on the length attribute to determine presence
cy.get(‘custom-element-1').then(($ce) => {
.find('input')) // then do something
This gave me an error. Property 'shadow' does not exist on type 'JQuery<HTMLElement>'. Did you mean 'show'?ts(2551)
Ignoring the ts error resulted in cypress test failing with:
$ce.find(...).shadow is not a function
I switched it up a little by chaining off of shadow() with the same result
cy.get(‘custom-element-1').shadow().then(($ceshadow) => {
And for this one:
$ce.find(...).shadow is not a function
It looks to me like the promise off of the get method does not pass to the callback an element with a shadow dom (JQuery). The small problem I'm trying to figure out is a workaround to that. The larger problem is how to set up a conditional that is determined by the presence of an element that is deeply nested within custom element shadow doms. Any advice would be much appreciated.
The .shadow() command is a Cypress command, but $ce is a jQuery object that can't call Cypress commands directly.
$ce.find(...).shadow is not a function occurs because both jQuery and Cypress have .find(), but only Cypress has .shadow().
By making includeShadowDom:true global either in config or the test options, Cypress commands can be used without needing to chain .shadow() at every step.
If it's custom-element-1 that is conditional, this should work
it('tests deeply-nested shadow elements', {includeShadowDom:true}, () => {
cy.get('body').then($body => {
const ce1 = $body.find('custom-element-1');
if (ce1.length) {
cy.wrap(ce1) // wrap jQuery element into Cypress result
// so that includeShadowDom:true is effective

Is there a way to "force" a visit?

I'm using the cy.visit() command but the website i'm visiting (which i don't own) doesn't always fire the load event, although the content itself that i need for testing does appear on the website.
Despite the content appearing, since the load event is not fired sometimes (for some reason which i can't fix since i don't have ownership over this website), the cy.visit() command fails.
Is there a way to "force" it somehow, similar to how we can pass { force: true} for the command?
Add the below to your cypress commands file
Cypress.Commands.add('forceVisit', url => {
cy.window().then(win => {
return, '_self');
And in your tests, you can call
It's hard to simulate the problem, but I think I managed by setting pageLoadTimeout really low (30ms).
You can catch the onLoad fail in an event handler and checking for the page load error message.
I recommend doing it in a beforeEach().
beforeEach(() => {
Cypress.config("pageLoadTimeout", 30) // set this to whatever time length
// you feel is appropriate to start testing
// You'll need to experiment to get this right
// and in CI it will be a lot longer
cy.once('fail', (err) => { // "once" to just catch a single error
const message = err.parsedStack[0].message
if (message.match(/Timed out after waiting `\d+ms` for your remote page to load/)) {
return false
throw err // any other error, fail it
it('checks the heading of the page', () => {
cy.get('h1').should('have.text', 'Example Domain') // ✅
As you can already assume, that is highly discouraged. It also really depends on how it fails and with which errors, but, without any code to reproduce, you may want to try this if you haven't already:
cy.visit('/', {failOnStatusCode: false});

Cypress: failed because this element is detached from the DOM

I'm facing an issue with Cypress 4.7.0. Below is the error code that I'm getting while trying to automate the user creation scenario on the website
The method failed because this element is detached from the DOM.
<input type="password" class="is_required validate form-control" data-validate="isPasswd" name="passwd" id="passwd">
Cypress requires elements to be attached in the DOM to interact with them.
The previous command that ran was:
This DOM element likely became detached somewhere between the previous and current commands.
Common situations why this happens:
Your JS framework is re-rendered asynchronously.
Your app code reacted to an event firing and removed the element.
Code sample for the above scenario:
describe("Cypress demo script", () => {
it("triage DOM issue", () => {
const uuid = () => Cypress._.random(0, 1e6);
const id = uuid();
cy.contains("Sign in").click();
const email = "tester" + id + "";
cy.get("#SubmitCreate > span").click();
cy.get("form#account-creation_form").within(($form1) => {
cy.get("input#passwd").click({ force: true }).type("Qwerty#123");
Based on the searches, it was advised to use {force: true}, but it didn't work. Also, I tried to embed the searches within the form, it didn't work either.
As of Cypress version 12, there is new code (internally) that checks for elements detached from the DOM, so instead of throwing the error it now automatically does what the error message suggests and re-queries the selector.
Please see
Additionally in this release, enhancements were made to how Cypress manages DOM element resolution to reduce the likelihood of hitting detached DOM errors due to maintaining stale DOM references. We've updated our [Retry-ability Guide[( with all the details if you'd like to learn more.

Cypress. cy.type({enter} fails intermittently

I am running e2e tests on a web app using Cypress.
This section fails intermittently.
Here, search text is entered in the appropriate field. When {enter} is clicked, the search happens & the dialog only shows the search results.
Here is the code:
function selectDesign(designName: string, designCode: string) {
// enter search text & click enter
cy.get(singlePickerSearch).type(designName + '{enter}', { force: true });
// select your design from search results
.should('have.length', 1)
.click({ force: true });
When it fails, it is like '{enter}' was not executed. I can click enter manually, and it works.
Because it is an intermittent failure, it is difficult to obtain logs.
Every single test uses the same design. In a single run there are 19 tests. The test runner can find the file 18 times & then fail on 1 test.
Also tried using backticks in the .type() command:
There was no appreciable improvement.
I finally got this working by using the following:
function selectDesign(e2eDesign: any) {
// open dodi picker
.then(() => {
// wait for loader
// enter search text
.then(() => {
// wait for loader to go
// short wait to avoid intermittent failure here
// select required design
.should('have.length', 1) // should only be one match
I think the last .should('have.length' 1) causes it to wait until that is true before trying to execute the next statement.
