how to start collector as an agent (using opentelemtry-java-instrumentation) - open-telemetry

I'm trying to instrument a sample application with opentelemtry-java-instrumentation agent ( By default the instrumented agent send the metrics to localhost:4317 by default (assuming there is a collector running on that port).
Seems like one of the way to run the collector is on the localhost as an agent along with the application. However, I'm unable to find any documentation on how to start the collector as an agent along with the application on a mac. Should I be building the collector locally? Any guidance. Thanks
Some documentation that were relevant were -

you can download the package form this repository and run the collector.


Read system property from a target server for JMeter GUI tests

I'm running tests on JMeter on a target server. So I start JMeter(GUI) on my Mac but it points to a Linux server and runs tests against it. I need to read a system property on the target server and use that in my If Controller.
System.getProperty("prop_name"); works if the property is defined on my mac. But it doesn't pick it up from the target server.
Any suggestion is much appreciated!
I can suggest 2 options:
If your application under test has JMX enabled - you can read the "interesting" property value in one of JSR223 Test Elements using Groovy code. The properties can be queried from the RuntimeMXBean.
See Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology Tutorial for more information.
If there is no JMX exposed to the outer world you can still try to get the property value remotely. Be aware that you can run any command or program on remote Linux instance using SSH Sampler. SSH Sampler can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager.
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter for more information.

Apache SparkUI on local mode

I'm new to Apache Spark. Currently using in on IntelliJ IDEA 14, maven project method. I'm unable to access the Spark UI after my program stops because of
15/10/22 23:28:27 INFO SparkUI: Stopped Spark web UI at
SparkUI stops too fast for me to review what my program does. Is there any way to review the SparkUI for the particular program after it's stopped? Or can I find some kind of log that is created after running the program?
After setting "spark.eventLog.enabled" to true and "spark.eventLog.dir" to a local folder, I was able to produce Unix executable files(local-1445955378567). However, the details of the log is not what I expected. How do I add SparkListener??
Output of unix executable"local-1445955378567"
You need to either keep the ui alive (by keeping your context alive) or start a history server since the ui is tied to the context.

How to debug a lotus script agent inside a lotus script agent

I am debugging a lotus script agent using debug a lotus script. Agent is debugging fine but I have another lotus script agent inside that and my debugger is not going to that code line by line.Please help me how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
An agent, that is called in script from another agent runs in the background. These agents can not be debugged easily. If the called agent runs on the server, you can use the remote debugger, to debug that agent: you have to enable it in the server document, start the remote debug task, and enable remote debugging in the properties of the called agent. Then you have to be fast. You define a delay that each agent waits for the debugger to attach, before it really starts with its code. During this time, you have to start the remote debugger, open the database and select the agent to debug... Quite painful. And the normal Debugger has to be off and the agent you startet has to run in client background mode, otherwise you will not be able to switch to remote debugger...
If both agents are LotusScript and it is not needed, that they:
Run with different rights or
Run on different servers,
then there normally is no need for an agent calling another agent.
Use script- libraries and subs / functions instead, then you do not need two agents...
I recommend to you use a simple log in the second agent. You can use NotesLog (look at Domino Developer's Help), or you can write your own class as you need it.
In my apps, I use a LotusScript framework, written by me. In that framework, I have a CS_Log class, who connects to a LogAgents.nsf database and writes all in simple documents. Also, I have a CS_Document class, with a Dump method, who writes the full content of a document, for example.
The most times, debugging it's the best option. But in cases like this, I prefer to write all in a log.

How does one run Spring XD in distributed mode?

I'm looking to start Spring XD in distributed mode (more specifically deploying it with BOSH). How does the admin component communicate to the module container?
If it's via TCP/HTTP, surely I'll have to tell the admin component where all the containers are? If it's via Redis, I would've thought that I'll need to tell the containers where the Redis instance is?
I've tried running xd-admin and Redis on one box, and xd-container on another with updated to point to the admin box. The container starts without reporting any exceptions.
Running the example stream submission curl -d "time | log" http://{admin IP}:8080/streams/ticktock yields no output to either console, and not output to the logs.
If you are using the xd-container script, then the is expected to be under "XD_HOME/config" where XD_HOME points the base directory where you have bin, config, lib & modules of xd.
Communication between the Admin and Container runtime components is via the messaging bus, which by default is Redis.
Make sure the environment variable XD_HOME is set as per the documentation; if it is not you will see a logging message that suggests the properties file has been loaded correctly when it has not:
13/06/24 09:20:35 INFO support.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer: Loading properties file from URL [file:../config/]

Queued Build is not connecting to db as it uses domainName\computerName instead of domanName\username

I am trying to queue a build in my own build definition. But the sql connection in my code throws an exception that Login failed for user 'domainName\computerName$' which is natural since it should have used domainName\userAlias.
My question is why is it using domainName\computerName, and how to make it use windows auth instead? Can some one please help me with this?
You need to set the service account that the build service uses on the server(s) running your Build Agent(s). It sounds like it's currently set to run as Network Service.
You can change it by firing up TFS Admin Console, and going to Build Configuration and changing the properties on the service:
