FTK-latitude and longitude are not valid, I do not understand - location

A video file property shows latitude and longitude. I have no idea about how to read it, and I thought they are not in the normal format?

For Windows user, using Perl & ExifTool can read the exif data in picture, which include GPS data with correct format, otherwise you need to convert it first. cause GPS stored in picture exifdata cannot be used directly without convertion.


read a .fit file on Linux

How could I read Garmin's .fit file on Linux. I'd like to use it for some data analysis but the file is a binary file.
I have visited http://garmin.kiesewetter.nl/ but the website does not seem to work.
You can use GPSbabel to do this. It's a command-line tool, so you end up with something like:
gpsbabel -i garmin_fit -f {filename}.fit -o csv -F {output filename}.csv
and you'll get a text file with all the lat/long coordinates.
What's trickier is getting out other data, ie: if you want speed, time, or other information from the .fit file. You can easily get those into a .gpx, where they're in xml and human-readable, but I haven't yet found a single line solution for getting that data into a csv.
The company that created ANT made an SDK package available here:
When unzipping this, there is a java/FitCSVTool.jar file. Then:
java -jar java/FitCSVTool.jar -b input.fit output.csv
I tested with a couple of files and it seems to work really well. Then of course the format of the csv can be a little bit complex.
For example, latitude and longitude are stored in semicircles, so it should be multiplied by 180/(2^31) to give GPS coordinates.
You need to convert the file to a .csv, the Garmin repair tool at http://garmin.kiesewetter.nl/ will do this for you. I've just loaded the site fine, try again it may have been temporarily down.
To add a little more detail:
"FIT or Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer is a file format used for GPS tracks and routes. It is used by newer Garmin fitness GPS devices, including the Edge and Forerunner." From the OpenStreetMap Wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FIT
There are many tools to convert these files to other formats for different uses, which one you choose depends on the use. GPSBabel is another converer tool that may help. gpsbabel.org (I can't post two links yet :)
This page parses the file and lets you download it as tables. https://www.fitfileviewer.com/ The fun bit is converting the timestamps from numbers to readable timestamps Garmin .fit file timestamp

Downloading open street map data in pbf format

I want to download data of a specific area from open street map. Whenever I try to export from openstreetmap.org it downloads the data in .osm format but I want the data to be in .pbf format. I have tried converting .osm file to .pbf file using osmconvert.exe but whenever I try to open the converted file in a text editor ( geany to be specific) it shows nothing. But when I tried opening the converted file in vim there was something but not readable. Can someone suggest me a way to download the data of specific area from open street map in readable pbf format?
For downloading area specific OSM files I would like to recommend the service of Geofabrik:
The format .osm usually is human-readable since it's XML-structured text.
The format .pbf is not human-readable because this is a binary format. PBF-formatted OSM data are highly compressed and need to be converted (for example to .osm or to .csv) before you can read them.
Further information can be found in OSM Wiki:

Use image in a SAS Stored Process's HTML Stream

I am creating a report with SAS STP and I want to display a image(a logo) on the report. Okay here is what is happening:
data _null_;
file _webout;
put '<html>';
put '</html>';
I am PUTing HTML because I have complex table formats which I need to display and I am not using %STPBEGIN & %STPEND because that opens up an ODS Stream which frankly I do not know how to handle and I am having problems. Not using %STPBEGIN means the above code. This has been a very successful mechanism for me. I can show beautiful reports with CSS and everything. The only problem is images. A client has recently requested to put logo on every report. i though this was going to be easy but it has not been. Ok here is the deal, I tried to use <img src=" "/ > tag and I thought I would use some relative path and my image will show. This technique succeeded and failed.
I added an image to a folder location using SAS Management Console
and use its relative path '/Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/****' (didn't work)
I copied an image to default theme's images folder under Web/Staging/*** and tried to used the relative path (didn't work). So i tried to use other images from the the default theme. It worked.
I am stuck, how can I use a custom images here?
If your image is static, you can embed it into your results using a datastep without having to copy files to the server.
The trick to doing this is to encode the image into Base64 encoding, then you can embed the image into an <img src="" /> statement by using this magical notation:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,...." />
You can see that the src= attribute contains metadata to tell the browser that the value contains image data, that represents a png file (I used a png file when testing this post, you may have a JPG/BMP etc...) and that the value is encoded using base64. The 4 periods at the end would be replaced by your image data represented in base64 notation. This would look something like this:
<img src="
... much much more base64 content here ...
HSLyz+h9xy+7HbHRL83L1tv9h8+4d/+Ic/Gf8DiYav3mpqHAMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" />
Converting your image to base64 is simple. You can simply google for an "online base64 image converter" such as this one. Drag and drop your image and it will produce your base64 code for you.
To get this into a datastep in sas, it's simply a case of:
data _null_;
file _webout;
put '<html>';
put '<img src="......etc..." />';
put '</html>';
If you image is particularly big (say greater than ~32k) you may run into issues trying to output it from a datastep. I probably need to test this to clarify. You can work around this by reading the base64 image from a file in SAS and streaming it directly to _webout, using code similar to below:
data _null_;
file _webout;
infile '\path\to\base64\file.ext';
put _infile_;
If you want to get really tricky, you can take any image you like (such as a chart generated in SAS) and convert it to base64 on the fly, then stream it out. Here is some SAS code that will take an image file and convert it to Base64:
data _null_;
length base64_format $20 base64_string $32767;
infile "\your_sasdir\hi.png" recfm=n;
file "\your_sasdir\hi.base64";
input byte $16000. ;
format_length = 4*(lengthn(byte)/3);
mod = mod(format_length,4);
if mod ne 0 then do;
format_length = format_length - mod + 4;
base64_format = cats("$base64x",format_length,".");
base64_string = putc(cats(byte), base64_format);
put base64_string;
Here is the image I used to test this with:
Once converted, the Base64 representation should look like:
I'm going to see if I can find a way to streamline this as this is something we do frequently at work.
EDIT : Interestingly, SAS9.4 seems to support doing this directly using ODS HTML5 in conjunction with the inline option. See the doc here.
See also this post, by Don Henderson, that provides a similar way to approach this problem. Thanks to Vasilij for the link.
When you define pictures in SAS metadata, it can be accessed via SAS Content server.
To get picture URL log into: 'https://severhost/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasfolders' and search for your picture.
If you defined your picture in catalog /Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/PictureName.gif, it should be accessible from adres 'https://severhost/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasfolders/Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/PictureName.gif(Report)'
Of course you have to remember, that customer user need to have access permission in SAS Metadata to read picture object.
If this won't solve your problem, please type which version of SAS software you are using.
I had a similar problem to you once. I have added the image to our intranet which happens to be SharePoint at the time. I defined that image to have public access level and then references in all my reports.
The idea that since the report is only for internal audience, they all will have access to intranet, but not necessarily to the Content Server so it circumvents the problem that Bagin mentioned.
If you don't have a suitable intranet, you could always reference a logo from your public website which is probably available to all of your audience even if they are external, but then you don't have control over that logo file and one day it might change in some undesirable way.
Using SASjs you can compile ANY binary content into a SAS web service (Stored Process or Viya Job).
Here's an example using an MP3 file: https://github.com/allanbowe/sasrap

How to convert point cloud .pts file into .pcd file format?

I downloaded big point cloud file with extension .pts and I want to convert it into .pcd format. What is the simplest and easiest way to do it?
Is .pts ASCII?
If so, you can easily write a parser for it and save it as a .pcd.
Or, if you are looking for a tool, meshlab can read in plain XYZ data and save it to .ply format (remove all header content, if there is any). .ply files are supported by the Point Cloud Library, you can either convert it or just read in the .ply.

CBM image file format: what is it? how to read it?

I have a collection of images in the CBM file format.
What is this format? How to read it? How to convert it to, say, a BMP bitmap?
Searching the net, I found that it could mean one of those three things:
1) Fuzzy Bitmap, as per Michael Mauldin's library, FBM (1989). The softwares XnView and Graphics Convert Pro 2011 should be able to open it, but they don't. Most likely it means that the file I have is not really a Fuzzy Bitmap.
2) Compiled bitmap, as per XLib (wikipedia)
How to proceed in order to test that my file is such a Compiled Bitmap? Where to download XLib / what should I build?
3) Compressed Bitmap. Do you have more info's on this format?
I found CreateDIBitmap function. If you pass correct parameters, you should be able to save it into some more known file format.
Here you can find something about Bitmap Compression.
If you don't know image details like resolution, bitsperpixel, compression type,... It will be hard to read it.
I believe CBMs are just Zip files renamed. Try renaming and unzipping.
try to open it with konvertor (www.konvertor.net); it does read several CBMs formats
