Best practice to do customized mapping in Elasticsearch aggregation - elasticsearch

I want to carry out a customized aggregation through mapping a certain field in ES doc.
I try to leverage terms aggregation script. There're hundreds of mappings so that I have to put all of them into a HashMap:
GET /myindex/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"aggs": {
"myagg": {
"terms": {
"script": {
"source": "Map m = new HashMap(); m.put('a', 'A'); m.put('b', 'A'); m.put('bb', 'CC'); ... return m.get(doc['foo.keyword'].value)",
"lang": "painless"
"size": 0
It's ugly and the performance is so bad even though I use the stored script. Have no idea why executing costs so much time in my script.
I also tried scripted metric aggregation. It's better but still slow compared with normal terms aggregation.
Is there any way to accelerate the mapping? (except runtime fields as My ES version does not support it)

tldr you could try runtime fields if you had them, but chances are they will also not be fast. that's the unfortunate nature of scripting in Elasticsearch at this point
your best bet would be what ExplodZe says above, and do that work prior during the ingestion process, to make query time faster


Most performant way to update a single document in Elasticsearch via an alias

I have an Elasticsearch setup with an alias that points to many indices. I need to update a single document, but I don't know which index it resides in.
There are two ways I can accomplish this as far as I can see:
POST my-alias/_update_by_query
"query": {
"terms": {
"_id": ["my-id-to-update"]
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source['Field'] = 'new value'"
read (which returns the specific index) then write:
GET my-alias/_search
"query": {
"terms": {
"_id": ["my-id-to-update"]
POST my-index-returned-from-the-get/_update/my-id-to-update
"doc": {
"Field": "new value"
Which method is more performant?
Which method is preferred?
Is there a better way than either of these two?
The performance of both approach will be the same with one difference that your first approach only need to send one request compare to second one with two request, so it would be better to use first approach as you will reduce the API calls by half.
Also in my opinion the first approach is much cleaner and fits more in concept of aliases of Elasticsearch because you are encapsulating exact index name from your application, as application doesn't need to have any clue about exact index-name your documents are in.
An important note about updating a document in Elasticsearch is documents in Elasticsearch don't get updated, it means the document will be flagged as deleted and new document will be created (this is due to Lucene implementation), then during process of Lucene segment merging the document will be actually deleted.
you can find a good blog post about segment merging here.

Filtering documents by an unknown value of a field

I'm trying to create a query to filter my documents by one (can be anyone) value from a field (in my case ""). The point is that I don't know previously the unique values of this field. I need found these and choose one to be used in the query.
I had tried the below query using a painless script, but I have not been able to achieve the goal.
"sort" : [{"#timestamp": "desc"}, {"": "asc"}],
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": {
"source": """
String k = doc[''][0];
return doc[''].value == k;
"lang": "painless"
I'll appreciate if any can help me improving this idea of suggesting me a new one.
TL;DR you can't.
The script query context operates on one document at a time and so you won't have access to the other docs' field values. You can either use a scripted_metric aggregation which does allow iterating through all docs but it's just that -- an aggregation -- and not a query.
I'd suggest to first run a simple terms agg to figure out what values you're working with and then build your queries accordingly.

elasticsearch: count appearance of terms aggregation on other fields

I want to count how many times, unique values (result of terms aggragation) have appeared in other fields in the same query. Let's say:
"size": 0,
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"aggs": {
"unique_products": {
"terms": {
"field": "",
"min_doc_count": 10
What I want is to count, how many time each of the keys returned in the bucket, appeared in another field.
My ideal output is:
"aggregations": {
"product_stat": {
"key": "<product_name>"
"sold": "<#>" #I want to know how many times the key is appeared in another field like sold
"bought": "<#>"
Elasticsearch cannot do terms aggregations over multiple fields. In short, if they would, aggregations would not be blazing fast.
As documentation suggests, there are two options:
use script terms aggregation (with performance penalty),
change how the documents are indexed so a normal terms aggregation can be used.
Depending on the structure of your data and your use-cases, you might get by with a complex aggregation + some processing on the client side. This can be done with sub aggregations like here, for example.
Hope that helps!

Limit and Offset in Term Aggregation ElasticSearch

There is way to get the top n terms result. For example:
"aggs": {
"apiSalesRepUser": {
"terms": {
"field": "userName",
"size": 5
Is there any way to set the offset for the terms result?
If you mean something like ignore first m results and return the next n results then no; it is not possible. A workaround to that would be to set size to m + n and do client side processing to ignore the first m results.
A little late, but (at least) since Elastic 5.2.0 you can use partitioning in the terms aggregation to paginate results.
Maybe this helps a bit:
"aggregations": {
"apiSalesRepUser": {
"terms": {
"field": "userName",
"size": 9999 ---> add here a bigger size
"aggregations": {
"limitBucket": {
"bucket_sort": {
"sort": [],
"from": 10,
"size": 20,
"gap_policy": "SKIP"
I am not sure about what value to put in the term size. I would suggest to put a reasonable value. This limits the initial aggregation, then the second limitBucket agg will limit again the term agg. This will probably still load in memory all the documents that you limited in the terms agg. That is why it depends on your scenario, if it's reasonable not get all results (i.e. if you have tens of thousands). I.e you are doing a google like search where you don't need to jump to page 1000.
Compared to the alternative to get the data on the client side, this might save you some data transfer from ES, but as I said weight this carefully as it loads all a lot of data in ES memory and you might have memory issues in ElasticSearch

Elasticsearch and aggregation of subqueries

I know that elasticsearch allows sub-aggregations (ie. nested aggregation), however I would like to apply aggregation on the result of "first" aggregation (or in generic any query - aggregation or not).
Concrete example: I log events about user actions (for simplicity I have documents with user_id and action). I can make a query that counts number of actions executed by each user. However I would like to find out percentage (or count) of "active users" (e.g. users that have executed more than 10 actions). Ideal result would be a histogram over all users showing how active the users are.
Is there a way how to create such query? Or is there any other approach I can take other than store aggregated results of subquery and compute the histogram out of that?
Note: I have seen Elastic Search and "sub queries" question, but it was about something else and it is over one and half year old and elasticsearch is being actively developed.
Additionally it seems that in version 1.4 there will be available scripted metric aggregation, but anyway that would require to store counter for every user until reduce phase. And some "approximate solution" is good for me - similar to what ES uses internally for its aggregations.
Here is the query I have used, notice the "min_doc_count" in the aggregation.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"and": [
{ "term" : { "name": "did x" } },
{ "range": { "created_at": { "gte": "now-7d", "lte": "now" } } }
"aggregations": {
"my_agg": {
"terms": {
"field": "user_id",
"min_doc_count": 10,
"size": 0
This query returns the list of buckets (users) with more than 9 events in the specified time period. Just 'count' results to get the number of active users.
I have tested this approach with thousands of events and it works well. At a certain scale you will have to use Hadoop.
