I'm having difficulty in display my data in datatable.
So at first I have a sample data in the datatable and then when a button is click it will clear() the datatable and this is where will I add the rows please see below code of lines.
for (var i = 0; i < data.response.length; i++) {
When checking what's inside data.response[i]['username'] it has the correct text but when added in row.add() it only displays the first letter. Thank you in advance for your help.
So I tried to add random letters instead to see if its only in my array but not
I used thismyTable.row.add('asdqwe').draw(); it returns the first character as well.
I'm very new to writing script for Google Sheets, and I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet that will only display a dropdown in a column ("Provisional Notes") if the value in a column ("Certified or Provisional" is "Provisional." If it is "Certified," the user is be able to enter data freely. I'm also wanting to remove the validation if the value changes from "Provisional". I also need the solution to run on the Google Sheets App, as this spreadsheet will be run on an iPad and/or a smartphone.
I've done quite a bit of searching, and only seem to find dropdowns that depend on other dropdowns, rather than leaving a cell blank if the initial dropdown is a certain value.
What I have come up with so far only runs once (even though I've attempted to have it occur on every edit?) Also, if the value changes from Provisional to Certified, the validation does not get removed.
For my practice, I've applied it to only 2 specific cells, rather than the entire 2 columns.
function onEdit2(e){
var dropdownCell = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange('P2');
var certCell = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange('J2');
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['Test 1', 'Test 2'], true).build();
function insertDropdown(){
if(e.certCell.getValue() === "P"){
I greatly appreciate all suggestions!
To delete a data validation you just need to use the method setDataValidation() and set its value to null to delete the data validation present on that cell.
In the following code example, depending on the value inserted I am adding or deleting the data validation. This code example has self explanatory comments:
function onEdit(e) {
// get sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
// if modifications happen in A
// check inserted value
// create rule from a list range and set it to the same row in column B
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['A','B']).setAllowInvalid(false).build();
// if it is set to certified
// delete any data validation that may have been in its adjacent cell
I need to select a specific row in kendoGrid but NOT by data-uid (as data-uid is changed when the grid dataSource is loaded again) but by the row itemID. I saw posts but they only select the row by uid which is not what I needed, I actually need to restart the HTML5 application and when grid is loaded, a specific item should be selected. This is what I've been seeing
Demo: jsfiddle.net/rusev/qvKRk/3/
e.g. the object has OrderID as ID, and every time the grid is loaded, it will be the same, unlike uid, I want to know how will I be able to select a row with OrderID, instead of uid.
You cam mix row itemID and data.uid, I guess.
var grid = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataItem = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.get(itemID);
var row = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + dataItem.uid + "']");
Going along with what umais has mentioned, the better approach, since there is no built in functionality for this as of yet, would be to iterate through all the records to find the one you need. The function that I built will work even if there are pages of data. The only other way that I can think of doing this would be do do a secondary ajax call; But this works well. Note that i haven't tested it with more than 2000 records.
var dataGrid = $("#GATIPS").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var numOfRows = dataGrid.total();
var currentPageSize = dataGrid.pageSize();
var dataGridData = dataGrid.data();
for (var i = 0; i < numOfRows; i++) {
if (dataGridData[i].uid == e)
return dataGridData[i];
dataGrid.pageSize(currentPageSize); // reset the view
e is the UID. However this can be substituted for what ever variable you need just replace the check.
a work around that I managed to have, was to go through all rows and check which row model has that ID equal to the parameter, and then get that row data-uid and select the item through data-uid. It's working fine for me, since there were no suggestion, it's the better answer for now.
Well, accordingly to what I have done (and worked for me), and even though the work around isn't the prettiest, set one more Column, with your model id and with ClientTemplate then create any html object (div in my case) inside it give it a html id of your id, so when ever you need it, you just have to go and look with something like:
grid.dataItem($("td div#id").closest("tr"));
Because remember that the dataItem method is waiting for a selector then you get your selectedItem as regular one.
I forgot to say, that you should (or could) use the style property
If you don't want to display that col.
I have a jqgrid with a subgrid.
I am attempting to apply different colors to master and detail grids. I have two rules: the first one is to alternate odd and pair colors and the other one is to apply specific CSS to the row, based on values of a specific field.
Both master & details grid, contains the following gridComplete functions, where obviously childnodes index varies cause tables contains different fields:
gridComplete: function () {
var _rows = $(".jqgrow");
for (var i = 0; i < _rows.length; i++) {
_rows[i].attributes["class"].value += " " + _rows[i].childNodes[4].textContent;
_rows[i].attributes["class"].value += " " + _rows[i].childNodes[4].innerText;
applyZebra function provides to alternate odd/pair colours and has already been tested on another grid which not contains a subgrid.
For the record, I found above solutions in other solved questions of this forum, and both works with "simple" jqgrids (not master/detail).
The master grid is formatted only when I click to expand the detail rows, while detail subgrid never alternate colours, neither apply format based on cell contents...
Where I am wrong? Pheraps I must intercept another event which is not gridComplete? Otherwise with grid&subgrids it's impossible to use _rows[x] & childNodes[y] attributes?
Please ask for clarifications, if needed, thx.
Thanks in advance!
I suppose the error in your code is that you use $(".jqgrow") instead of $(".jqgrow", this) where this inside of gridComplete will be either DOM element of the <table> of the grid or the subgid (I suppose you use grid as subgrid).
Additionally I would not recommend you to use you current code at all. It's much more effective and simple to to use cellattr. The rawObject parameter allow you access all other cells of the current row. In the answer you will find an example of implementation.
Ok, let me explain my scenario more clearly:
When a cell is edited, it becomes 'dirty' and I style it a certain way by adding a CSS class to the cell via javascript.
Then, if the user Sorts the grid, the styling is lost (I believe because all the rows are recreated) and I need a way to restore the styling to the appropriate cell/row after a Sort.
What I attempted to do is add an entry into data[] called 'status' and onCellChange I loop through data[] and match the args.item.Id to appropriate entry in data[].
grid.onCellChange.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var done = false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length && !done; i++) {
if (data[i].id == args.item.id) {
data[i].status = "dirty";
done = true;
However, onSort I'm not sure how to match the sorted rows to the data array. (Since I have no args.item) I've attempted to do selector statements:
to restyle the correct cells, but I have no way to associate the rows with their entry in data[].
1) There is no need to search for the item in your onCellChange handler - it is available at "args.item".
2) Sorting the "data" array will not wipe out your change to the item in #1.
3) You mention dynamically styling cells. I see no code for that. If your custom formatter is the piece of code that looks at "item.status" and renders it differently if it is dirty, then you don't have to do anything extra. Sorting the data and telling the grid to re-render will preserve the "dirty" cell styles.
I am facing a problem while getting contents of cell using JXL api, if I am using formula
in xls sheet. Right now I am using formula - IF($L10="","",+ROUND($L10*1.375,3)) in each
cell but when the cell value is blank i am getting junk charactes when i call cell.getContents() method, the code snip is as follows - >>
Workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(p_sourceFile);
excelsheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
for (int row = 1; row < noOfRows; row++)
cell = excelsheet.getCell(col, row);
content = cell.getContents();
System.out.println("content-" + content); //Is giving me junk character ? when the cell value is blank.
It will be a great help if anyone can help me !!!
Try this:
NumberFormulaCell cell = (NumberFormulaCell) excelsheet.getCell(col, row);
content = cell.getValue();
From the JavaDocs for Cell.getContents():
Quick and dirty function to return the contents of this cell as a string. For more complex manipulation of the contents, it is necessary to cast this interface to correct subinterface
The necessary subinterface for a numerical formula is NumberFormulaCell. If you want to get the formula as a String then call cell.getFormula().
I'm not sure if I'm really answering your question here or not. If I'm not, could you post these junk characters that get printed out, please?