hydra brute force password https - https

i am having some trouble brute forcing a password on a website in https.
this is the command that i'm using:
hydra -l email -P /path/rockyou.txt WEBSITE_IP http-post-form “_token=6UZ59LAb1LAKF4Z4sdKXGXBMiquzBWYK5tqG6Wwr&email=^USER^&password=^PASS^”
but every time i'm starting the process comes out an error message:
[ERROR] optional parameter must start with a '/' slash!
maybe I using some wrong parameters but i don't know how to proceed.
i'm doing the test on a website in https to check the vulnerabilities and it's first time using hydra, so if you can also link a website where to learn hydra and other tool more it would be very helpful.

You just need to add slash '/' in your parameter.
Use this command
hydra -l email -P /path/rockyou.txt WEBSITE_IP http-post-form


Cannot download a file on OneDrive programmatically from Japan?

I made a script that downloads several files located in my professional OneDrive. This script works perfectly from a French computer, a US computer but it can't work from a Japanese computer.
To permit you understand the problem, I will detail the program:
1- I establish the token system (I got inspired by Jay Lee detailed answer) and retrieve the token in the access_token variable.
2- To download the file, in my case I cannot use
curl -w %{time_total} https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/01M...WU/content -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"
Thus, this how I proceed:
#I get the item properties
itemProperties=$(curl ${ODf1Mb} -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token")
#In these properties I select the downloadUrl that will permit me to download the file
downloadUrl=$(echo -e "$itemProperties" | grep "#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl" | awk -F'[",]' '{ print $9 }')
#Finally I execute this URL storing the download time in a variable (I do all this stuff for this)
dload=$(curl -w %{time_total} ${downloadUrl} -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token")
As I said at the begin, for French and US computers it will work but on the Japanese machine it doesn't. I do get the itemProperties and the downloadUrl but when I call the downloadUrl with CURL it seems that it cannot reach the server because I have this:
As we can see we do not even have the Total weight to be downloaded. As an element of comparison, this is the result in a French machine:
I know, there is a warning relating to command substitution but I haven't tried to fix it yet because it makes its job.
Note -> the downloadUrl has this format:
https://lpl-my.sharepoint.com/personal/{user}_{company infra domain}_com/_layouts/15/download.aspx?
I just cannot figure out what is the problem. I can access to the https://lpl-my.sharepoint.com through the browser so I don't think the server IP is banned.
Check your ping / traceroute to see if lpl-my.sharepoint.com resolves to the same network location.
Also, I have seen other folks run curl with -v to see verbose traces and see if what the difference is.

Consuming function module with SAP Netweaver RFC SDK in Bash

I'm trying to make a request to a function in a SAP RFC server hosted at with user myuser, password mypass, sysnr 00, client 076, language E. The name of the function is My_Function_Nm with params: string Alternative, string Date, string Name.
I use the command line:
/usr/sap/nwrfcsdk/bin/startrfc -h -s 00 -u myuser -p mypass -c 076 -l en -F My_Function_Nm
But it always shows me the help instructions.
I guess I'm not specifying the -E pathname=edifile, and it's because i don't know how to create a EDI File to include the parameters values to the specified function. Maybe someone can help me on how to create this file and how to correctly invoke startrfc to consume from this function?
Thanks in advance.
If you actually check the help text the problem shows, you should find the following passages:
RFC connection options:
-2 SNA mode on.
You must set this if you want to connect to R/2.
-3 R/3 mode on.
You must set this if you want to connect to R/3.
Apparently you forgot to specify -3...
You should use sapnwrfc.ini which will store your connection parameters, and it should be places in the same directory as client program.
Sample file for your app should be following:
Documentation on using this file is here.
For calling the function you must create Bash-script, but better to use Python script.

Curl taking too long to send https request using command line

I have implemented one shall script which send an https request to proxy with authorization header using GET request.
Here is my command :
curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -X GET -H "Authorization: 123456:admin05" "https://www.mywebpage/api/request/india/?ID=123456&Number=9456123789&Code=01"
It takes around 12 second to wait and then sending request to proxy and revert back with some code like 200,400,500 etc..
Is it possible to reduce time and make it faster using CURL ?
Please advice me for such a case.
Use option -v or --verbose along with --trace-time
It gives details of actions begin taken along with timings.
Includes DNS resolution, SSL handshake, etc. Line starting with '>' means header/body being sent, '<' means being received.
Based on difference between operation sequence - you can decipher whether server is taking time to respond (time between request and response) or network latency or bandwidth(response taking) time.

What is the fastest way to perform a HTTP request and check for 404?

Recently I needed to check for a huge list of filenames if they exist on a server. I did this by running a for loop which tried to wget each of those files. That was efficient enough, but took about 30 minutes in this case. I wonder if there is a faster way to check whether a file exists or not (since wget is for downloading files and not performing thousands of requests).
I don't know if that information is relevant, but it's an Apache server.
Curl would be the best option in a for loop and here is a straight forward simple way, run this in your forloop
curl -I --silent http://www.yoururl/linktodetect | grep -m 1 -c 404
What this simply does is check the http response header for a 404 returned on the link and if its detected as a missing file/link throwing a 404 then the command line output will display you a number 1; otherwise, if the file/link is valid and does not return a 404 then the command line output will display you a number 0.

Curl range not working(downloads entire file)

curl -v -r 0-500 http://somefile -o localfile
It should download just the first 501 bytes, no? Instead, it just downloads the entire thing. All 67 megabytes. Thanks curl! Could my companies proxy servers be blocking this feature somehow? I am skeptical about that, since the downloads themselves do work, just not the range feature. Am I missing something?
As a client you could always abort the download when you have received what you want.
By using head, you will be able to limit the download to 500 bytes, even if the server does not accept the range-header
curl -v -r 0-500 http://somefile |head -c 500 > localfile
It should download just the first 501 bytes, no?
It depends on the server. From man curl:
You should also be aware that many HTTP/1.1 servers do not have this feature enabled, so that when you attempt to get a range, you'll instead get the whole document.
As you can see in the response from the server, it's using HTTP/1.1. So it's not surprising that the range feature is not supported at the server side.
Please use the following command
curl -H "range: bytes=354-500" -O http://example.com/file.extension
