Mailchimp API and mc:repeatable - mailchimp

I'm working with the MailChimp Transactional API but am having an issue populating an email template that uses a mc:repeatable section. I can't find any docs or examples on how to do this. Here is the endpoint im using
And here is my email template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Your Order</title>
<div>Thanks for your order</div>
<div>Your receipt for your order from</div>
<div mc:edit="store_name">Store Name</div>
<div>Order Type</div>
<div mc:edit="order_type">Type</div>
<tr mc:repeatable="products">
<td mc:edit="quantity">Quantity</td>
<td mc:edit="product_name">Product Name</td>
<td mc:edit="price">Price</td>
I'm able to populate all of the mc:edit areas using this as the template_content in the request body:
const content = [
name: 'store_name',
content: 'Any Store Name'
name: 'order_type',
content: 'Pickup Order'
name: 'subtotal',
content: '$80.00'
name: 'taxes',
content: '$2.22'
name: 'fees',
content: '$0.00'
name: 'total',
content: '$82.22'
I can even populate a SINGLE row in the repeatable section if I add objects for quantity, product_name and price but I need to be able to REPEAT this section and add multiple quantity > product name > price lines.
Any advice or help or docs would be great, thanks!

From the MailChimp template language reference, it doesn't appear that <tr> elements are supported by mc:repeatable. See the third (bolded) point and note that, while <table> is a block level element, <tr> is not.
mc:repeatable is used to provide a duplication action for a particular element within a template.
Syntax: mc:repeatable.
Use mc:repeatable on block-level elements (like <div> and <p>) with the exception of lists, or inline elements (like <img>, <a>, and <span>).
mc:repeatable elements can be nested within each other, but use care if you’re going to do this. We don’t encourage this use.
mc:repeatable can be used on the same element as mc:edit, but nesting mc:repeatable beneath mc:edit will render content that is editable but not repeatable.
If you want to apply styles to repeatable container elements or elements within repeatable containers, either use class or apply them in-line. Don’t use the id attribute.
If they do happen to work, you might need to use mc:variant and per-product names for the subfields. Something like this:
<tr mc:repeatable="products" mc:variant="product1">
<td mc:edit="product1_quantity">Quantity</td>
<td mc:edit="product1_product_name">Product Name</td>
<td mc:edit="product1_price">Price</td>
<tr mc:repeatable="products" mc:variant="product2">
<td mc:edit="product2_quantity">Quantity</td>
<td mc:edit="product2_product_name">Product Name</td>
<td mc:edit="product2_price">Price</td>
<tr mc:repeatable="products" mc:variant="product3">
<td mc:edit="product3_quantity">Quantity</td>
<td mc:edit="product3_product_name">Product Name</td>
<td mc:edit="product3_price">Price</td>
const content = [
name: 'product1_quantity',
content: '5'
}, {
name: 'product1_name',
content: 'Some Product'
}, {
name: 'product1_price',
content: '$49.99'
name: 'product2_quantity',
content: '1'
}, {
name: 'product2_name',
content: 'Some Other Product'
}, {
name: 'product2_price',
content: '$1,200'
name: 'product3_quantity',
content: '13'
}, {
name: 'product3_name',
content: 'Some Third Product'
}, {
name: 'product3_price',
content: '$17.50'
If this looks like it isn't for building a list from dynamic data, that's because I don't think it is. It looks like it's a tool for easily getting styles into the Campaign Builder.
Inside the builder, there is a Product concept that includes the kind of information you appear to want to send in your email. The tutorial for the builder indicates that while a Product section is repeatable, you need to have a source of data connected to the builder and must choose the Products to include at design time.
Use Product content blocks to add items from your connected online store. Each block is designed to contain a product name, custom description, price, and call-to-action button. And if you turn on e-commerce tracking in your email settings, your report will show purchase revenue.
To use a Product block, follow these steps.
Click a Product block or add one to your email. If you’re working with an existing block, skip to step 4.
In the Select a store modal, choose the store you want to add products from. If you haven’t yet connected a store, you’ll be prompted to do so.
Click the product you want to add.
In the Products menu, edit the Title, Button, and Link to URL as needed. You can also click the edit icon to choose a different product, or click the settings icon to check your store connection.


React-Quill does not preserve HTML response and dictates its own tags - Messes up the layout

EDIT: We replaced Quill with TinyMCE and solved all our issues. We can successfully insert HTML response (as is) into tinyMCE's state as well as modify it!
We're experiencing a styling issue. We're building a mail templating
application and the user can create/modify their templates. We also provide preexisting templates for our users.
The issue we're experiencing is the following.
1- We send the user a mail template. The initial/original response sent to the user is the following HTML
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">
<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" style=\"font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif\">
<table width=\"670\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"575\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<!-- Header -->
<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<table width=\"575\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #F3F3F3;\">
<td style=\"height: 94px;text-align: center;\">
<a href=\"\">
<img width=\"120\" height=\"30\" style=\" display: initial;padding-top: 20px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"finrota-logo\" />
<!-- /Header -->
2- We then take this html response and set the react-quill 'state' with it
import { textEditorOptions } from "lib/constants";
import React, { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import ReactQuill from "react-quill";
const editorOptions = {
toolbar: false,
clipboard: {
matchVisual: false
TemplateEditor = forwardRef(({ formParamForQuill, setFormParamForQuill, shouldHideToolbar, data, stateData, update, communicationType }, ref) => {
const [quillState, setQuillState] = React.useState({ description: data || "" }),
editorRef = useRef(),
handleQuillChange = val => {
setQuillState(() => ({ description: val }));
update(`${communicationType}`, { ...stateData[`${communicationType}`], body: val });
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ editorRef }));
React.useEffect(() => {
if (formParamForQuill.token !== null && formParamForQuill.explanation !== null)
setFormParamForQuill({ token: null, explanation: null, ref: null });
}, [formParamForQuill]);
return (
<div className="communication-template-quill">
modules={!shouldHideToolbar ? textEditorOptions : editorOptions}
value={typeof quillState.description === "string" ? quillState.description : quillState.description.join("")}
onChange={value => handleQuillChange(value)}
export default TemplateEditor;
'data' passed onto the editor component as a prop is the initial HTML response attached above. However, when the quill state is set with this 'data', quill state then becomes this (state modified by react-quill (attached below)), which does not preserve the original HTML thus leaving us with a messed up layout.
<p>FINROTA <a href=\"https://**.**.com/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/-/-/-/-.png\" alt=\"finrota-logo\" height=\"30\" width=\"120\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/pay.png\" alt=\"top-images\" height=\"128\" width=\"123\"> Sayın <strong style=\"color: rgb(16, 16, 16);\">{{-}},</strong>
<strong>** ** **</strong> Sistem Destek E-Mail: <strong> **#**.com </strong> Telefon: <strong> 0(**) ** ** 00 </strong> Fax: <strong> 0(**) ** ** 00 </strong>
<a href=\"*****\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://******.com/static/images/mailing/twitter.png\" alt=\"twitter\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"*****/mycompany/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/linkedin.png\" alt=\"linkedin\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"*****/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/facebook.png\" alt=\"facebook\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/instagram.png\" alt=\"instagram\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
How could the original HTML be preserved ? How do we overcome this styling issue ?
Short answer
No, you can't just throw any markup into a WYSIWYG editor and expect it to be able to perfectly work with the structure. These editors work with a subset of HTML.
Emails usually use ancient styling techniques. Even if Quill is able to correctly parse each tag and attribute, the result would likely be terrible to work with while editing. Emails often put everything in a table and need to add inline styles to work in older clients.
You can get part of the way there by only injecting the actual visible body content into Quill, not an entire HTML document.
The document head is not something that you could edit in a WYSIWYG editor. As you can see Quill just removes all tags it doesn't "know about" from around the content. Then it adds p tags around orphaned text. Hence you see the document title in the output as a paragraph.
1- We send the user a mail template
You only need to send the user the part of the template they can edit. The outer HTML is something that can be added by your server when the mail is finally sent.
The second problem is that the email content seems to be from a pre-existing application that formatted everything as tables. Also it contains a bunch of inline styles.
Quill is not a sophisticated HTML parser. (I mean, come on, it doesn't even remove the head tag) Neither is it very good at outputting HTML.
So if you want to convert this text to an email with that specific mark up, you'll have to do this conversion yourself from the tags and style attributes returned by Quill's content.
You'll probably also have to do a one time effort to convert these old templates into a format Quill can work with. Or write a function that can convert between the formats.
You could also try quil-better-table. It might improve Quill's ability to pick up table markup in the input.
If you're sending your emails with PHP, you could try quil-delta-parser or php-quil-renderer.
That way you can send Quill's "deltas" to your back end, and transform them to the right HTML at save time, or even when the email is sent.
You can install both with Composer.
composer require nadar/quill-delta-parser
composer require deanblackborough/php-quill-renderer
Both libraries seem flexible enough to make it output the styles you want based on which attributes are in Quill's delta.
In any case it's probably very challenging if not impossible to make Quill understand and return the exact same markup of the template you post. Much easier to just take whatever it outputs and transform it afterwards.

Vue Component not works even i register it follow the official manual

just a very new to Vue 2.0, i actually use if for Laravel 5.4, now you can see from below link that i created one component which name is "canvas-chart", what actually i want show is a filterable table, and then to get more Json data from next steps, but now it always show me "Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option." , can not understand that i follow the official documentation to use it why it's not work?
new Vue({
computed: {
filterM: function () {
var self = this
return self.filter(function (word) {
return !== -1
<script type="text/x-template" id="canvasChart">
<th v-for=" in keywordsData">
<span class="arrow" ></span>
<tr v-for=" in keywordsData">
<td v-for=" in keywordsData"> {{}}</td>
<div id="filterTest">
<canvas-chat keywordsData="keywords" ></canvas-chat>
You have a few issues:
You must register the canvas-chat component first before you use it in the main component (put Vue.component('canvas-chat', ... before new Vue(...)).
Your v-for loops are wrong. They should be like v-for="key in keywordsData", not v-for=" in keywordsData".
The v-fors on the tr and td elements don't make sense; you will have to process the keywordsData first (perhaps in a computed property) to get it into the correct format you want, then loop over that.
You must bind the keywordsData prop in the template like this: :keywords-data="keywords".

Vuejs tags and ajax

i am coding a web page of posts, where I'd like to add a tag system, something like stack overflow.
I have found many useful codes already made like Tag it by: aehlke.
The problem it´s that i want to use almost all the code by
I am at laravel 5.3 framework and vuejs also using jquery.
Coul you please help me with the js to make a "separated by comma" tag that only can use the tags already in Tags table.
i used the example in to make made a searchbox that searches at a vue var and displays it at the bottom, i tought i coul use laravel variables to make the vuejs var and then search, but how could i make that each time a value its clicked on the table at bottom, the text fields updates with a tag inside.
<script type="text/x-template" id="grid-template">
<tr v-for="
entry in data
| filterBy filterKey
| orderBy sortKey sortOrders[sortKey]">
<td v-for="key in columns">
<div id="demo">
<form id="search">
Search <input name="query" v-model="searchQuery">
Vue.component('demo-grid', {
template: '#grid-template',
props: {
data: Array,
columns: Array,
filterKey: String
methods: {
sortBy: function (key) {
this.sortKey = key
this.sortOrders[key] = this.sortOrders[key] * -1
// bootstrap the demo
var demo = new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: {
searchQuery: '',
gridColumns: ['tag'],
gridData: [
{ tag: 'Movies'},
{ tag: 'Tv Shows' },
{ tag: 'Books'},
{ tag: 'Comics' }
This isn't a "code-this-for-me"-site so if you want some help you need to post some code and someone might tell you what's wrong with it.
Anyhow, one of these JS libraries might be of interest to you:

How to click on the table cell for particular text

The following is the DOM details:
<div id: "abc_440"
<table class = "listtable" >
<td id = "someid" >
<td class = 'someclass_item"> This is Text </td>
<td class = 'someclass_button">
< a > Add </a>
I need to click on 'Add' for particular text at "This is Text". I have to use div with ID (abc_440)to locate the corresponding table as there are may divs with this same dom layout. but index at div ID (for example 440) keeps changing to random number. How do I handle it in general ?
Please help.
I think that what you want to do is very similar to the previous Watir question.
Given that the id is randomly generated, it does not sounds like a good way of finding the link. You will likely need to use the text of the same row.
Assuming that the "This is Text" is unique (as you said you want to find the Add link for it), you can find that td, go to the parent row and then get the link. => 'This is Text')
If you need to ensure that the text is in the second column, then you can do:
b.trs.find{ |tr| and => 1).text == 'This is Text'
The is added in case some of your rows do not have any tds (example a header row), which would cause an exception when checking the second criteria.
Don't mix quotes in HTML tags. id: doesn't work. <td>s should rarely be empty. The Add button should be a button, not an <a>nchor element. Buttons only work in <form>s.
<form id="abc_440" action='someURI'> <!-- The handler for the button. -->
<table class="listtable">
<td id = "someid">
<!-- What goes here? -->
<td class='someclass_item'>
This is Text
<td class='someclass_button'>
<button name='add'>Add</button>
You should be able to find the button through its name attribute, add, and through the form's id attribute, abc_440. Who generates the ids?
Once you have the problem of finding the add button solved, and figuring out where the form's id comes from, please then stop using tables for formatting. There's no need for that. Learn about <form>s, <fieldset>s, <legend>s, and <label>s. I doubt you need the *some_id* part, the text part should probably be a <label>, and you can use CSS to format your <label>s as:
label {
width: 150px;
float: left;
fieldset p {
clear: left;

Ckeditor removes table tags

I've upgraded the old ckeditor with the new ckeditor, only I'm struggling with the behaviour of the new one.
It seems that the new one removes my complete table.
For example from this input:
This is a test
he will make this:
<p>This is a test</p>
I need the table, so how can I prevent ckeditor to replace my <table> tags with a <p> tag?
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'Table' ] }
please use the above code as in new versions of ck editor you have to mention tables in toolbar.
When adding table item in config as mentioned in jibran's answer. It gave me an error.
Best thing to do it is to open CKEditor builder given here:
Select table in config and download the editor to use it.
