Pass data from Blade template to Vue component [duplicate] - laravel

This question already has answers here:
Vue template or render function not defined yet I am using neither?
(28 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
This is a new-comer question. I have a Blade template:
<div id="app">
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
appMessage: {{$message}}
And a Vue component
export default {
props: ['componentMessage'],
So the data flow will look like this: $message -> appMessage -> componentMessage
The <example-component> is not working because I haven't imported it properly.
How am I supposed to use Example component inside Blade template? Providing that I'm using Vue CDN and I want to keep the app declaration right on the Blade template for fancy data transformation (with Blade syntaxes) before passing it to component with appMessage in the middle?
I have been searching for documents. Some requires app declaration in resources/js/app.js, but if I follow this way, I can not pass data to app with Blade mustache syntax.
import ExampleComponent from "./components/ExampleComponent.vue";
I have tried adding
<script src="{{mix('js/app.js')}}"></script>
And added components declaration in the instance:
components: {
'example-component': ExampleComponent,
But it is still not working (Invalid Component definition: ExampleComponent). Probably I missed some steps.

Silly me. I do not need to declare components property in the app Vue instance. Just specify the component that you are going to use in resources/js/app.js and that component will be available globally in Blade template.
Watch for syntax differences between Laravel Mix differences tho. It could be the problem (Vue template or render function not defined yet I am using neither?)
import ExampleComponent from './components/ExampleComponent.vue';
Vue.component('example-component', ExampleComponent);


Vue2 + laravel6 - Component implementation

I just started using Vue2 with Laravel6 and got stuck when trying to understand how to use component method.
As I am totally new for Vue, I am using the official tutorial of Vue as a reference. What I learned from here( about Vue component instantiation is we give options to a component.(e.g. we give 'template:' options for HTML part.)
When I look at laravel6 codes of resouces/js/app.js, it looks something like this:
Vue.component('example-component', require('./components/ExampleComponent.vue').default);
I looked at js/components/ExampleComponent.vue expecting to see some options declared there. However, there's no option in the ExampleComponent.vue file. Instead, I see <template></template> tag. Apparently, the <template></template> tag seems to work as 'template:' option.
I have two questions regarding above:
Does <template></template> tag have the same meaning as 'template:' option?
If question 1 is yes, are other options also replacable with corresponding tags? (e.g. Can I use <props></props> tag for 'props:' option? or <data></data> tag for 'data:' option?
Thanks in advance!
In Vue world, there are two popular types of defining a component
First Type
in this type, you add all of your HTML inside the template property
and the props add as attribute inside the component object to
Vue.component('button-counter', {
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
template: '<button v-on:click="count++">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>'
Second Type
in this type you add your component logic in a separate file ends with .vue
for example in laravel there is an ExampleComponent.vue file you will find on
it just template tag just as a wrapper for your component content and your logic you can write it as it mentions below.
// some content here
export default {
props: [],
methods: {
return {
there is no tag called props or data
for more info read this article

Laravel 7 and VueJs Vue Multiselect Noob Question

I am a totally noob at laravel and npm and vuejs things.
I made a new Laravel Project and instead of playing around with jquery I want to learn how to use vuejs.
I ran against a wall today :( trying 2 days to get this Multiselect ( running on my project.
I think I am missing some basics ...
What I've done:
ran on terminal npm install vue-multiselect
created in resources/js/comonents/Multiselect.vue
pasted this code in /Multiselect.vue:
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
components: { Multiselect },
data () {
return {
selected: null,
options: ['list', 'of', 'options']
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
added to my app.js in resources folder:
- import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
- Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue'));
- const app = new Vue({
- el: "#app",
- data: {
- users: '',
- firmas: '',
and in my blade file I used:
So far ... so good
npm run dev and refreshed the page.
index.js:133 [Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
found in
---> <VMultiselect>
so I have two questions is this the correct way to implement external vuejs components inte Laravel ?
and what If it is the right way am I doing wrong - at which points???
Thank you all out there to help me to learn ...
I'm glad you got your code working! To answer your question, it looks like you're using a mix of the external component you're importing and your own custom component which uses that component which may be what is confusing you a little bit.
When you do the following:
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
inside your app.js file, you are importing an external component globally. When you place that import inside of a component, you are importing the external component for use within that component only. In your current code you've posted, you are importing it both globally and within your component.
If you are registering a component globally (within the element id assigned to the vue instance), you can register it like this within your app.js file:
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
Vue.component('multiselect', Multiselect);
Then in your components, you will not have to import it again, but simply use it like this:
<multiselect v-model="selected" :options="options" placeholder="Select one" label="name" track-by="name"></multiselect>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: ['one','two','three'],
You would also be able to use this component in your blade since it is defined within your app.js file.
However with the setup you're using now, your fix of:
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
is not actually registering the external component. You are registering YOUR component.
So to answer your question, yes, you've taken an external component where you can make your custom component and easily add reusable content around it which is perfectly valid use, but you could either remove the extra import of Multiselect in your app.js file, or import the Multiselect external component globally, like I mentioned above.
Found the solution for my problem:
in my app js there was the error!
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
I registered the component wrong :(
So second question is answered :)
But do you guys do it the same way? or I am completly wrong implementing external commponets into laravel?
I don't want to use vueex or vuerouter for now ... I need to learn laravel itself ... afterwards I know how Laravel works I will use vuerouter ... for my projects ...
So sorry for the long text - but needed to explain a little bit more about the situation - thnaks for reading guys!
Thank you very much Sawyer,
I got it, I thought :(
I want to use this multiselect component muptliple times in my page.
So I removed the extra import in my app.js - saw it in phpstorm that it was unused but didn't know why :) - now I know.
What I have so far:
hit me if I am wrong :)
in app.js: (registering my own component)
Vue.component('v-multiselect', require('./components/Multiselect.vue').default);
added Multiselect.vue to my components folder in laravel with this src:
<multiselect v-model="value" :options="options"></multiselect>
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
// register globally
Vue.component('multiselect', Multiselect)
export default {
// OR register locally
components: { Multiselect },
data () {
return {
value: null,
options: ['option1','option2','option3']
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
and in my blade file:
<v-multiselect :options="['one','two','three']" ></v-multiselect>
I get no errors at all from vuejs butit isn't working as it should:
How do I overwrite the options array from my blade file ? As I saw on the documentation "options" is a prop of the component so why am I getting as select the predefined option array ['option1','option2','option3'] and not the array from the blade file:['one','two','three'] am I missing a shortcut or something else?? Thanks a lot for your patience ...
If you can tell me where to read about it - except the docs of vuejs - I think this will help me a lot!

Vue Component not showing text when called from blade.php file

I have a basic vue 2.6.11 component that lives in a laravel 6 application. It lives at resources/js/components. I create a basic component and then in my app.js file I have vue imported and I define my vue component. Then in my app.blade.php I use the vue component but the text within my <template><div>Text here</div></template> does not appear on the screen. The <h1> text appears but not the vue component text. I looked at other posts but the vue versions other questions on here use are 2-3 years too old and don't apply. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
<h1>Test Text</h1>
export default {
mounted() {
console.log('this component has been mounted');
What I am using in my app.blade.php file
<h1>This is a test to see if VUE is working</h1>
app.js snippet
//Bring in VUE and vue draggable
window.Vue = require('vue');
import VueDraggable from 'vuedraggable';
Vue.component('table-draggable', require('./components/TableDraggable'));
In app.js try the following:
window.Vue = require('vue');
import VueDraggable from 'vuedraggable';
import TableDraggable from './components/TableDraggable';
Vue.component('table-draggable', TableDraggable);
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {};
Then in some parent element of where you are using your component, make sure it has an id of app. eg:
<div id="app">
<h1>This is a test to see if VUE is working</h1>
This is a basic example of getting vue working on your site, and not necessarily the best way to be structuring your assets depending on your needs. The biggest considerations about how to structure these are how bulky your assets will become if you include everything in app.js.

Laravel Vuejs pass data from blade to .vue template

I am new in Vuejs. I have the following code and i am getting an error. I am trying to pass a var into vue file.
What do i do wrong? And how can i achieve this?
window.Vue = require('vue');
Vue.component('formlements' ,require('./components/formelements/Input.vue') );
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
<formlements :testinfo="{somekey: 'someinfo'}"></formlements>
Vue file
<div class="container">
Property or method "testinfo" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property
As per my comment, you have not defined props on your component or app. Even though you have bound the variable to the prop using :bind, it is still not accessible to the component.
All you need to do is declare the prop, e.g. props: { testinfo: Object }.

Pass data from blade to vue component

I'm trying to learn vue and with that I want to integrate it with laravel too..
I simply want to send the user id from blade to vue component so I can perform a put request there.
Let's say I have this in blade:
How can I send Auth::user()->id into this component and use it.
I kept searching for this but couldn't find an answer that will make this clear.
To pass down data to your components you can use props. Find more info about props over here. This is also a good source for defining those props.
You can do something like:
<example :userId="{{ Auth::user()->id }}"></example>
<example v-bind:userId="{{ Auth::user()->id }}"></example>
And then in your Example.vue file you have to define your prop. Then you can access it by this.userId.
Like :
export default {
props: ['userId'],
mounted () {
// Do something useful with the data in the template
If you are serving files through Laravel
Then here is the trick that you can apply.
In Your app.blade.php
window.User = {!! auth()->user() !!}
Now you can access User Object which available globally
Hope this helps.
Calling component,
<example :user-id="{{ Auth::user()->id }}"></example>
In component,
export default {
props: ['userId'],
mounted () {
Note - When adding value to prop userId you need to use user-id instead of using camel case.
Rendering JSON
Sometimes you may pass an array to your view with the intention of rendering it as JSON in order to initialize a JavaScript variable. For example:
var app = <?php echo json_encode($array); ?>;
However, instead of manually calling json_encode, you may use the #json Blade directive. The #json directive accepts the same arguments as PHP's json_encode function. By default, the #json directive calls the json_encode function with the JSON_HEX_TAG, JSON_HEX_APOS, JSON_HEX_AMP, and JSON_HEX_QUOT flags:
var app = #json($array);
var app = #json($array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Just to add for those who still get error.
For me this <askquestionmodal :product="{{ $item->title }}"></askquestionmodal> still gives error in console and instead showing html page I saw white screen.
[Vue warn]: Error compiling template:
invalid expression: Unexpected identifier in
Coupling to connect 2 rods М14 CF-10
Raw expression: :product="Coupling to connect 2 rods М14 CF-10"
Though in error I can see that $item->title is replaced with its value.
So then I tried to do like that <askquestionmodal :product="'{{ $item->title }}'"></askquestionmodal>
And I have fully working code.
<div class="modal-body">
<p>{{ product }}</p>
export default {
name: "AskQuestionModal",
props: ['product'],
mounted() {
console.log('AskQuestionModal component mounted.')
