The Heroku Scheduler doesn't let me schedule with free dynos - heroku

All the dyno sizes listed in the dropdown cost money. Is there some way to guarantee that only my free dyno hours will be used? Thanks!

The Heroku Scheduler Add-On is free when you add it to a Dyno which is using the Free plan.
If you use Hobby the type of the One-Off Dyno will be hobby (which is not free).
The same applies to Standard or Performance, see Heroku One-Off Dyno Type
Apps using standard or performance dyno types will use a standard-1x dyno type in the one-off dyno.


Why Doesn't heroku dyno consume with worker?

I use heroku worker for free plan to deploy my twitter bot and I make it work all day, but my dyno doesn't be consumed(I checked Account settings/Billing/Free Dyno Usage).
Please teach me why it is?

Is Heroku's free plan fine for test tasks/pet-projects?

I can't see an email of their support to write to with that problem and as I think there is community of Heroku users here.
Is usage of free Heroku plan legit for deploying test tasks and pet projects e.g. for portfolio?
It is fine to use the Free plan for your personal development, experimenting but potentially production usage if you really want.
When working with free Dyno you have few limitations:
max number of free hours
Dyno goes to sleep after some inactivity time
no metrics
etc.. see Dynos comparison

Difference between app and Dyno on Heroku?

I don't understand what the difference between an app and Dyno is.
I want to use the hobby plan so that I can use an own SSL domain and that the servers stops sleeping.
I have a backend (nodeJS) and a frontend (reactJS).
Heroku says $7/Dyno. Does that mean I have to pay $7 for one app? Or do I pay $7 and can use several apps with it, so that they don't sleep?
An App is a set of one or more different dynos. This latter can be either of the same or different type (e.g. web, workers, ...) and having a different tier (e.g. standard, hobby, performance ...). You can see here the details for your better understanding.
It is possible to execute more instances of the same dyno type (e.g. for high-availability, processing concurrency ...). You can see here and here for details.
You basically pay for the number of dynos you run.

Is it possible to run two applications on one hobby dyno?

I have $161 platform credits on heroku from GitHub student pack to spend for one hobby dyno:
The Heroku offer is for one (1) free Hobby Dyno for two years, which will be applied on your invoice as a discount of $7 for a Hobby Dyno.
I already deployed one spring app and changed its dyno to hobby. My question is if there is a way I could deploy second Java app and set it to use the same dyno which is assigned for the first app?
Right now I have one app which has hobby dyno and one app which uses free dyno. I read on the internet and people say that there is only one app allowed for one dyno and Heroku will charge me for the second one but there is also this thread How many apps are allowed on a 'Hobby' Heroku plan? which says that I can have more than one app per hobby dyno.
So what's the truth?
No, you can't run multiple apps on a single dyno.
Heroku's model is to run one app per dyno (and often many dynos for a single app). The question you reference discussed the Hobby plan¹, asking how many dynos can be run per account. Keep in mind that Heroku's model is different from the shared or VPS hosting you might be used to. Dynos don't provide an OS that you can put apps onto; they run apps directly.
¹Technically I don't think this makes a ton of sense since accounts don't have these kinds of tiers. One account can run free dynos, hobby dynos, and professional dynos. But there is a difference between unverified accounts, which can run up to five free dynos, and verified accounts which can run many more.
According to this article on the heroku page it is possible but not recommended.
Heroku post

How can I roll my own auto-scaling on heroku?

Heroku doesn't offer auto-scaling for anything under the "performance tier" dynos ($250/mo).
Hirefire used to be a gem that you could configure to autoscale dynos, but they realized that their solution could make money so now it's a paid service.
What options are there (including rolling my own) for smaller apps to have intelligent scaling of dynos at no extra cost?
The cheapest solution in term of money, but at the cost of time would be to use Heroku's Platform API. The formation endpoint will let you scale up and down the number of dynos.
Then, you "just" need to gather information on how many dynos you need. For example, with the log-runtime-metrics feature and a log drain, you could listen for the cpu and memory usage on your dynos and scale up/down based on that.
